Single instance HTTP Server using new Ethernet Interface.

Dependents:   EthHTTPServer if201410_section5 _PE2E_12-04_EthernetInterfaceServer MGAS_GR_Peach ... more

Fork of WiFlyHTTPServer by Henry Leinen

Desciprtion of the library


This is an HTTPServer library using the new MBED EthernetInterface library. It allows you to :

  • serve files from any file System
  • use Remote procedure calls
  • extend the HTTPServer functionality according to your needs, using the provided handler classes or writing new classes. The following sections will give you a brief overview of how to use the library.

Usage description

You can use the library as file server, as RPC server or a combination of both. You can even define your own behaviour by deriving from one of the classes provided.

Use as file server

You may want to look at my sample application which allows you to serve files from the internal local storage of the mbed with no modifcation of the code :

Very simple example application

#include "mbed.h"
#include "HTTPServer.h"
#include "FsHandler.h"
#include "LocalFileSystem.h"

//  Use LED1 to indicate that the main loop is still executing
DigitalOut myled(LED1);
//  Use the serial connection 'pc' to dump debug information
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, "pc");
//  Instantiate a HTTPServer to handle incoming requests
HTTPServer  svr;
//  Instantiate a local file system handler named 'local' which will be used later to access files on the mbed.
LocalFileSystem local("local");

int main() {

    HTTPFsRequestHandler::mount("/local/", "/");

    if (!svr.start()) {
       error("Server not starting !");
    while(1) {
        myled = 1;
        myled = 0;

Another alternative is to provide the EthernetInterface library to the HTTPServer library. This may be useful in case you need to perform other tasks with your internet connection. In this case it is necessary that you initialize the EthernetInterface and perform the connection prior to calling the start() method. Here is the example :

Sample application with re-use of existing EthernetInterface object

#include "mbed.h"
#include "HTTPServer.h"
#include "FsHandler.h"
#include "LocalFileSystem.h"
#include "EthernetInterface.h"

//  Use LED1 to indicate that the main loop is still executing
DigitalOut myled(LED1);
//  Use the serial connection 'pc' to dump debug information
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, "pc");
//  Instantiate a HTTPServer to handle incoming requests
HTTPServer  svr;
//  Instantiate a local file system handler named 'local' which will be used later to access files on the mbed.
LocalFileSystem local("local");
//  Create the EthernetInterface. This is optional, please see the documentation of HTTP Server's start method.
EthernetInterface eth;

int main() {

    HTTPFsRequestHandler::mount("/local/", "/");

    //  Initialize the EthernetInterface and initiate a connection using DHCP.

    // ***
    // TODO: Perform other Tasks using the ethernet connection here.
    // ****
    // Now start the server on port 80.
    if (!svr.start(80, &eth)) {
        error("Server not starting !");
    // The whole server activity is performed in this Loop. You can also put it into a separate RTOS Task and let it run there all the time.
    while(1) {
        myled = 1;
        myled = 0;

Use as remote procedure call (RPC) server

To access objects or resources via HTTP you can make use of the RPC functionality. Each object that shall be accessible via HTTP needs to be registered before use. Here is an example which Registers the DigitalOut class for use over RPC :

RPC usage over HTTPServer

#include "mbed.h"
#include "HTTPServer.h"
#include "RpcHandler.h"
#include "mbed_rpc.h"

//  Use LED1 to indicate that the main loop is still executing
DigitalOut myled(LED1);
//  Use the serial connection 'pc' to dump debug information
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX, "pc");
//  Instantiate a HTTPServer to handle incoming requests
HTTPServer  svr;

int main() {

    if (!svr.start()) {
        error("Server not starting !");
    while(1) {
        myled = 1;
        myled = 0;

And using the above code, enter the following in the address field of your browser :

http://<your_mbed_ip>/RPC/DigitalOut/new LED4 myled4 - - > to create a new object of type DigitalOut on pin LED4 which can be referred to as 'myled4'.


http://<your_mbed_ip>/RPC/myled4/write 1 - - > to switch on the LED4.

Of course it is possible to Register your own objects with the standard MBED RPC functionality.

All the above Scenarios are implemented in a sample application, which will allow you to try out the functionality with basically no changes. If you want to try out the HTTP file Server, it is of course helpful to upload an html file to your MBED local storage.

Here is the sample application :

Import programEthHTTPServer

Working sample implementation for the EthernetInterface HTTPServer.

Future plans

Currently I am not considering to further extend this library. However, if someone needs extensions to this library, I will consider implementing them. Of course I will be taking care of bugfixes.

Known issues

Please note that the current implementation of the EthernetInterface seems to have an issue which results in unresponsive behaviour of the Sockets in some situations. This odd behaviour has not only been reported on my HTTPServer but also on other components using the EthernetInterface library.



File content as of revision 11:3943841e1798:

/* HTTPConnection.cpp */

#include "mbed.h"
#include "HTTPConnection.h"

#define _DEBUG 0

#include <vector>
using std::vector;

using std::string;

#if (_DEBUG && !defined(TARGET_LPC11U24))
#define INFO(x, ...) std::printf("[HttpConnection : INFO]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define WARN(x, ...) std::printf("[HttpConnection : WARN]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define ERR(x, ...) std::printf("[HttpConnection : ERR]"x"\r\n", ##__VA_ARGS__);
#define INFO(x, ...)
#define WARN(x, ...)
#define ERR(x, ...)

const struct HTTPRequestConfig {
    const char* request_string;
    HTTPRequestType request_type;
} g_requestConfig[] = {
    { "GET",    HTTP_RT_GET },
    { "POST",   HTTP_RT_POST},
    { "PUT",    HTTP_RT_PUT},
    { "HEAD",   HTTP_RT_HEAD},



void HTTPConnection::close()

int HTTPConnection::poll()
    static char buffer[256] = {};

    int rcvd= 0;
    INFO("Waiting for new data in connection");
    //  Try receiving request line
    rcvd = receiveLine(buffer, 255, 3000); 
    if (rcvd == -1) {
        //  there was an error, probably the connection was closed, so close this connection as well
        INFO("No more data available. Will close this connection now.");
        return -1;

    //  The Request has not yet been received so try it
    rcvd = parse(buffer);
    if (rcvd == -1) {
        //  Invalid content received, so close the connection
        INFO("Invalid message received, so sending negative response and closing connection !");
        sprintf(buffer,"HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest\n\rContent-Length: %d\n\rContent-Type: text\n\r\n\r\n\r",0);
        m_Tcp.set_blocking(true, 1500);
        rcvd = -1;
        return -1;
    //  The request has been received, try receive the body
    while(rcvd > 0) {
        rcvd = receiveLine((char*)buffer, 255, 3000); 
        //  First check if we received an empty line. This would indicate the end of the message or message body.
        if (rcvd < 0) {
            //  there was an empty line, so we can start with performing the request
            INFO("Request Header was received completely. Performing request.");
            rcvd = 0;
        else {
            //  add message body
            if (parseHeader(buffer) == 0) {
            else {
                WARN("Invalid message header received !");
    INFO("Leaving poll function!");
    return rcvd;

int HTTPConnection::receiveLine(char* szLine, int nMaxLen, int nTimeout, char cLineTerm)
    if ((szLine == NULL) || (nMaxLen == 0))
        return -1;
    Timer tm;
    int i;
    //  Try to receive up to the max number of characters
    for (i = 0 ; i < nMaxLen-1 ; i++) {
        int c;
        c = m_Tcp.receive( szLine + i, 1 );
        //  Check that - if no character was currently received - the timeout period is reached.
        if ((c == 0) || (c==-1)) {
            //  no character was read, so check if operation timed out
            if (tm.read_ms() > nTimeout) {
                //  Operation timed out
                INFO("Timeout occured in function 'receiveLine'.");
                return -1;
        //  Check if line terminating character was received
        if (szLine[i] == cLineTerm)
    //  Terminate with \0
    szLine[i] = 0;

    //  Trim for '\r' linefeed at the end
    if( (i >0) && (szLine[i-1] == '\r')) {
        szLine[i] = 0;
    INFO("receiveLine : \"%s\".", szLine);
    //  return number of characters received in the line or return -2 if an empty line was received
    if ((i == 0) || ((i==1) &&(szLine[0] == '\r')))
        //  empty line received, so return -2
        return -2;
    return i;    

int HTTPConnection::parse(char* buffer)
    //  Check if buffer is invalid or its content not long enough.
    if ((buffer == NULL) || (strlen(buffer) < 4)) {
        ERR("Buffer content is invalid or too short.");
        return -1;
    std::vector<std::string> args;
    int argno = 0;
    //  decompose string into a list of arguments
    char s = 0; // current starting char
    int nLen = strlen(buffer)+1;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < nLen ; i++) {
        if ((buffer[i] == ' ') || (buffer[i] == '\n') || (buffer[i] == 0)) {
            // new arg found
            buffer[i] = 0;
            if (argno++ == 1) {
                //  its the uri
                // parse the uri args
                parseUriArgs(&buffer[s], m_Msg.args);
            INFO("Found argument \"%s\"", &buffer[s]);
            s = i+1;
    // store the uri and the HTTP version
    m_Msg.uri = args[1];
    m_Msg.version = args[2];    
    //  Find matching request type
    for (int i = 0 ; i < sizeof(g_requestConfig)/sizeof(struct HTTPRequestConfig) ; i++) {
        if ( == g_requestConfig[i].request_string) {
            m_Msg.request = g_requestConfig[i].request_type;
    return 1;

int HTTPConnection::parseHeader(char *buffer)
    //  Check if the buffer is invalid or if the content is too short to be meaningful
    if ((strlen(buffer) <3) || (buffer == NULL))
        return -1;
    //  decompose string into a touple of <field name> : <field value>
    int value_start = 0;
    int buflen = strlen(buffer)+1;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < buflen ; i++) {
        if (buffer[i] == ':') {
            //  touple found
            buffer[i] = 0;
            value_start = i+1;    
            m_Msg.headers[buffer] = &buffer[value_start];
            INFO("Header name=\"%s\" : value=\"%s\".", buffer, &buffer[value_start]);            
            return 0;
    ERR("Did not recieve a valid header : \"%s\".", buffer);
    return -1;

int HTTPConnection::parseUriArgs(char *buffer, map<string,string>&args)
    // Check if the buffer is invalid or if the content is too short to be meaningful
    if ((strlen(buffer) <3) || (buffer == NULL))
        return -1;
    int args_start = -1;
    int value_start = -1;
    int buflen = strlen(buffer) +1;
    const char* argname = NULL;
    const char* valuename = NULL;
    for (int i = 0; i < buflen ; i++) {
        if (args_start == -1) {  // args section not yet found
            if (buffer[i] == '?') {  // starts with a question mark, so got it
                buffer[i] = 0;
                args_start = i; //  set the start of the args section
                INFO("Argument section found !");
        else {                  // search arg-value touples
            if (argname == NULL) {    //  arg-name found ?
                if (buffer[i] == '=') {
                    //  yes, separate the arg-name
                    buffer[i] = 0;
                    argname = &buffer[args_start];
                    value_start = i+1;
                    INFO("Argument name %s", argname);
            else { // search for end of value
                if ((buffer[i] == '&') || (buffer[i] == 0) || (buffer[i] == '\r') || (buffer[i] == '\n')) {
                    buffer[i] = 0;
                    valuename = &buffer[value_start];
                    INFO("Argument value %s", valuename);
                    args[argname] = valuename;
                    //  reset all indicators
                    argname = NULL;
                    valuename = NULL;
    return 0;