display your latest tweet with WiFly RN-XV and AD128160-UART

Dependencies:   AD128160_kazushi_branch HTTPClient mbed PowerControl WiflyInterface

Fork of FontTest3 by Sim mbed

/media/uploads/kazushi2008/_scaled_twittermbed_scene.jpg /media/uploads/kazushi2008/_scaled_twittermbed.jpg

Please see at http://kazushi-lab.c.fun.ac.jp/pukiwiki/index.php?TwitterMbed

--- a/main.cpp	Mon Feb 25 03:26:07 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Apr 28 10:05:28 2013 +0000
@@ -1,42 +1,43 @@
-// Twitter Mbed with Gain Span WiFi
+// Twitter Mbed with WiFly RN-XV
 // coded by Kazushi Mukaiyama (http://www.kazushi.info/)
-// refer to gs fan's notebook (http://mbed.org/users/gsfan/notebook/gainspan_wifi/)
+// refer to cookbook of WiFly(https://mbed.org/cookbook/wifly)
 // refer to GingaX's notebook (http://www31.atwiki.jp/gingax/pages/63.html)
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "PowerControl/PowerControl.h"
 #include "PowerControl/EthernetPowerControl.h"
-#include "GSwifi.h"
+#include "WiflyInterface.h"
+#include "HTTPClient.h"
 #include "sjis_utf16.h"
 #include "s_Lcd.h"
 #define countof(x) ( sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]) )
-#define SSID "WIFISSID"
-#define PASS "abcdef1234"
+#define SSID "your_ssid"
+#define PASS "your_pass"
-#define HTTP_HOST "api.supertweet.net" // SuperTweet.net
-//#define HTTP_URI "/1.1/statuses/show.json?id=281639966776369152"
-#define HTTP_URI "/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=pla3c&count=1"
-#define HTTP_USER "user"
-#define HTTP_PASS "pass"
-#define INTERVAL_SEC 60.0
+#define HTTP_URI "http://api.supertweet.net/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=pla3c&count=1"
+#define HTTP_USER "your_id"
+#define HTTP_PASS "your_pass"
+#define INTERVAL_SEC 90.0
 //#define _DEBUG
-GSwifi gs(p13, p14); // TX, RX (no flow control)
+WiflyInterface wifly(p13, p14, p15, p16, SSID, PASS, WPA); // TX, RX, reset, connection_status
+HTTPClient http;
 DigitalOut led1(LED1), led2(LED2);
 #ifdef _DEBUG
     Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+char buf[512];
 unsigned char kstatus = 0;
 bool estate = false;
 unsigned char unibuf[4];
 unsigned char codes[512];
-bool emergency = false;
 unsigned short convert(unsigned short utf){
     unsigned short sjis = NULL; 
@@ -49,11 +50,11 @@
     return sjis;
-void parseCode(const unsigned char* s){
+bool parseCode(const unsigned char* s){
     unsigned int i = 0;
     unsigned char c;
-    emergency = false;
+    bool em = false;
     while((c = *s++) != '\0') {
         if(estate && kstatus==4){ // 1st digit of utf-16
             unibuf[3] = c;
@@ -63,7 +64,7 @@
             codes[i] = code & 0xFF;
-            if(code==0x8149) emergency = true;
+            if(code==0x8149) em = true;
     #ifdef _DEBUG
             pc.printf("%s, %x\r\n", unibuf, code);
@@ -89,11 +90,13 @@
         } else { // 4x8font
             codes[i] = c;
-            if(c=='!') emergency = true;
+            if(c=='!') em = true;
     codes[i]= '\0';
+    return em;
 void drawString(const unsigned char *s){
@@ -102,55 +105,28 @@
 int connect(){
-    IpAddr ipaddr, netmask, gateway, nameserver;
-    //gs.command("AT&F", GSRES_NORMAL);
+    char localip[20];
-    if (gs.connect(SECURE, SSID, PASS, 1, 5)) {
-        drawString("WiFi connection error"); newline();
-#ifdef _DEBUG
-        pc.printf("WiFi connection error\r\n");
-        return -1;
-    }
+    wifly.init(); //Use DHCP
+    while (!wifly.connect());
-    gs.getAddress(ipaddr, netmask, gateway, nameserver);
-    if(nameserver.isNull()) {
-        nameserver = IpAddr(192,168,1,1);
-        gs.setAddress(ipaddr, netmask, gateway, nameserver);
-        gs.getAddress(ipaddr, netmask, gateway, nameserver);
-    }
 #ifdef _DEBUG
-    pc.printf("ip %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", ipaddr[0], ipaddr[1], ipaddr[2], ipaddr[3]);
-    pc.printf("gw %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", gateway[0], gateway[1], gateway[2], gateway[3]);
-    pc.printf("ns %d.%d.%d.%d\r\n", nameserver[0], nameserver[1], nameserver[2], nameserver[3]);
+    pc.printf("ip %s\r\n", wifly.getIPAddress());
-    char localip[20];
-    sprintf(localip, "ip %d.%d.%d.%d", ipaddr[0], ipaddr[1], ipaddr[2], ipaddr[3]);
-    drawString((unsigned char*)localip); newline();
-    sprintf(localip, "gw %d.%d.%d.%d", gateway[0], gateway[1], gateway[2], gateway[3]);
+    sprintf(localip, "ip %s", wifly.getIPAddress());
     drawString((unsigned char*)localip); newline();
-    sprintf(localip, "ns %d.%d.%d.%d", nameserver[0], nameserver[1], nameserver[2], nameserver[3]);
-    drawString((unsigned char*)localip); newline();
-    delete [] localip;
     return 0;
-void onGsReceive (int cid, int len) {
-    int i;
-    char buf[GS_DATA_SIZE + 1];
+void parseBuffer () {
     led2 = 1;
-    i = gs.recv(cid, buf, len);
-    buf[i] = 0;
     // parse buffer    
-    char* c = strtok(buf, "\r\n");
-    if(strcmp(c, "200 OK")==0){
-        while(c!=NULL){
-            c = strtok(NULL, "\"");
+    char* c = strtok(buf, "\"");
+         while(c!=NULL){
+            char* c = strtok(NULL, "\"");
             char key[4];
             sprintf(key, "%.4s", c);
             if(strcmp(key, "text")==0){
@@ -159,35 +135,29 @@
 #ifdef _DEBUG
                 pc.printf("%s\r\n", c);
-                //c = strtok(c, "@");
-                parseCode((unsigned char*)c);
+                bool emergency = parseCode((unsigned char*)c);
                 if(emergency) color(0xf800); else color(0x001f);
                 drawString(codes); newline();
-                //c = strtok(NULL, "@");
-                //drawString((unsigned char*)c); newline();
+                if(emergency) bmp(0,80,1); else bmp(0,80,0); // comment out if you don't use on-memory images
-    }
     led2 = 0;
-    delete [] buf;
 int main() {
     int r;
     char* msg;
-    Host host;
     led1 = 0;
-    gs.setBaud(115200);
 #ifdef _DEBUG
-    pc.baud(115200);
+    pc.baud(9600);
@@ -203,27 +173,45 @@
+    wait_ms(1000);
     msg = "start twitter";
     drawString((unsigned char*)msg); newline();
+    http.basicAuth(HTTP_USER, HTTP_PASS);
+    wait_ms(1000);
-    host.setName(HTTP_HOST);
     while(1) {
         led1 = !led1; wait_ms(500); led1 = !led1; // blink
-        r = gs.httpGet(host, HTTP_URI, HTTP_USER, HTTP_PASS, 0, &onGsReceive);
-        gs.poll();       
-        if (!gs.isConnected(r)) {
+        int ret = http.get(HTTP_URI, buf, 351); // out put only 40 zenkaku characters
+        if(!ret){
+            parseBuffer();
+        }else{
+            sprintf((char*)codes, "Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
-            msg = "reconnect";
-            drawString((unsigned char*)msg); newline();
-            wait_ms(5);
-            r = gs.disconnect();
-            r = connect();
+            color(0xffff);
+            drawString(codes); newline();
+            if(ret==8){
+                drawString("disconnect..."); newline();
+                wifly.disconnect();
+                wifly.init();
+                drawString("reconnect..."); newline();
+                while (!wifly.connect());
+                drawString("done"); newline();
+            }
+#ifdef _DEBUG
+        if(!ret){
+            pc.printf("Page fetched successfully - read %d characters\r\n", strlen(buf));
+            pc.printf("Result: %s\r\n", buf);
+        }else{
+            pc.printf("Error - ret = %d - HTTP return code = %d\r\n", ret, http.getHTTPResponseCode());
+        }