Working Multithreaded HTTP Server using WiFly module. Currently only supporting GET method.

Dependencies:   WiFlyHTTPServer WiflyInterface mbed-rpc mbed-rtos mbed

RTOS Wifly HTTP Server

This sample application demonstrates how the HTTP Server can be used in a multithreaded (RTOS) Environment. However currently only the GET method is supported.

--- a/HttpServer.cpp	Wed Jun 26 21:13:55 2013 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,477 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "HttpServer.h"
-#define DEBUG
-#include "debug.h"
-#define EVENT_DATA_READY            0x05
-DigitalOut  ledRX(LED4);
-typedef struct {
-    char c;
-} message_t;
-Queue<char, 256>    m_queue;
-typedef struct {
-    const char* method;
-    msg_t   type;
-} methodType_t;
-const methodType_t supportedOps[] = {
-    { "GET", msg_get },
-    { "POST", msg_post },
-    { "PUT", msg_put },
-    { "HEAD", msg_head},
-    { "CONNECT", msg_connect},
-    { "DELETE", msg_delete},
-    { "TRACE", msg_trace},
-    { "OPTIONS", msg_options}
-Queue<request_msg_t, 5>         m_requestQueue;     //  Do not allow more than 5 concurrent requests
-MemoryPool<request_msg_t, 5>    m_requestPool;
-map<string, string>     messageHeaders;
-map<string, HTTPRequestHandler* (*)(const char*, const char*, HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage&), HttpServer::handlersComp>   HttpServer::m_lpHandlers;
-/* Constructor will create and initialize all objects excep the threads */
-HttpServer::HttpServer(PinName tx, PinName rx, PinName rst, PinName tcp_status, const char * ssid, const char * phrase, Security sec, Wifly::WiflyBaudrate_t baud)
-    : Wifly(tx, rx, rst, tcp_status, ssid, phrase, sec, baud), m_listener(NULL), m_worker(NULL)
-    INFO("Initializing wifly\n");
-    //  Initialize the wifly wlan device
-    reset();
-    state.dhcp = true;
-    INFO("Connecting to network...");
-    //  Try join the network
-    while(!join()) {
-        INFO("Failed to connect. Trying again\n");
-        reset();
-    }
-    INFO("connected\n");
-    if (m_listener) {
-        m_listener->terminate();
-        delete m_listener;
-    }
-    if (m_worker) {
-        m_worker->terminate();
-        delete m_worker;
-    }
-bool HttpServer::start(int port)
-    //  Bind to that port
-    if (!bind(port)) {
-        ERR("Failed to bind to port %d\n", port);
-        return false;
-    }
-    //  Start the child threads
-    m_worker = new Thread(HttpServer::worker_thread, NULL, osPriorityAboveNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE*4);
-    if (m_worker == NULL) {
-        ERR("Failed to start server thread !\n");
-        return false;
-    }
-    m_listener = new Thread(&HttpServer::listen_thread, NULL, osPriorityAboveNormal, DEFAULT_STACK_SIZE*2);
-    if (m_listener == NULL) {
-        ERR("Failed to start listener thread !\n");
-        m_worker->terminate();
-        delete m_worker;
-        m_worker = NULL;
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-bool HttpServer::bind(int port)
-    char cmd[20];
-    // set TCP protocol
-    setProtocol(TCP);
-    // set local port
-    sprintf(cmd, "set i l %d\r", port);
-    if (!sendCommand(cmd, "AOK"))
-        return false;
-    // save
-    if (!sendCommand("save\r", "Stor"))
-        return false;
-    // reboot
-    reboot();
-    // connect the network
-    if (isDHCP()) {
-        if (!sendCommand("join\r", "DHCP=ON", NULL, 10000))
-            return false;
-    } else {
-        if (!sendCommand("join\r", "Associated", NULL, 10000))
-            return false;
-    }
-    // exit
-    exit();
-    Thread::wait(200);
-    flush();
-    return true;
-DigitalOut Led2(LED2);
-void HttpServer::handler_rx(void)
-    static char sequence = 0;
-    //read characters
-    while (wifi.readable()) {
-        char c = LPC_UART3->RBR;
-        ledRX = !ledRX;
-        switch(sequence) {
-            case 0 : if (c == 'G') sequence = 1; break;
-            case 1 : if (c == 'E') sequence = 2; break;
-            case 2 : if (c == 'T') sequence = 0; Led2 = !Led2;break;
-            default: break;
-        }
-        m_queue.put((char*)(int)c);
-    }
-void HttpServer::attach_rx(bool callback)
-    if (!callback)
-        wifi.attach(NULL);
-    else
-        wifi.attach(this, &HttpServer::handler_rx);
-bool HttpServer::join()
-    return Wifly::join();
-int HttpServer::send(const char * str, int len, const char * ACK, char * res, int timeout)
-    return Wifly::send(str, len, ACK, res, timeout);
-request_msg_t* HttpServer::checkMessageReceived(char *data)
-    INFO("Checking for new HTTP request !\n");
-    char *req = data;
-    char *uri = NULL;
-    char *ver = NULL;
-    while( *data ) {
-        if (*data == ' ') {
-            *data = 0;
-            if (uri == NULL) {
-                uri = data+1;
-            } else {
-                ver = data+1;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        data++;
-    }
-    INFO("Detected : %s, %s, %s\n", req, uri, ver);
-    if ((req != NULL) && (uri != NULL) && (ver != NULL) ) {
-        for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(supportedOps) / sizeof(methodType_t) ; i++) {
-            if (strcmp(supportedOps[i].method, req) == 0) {
-                //  found the request
-                INFO("Request valid !!!\n");
-                request_msg_t* pmsg = m_requestPool.alloc();
-                pmsg->requestType = supportedOps[i].type;
-                strncpy(pmsg->requestUri, uri, 255);
-                return pmsg;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    INFO("Invalid request \"%s\"\n", req);
-    return NULL;
-void HttpServer::processMessageHeader(char* headerLine, char **fieldname, char **fieldvalue)
-    *fieldname = headerLine;
-    *fieldvalue = NULL;
-    while( *headerLine ) {
-        if (*headerLine == ':') {
-            *headerLine++ = 0;
-            while(*headerLine == ' ') headerLine++;
-            *fieldvalue = headerLine;
-            return;
-        }
-        headerLine++;
-    }
-    return ;
-void HttpServer::listenForRequests()
-    static char data[256];
-    static int curPos = 0;
-    int CRLF = 0;
-    int         m_openConnections = 0;
-    request_msg_t    *pMsg = NULL;
-    INFO("Listener running\n");
-    bool asteriskReceivedOnce = false;
-    while(1) {
-        osEvent evt = m_queue.get();
-        if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
-            char c;
-            c = (char)(int)evt.value.p;
-            if ((c!='\n') && (c!='\r')) {
-                data[curPos++] = c;
-                data[curPos] = 0;
-            }
-            if (pMsg != NULL) {        //  request was detected and will further be processed completely
-                //  check for CRLF
-                if (c == '\n') {
-                    CRLF++;
-                    INFO("<CR>(%d)", CRLF);
-                    if (CRLF == 2) {    //  all message headers received, so send message and be ready for new one
-                        CRLF = 0;
-                        //  SPAWN MESSAGE
-                        INFO("REQUEST COMPLETE --> Handing over to worker thread !\n\n\n\n");
-                        m_requestQueue.put(pMsg);
-                        data[0] = 0;
-                        curPos = 0;
-                        asteriskReceivedOnce = false;
-                        pMsg = NULL;
-                    } else {            //  must be a new header
-//                        char *name, *value;
-//                        INFO("Processing Header !\"%s\"", data);
-/*                        processMessageHeader(data, &name, &value);
-                        if (strncmp(name, "Content-Length", 14 ) == 0) {
-                            //  Data will be sent, be ready to receive
-                        } else {
-                            INFO("HEADER: Name=\"%s\", Value=\"%s\"", name, value);
-                        }
-*/                        data[0] = 0;
-                        curPos = 0;
-                    }
-                } else {
-                    if (c != '\r')
-                        CRLF = 0;
-                        else
-                        INFO("<LF>");
-                }
-            } else if (c == '*') {
-                CRLF = 0;
-                if (asteriskReceivedOnce) {
-                    //  could be an open, close or read command
-                    if (curPos >= 6) {    // only need to process if data is large enough
-                        if ( (data[curPos-6] == '*') && (data[curPos-5] == 'O') && (data[curPos-4] == 'P') && (data[curPos-3] == 'E') && (data[curPos-2] == 'N') && (data[curPos-1] == '*')) {
-                            //  Add a connection
-                            INFO("New connection opened (%d)...\n", ++m_openConnections);
-                            data[0] = 0;
-                            curPos = 0;
-                        } else if ( (data[curPos-6] == '*') && (data[curPos-5] == 'C') && (data[curPos-4] == 'L') && (data[curPos-3] == 'O') && (data[curPos-2] == 'S') && (data[curPos-1] == '*')) {
-                            //  close a connection
-                            INFO("Connection was closed ...(%d)\n", --m_openConnections);
-                            data[0] = 0;
-                            curPos = 0;
-                        }
-                    }
-                    asteriskReceivedOnce = false;
-                } else {        //  set the indicator so that next time we'll check for valid connection commands
-                    asteriskReceivedOnce = true;
-                }
-            } else {      //  first make sure that when no asterisk is received the asteriskReceivedOnce flag will be reset on each newline
-                if (c == '\n') {
-                    if (m_openConnections > 0) {
-                        //  Check to see if we received a valid request
-                        pMsg = checkMessageReceived(data);
-                        if (pMsg == NULL) {
-                            //  not received valid stuff, so discard
-                            INFO("Unrecognised data received : \"%s\"\n", data);
-                        } else {
-                            INFO("New request detected ! : \"%s\"\n", data);
-                        }
-                    } else {
-                        INFO("Unrecognised data detected : \"%s\"\n", data);
-                    }
-                    asteriskReceivedOnce = false;
-                    data[0] = 0;
-                    curPos = 0;
-                    CRLF = 1;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-//        else {
-            Thread::yield();
-//        }
-    }
-void HttpServer::serveRequests()
-    HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage     *myMessage = new HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage;
-    INFO("Server running\n");
-    while(1) {
-        INFO("Listening for new request !");
-        osEvent evt = m_requestQueue.get();
-        if (evt.status == osEventMessage) {
-            request_msg_t* pMsg = (request_msg_t*)evt.value.p;
-            m_worker->set_priority(osPriorityBelowNormal);
-            Thread::yield();
-            switch(pMsg->requestType) {
-                case    msg_get:
-                    INFO("Server received GET message !");
-                    myMessage->request = HTTP_RT_GET;
-                    myMessage->uri = pMsg->requestUri;
-                    HandleRequest(myMessage);
-                    Thread::yield();
-                    break;
-                case    msg_post:
-                case    msg_put:
-                case    msg_head:
-                case    msg_delete:
-                case    msg_trace:
-                case    msg_options:
-                case    msg_connect:
-                default:
-                    break;
-            }
-            m_worker->set_priority(osPriorityNormal);
-  ;
-        }
-        Thread::yield();
-    }
-bool HttpServer::parseRequest(char *request)
-    //  dissect into :   path, file[, [arg, value]1..N ]   as  "/path/file?arg1=val1&arg2=val2...
-    //  first check for questionmark sign to separate the file and path from any arguments
-    char* path = request;
-    char* file = NULL;
-    char* arglist = NULL;
-    char* lastPathSep = NULL;
-    while(*request) {
-        if (*request == '/' )
-            lastPathSep = request;
-        if (*request == '?') {
-            *request++ = 0;
-            arglist = request;
-        }
-    }
-    if (arglist == NULL) {
-        INFO("Request does not have parameters !");
-    }
-    if (lastPathSep == NULL)
-        return false;               //  no path provided !!!!
-    //  now, whatever is provided to the left including the slash is the 'path', the part to the right is the file. caution: the file may be left blank !
-    if (lastPathSep != 0) {
-        //  2 cases to handle :
-        //  1. :      "/blah/" or "/blah/blub/"                 --> path = "/blah/", file = "index.html"
-        //  2. :      "/blah/blub" or "/blah/blub/blubber"      --> path = "/blah/", file = "blub"
-    } else {
-        //  2 cases to handle :
-        //  1. :      "/"       --> path = "/", file = "index.html"
-        //  2. :      "/blah"   --> path = "/", file = "blah"
-    }
-    return true;
-void HttpServer::listen_thread(const void *params)
-    HttpServer* pSvr = (HttpServer*)params;
-    pSvr->listenForRequests();
-void HttpServer::worker_thread(const void * params)
-    HttpServer* pSvr = (HttpServer*)params;
-    pSvr->serveRequests();
-static const char* szStdErrorPage = "<HTML><HEAD><META content=\"text/html\" http-equiv=Content-Type></HEAD><BODY><h1>Error 404</h1><P>This resource is not available<P></BODY></HTML>\r\n\r\n";
-void HttpServer::StdErrorHandler(HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage& msg)
-    char echoHeader[256];
-    sprintf(echoHeader,"HTTP/1.0 404 Fail\r\nConnection: close\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\nServer: mbed embedded\r\n\n\r",strlen(szStdErrorPage));
-    Wifly::getInstance()->sendData(echoHeader, strlen(echoHeader));
-    Wifly::getInstance()->sendData((char*)szStdErrorPage, strlen(szStdErrorPage));
-void HttpServer::HandleRequest(HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage* pmsg)
-    static std::string localPath;
-    static std::map<std::string, HTTPRequestHandler*(*)(const char*, const char*, HTTPConnection::HTTPMessage&), handlersComp>::const_iterator it;
-    INFO("Trying to handle request");
-    //  Iterate through registered handlers and check if the handler's path is a subset of the requested uri.
-    for (it = m_lpHandlers.begin() ; it != m_lpHandlers.end() ; it++) {
-        //  check if this entries' path is fully contained at the beginning of the requested path
-        std::string curpth = it->first;
-        if (pmsg->uri.find(curpth) == 0) {
-            // firts matching handler found, we just take it and we'll be happy
-            localPath = pmsg->uri.substr(curpth.length());
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    if (it == m_lpHandlers.end()) {
-        //  There is no such handler, so return invalid
-        INFO("Webrequest left unhandled.");
-        m_pErrorHandler(*pmsg);
-    } else {
-        //  Valid handler was found
-        INFO("Routing webrequest !");
-        //  Instantiate the handler object (handling will be done from withing the object's constructor
-        HTTPRequestHandler *phdl = (*it->second)(it->first.c_str(), localPath.c_str(), *pmsg);
-        //  now we can delete the object, because handling is completed.
-        if (phdl != NULL)
-            delete phdl;
-    }