mbed library sources

Dependents:   Freedman_v2 Nucleo_i2c_OLED_BME280_copy

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/targets/cmsis/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_K20XX/TARGET_K20D50M/TOOLCHAIN_IAR/startup_MK20D5.S	Wed Jul 01 08:15:11 2015 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright 2010 IAR Systems. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * $Revision: 16 $
+ *
+ **************************************************/
+; The modules in this file are included in the libraries, and may be replaced
+; by any user-defined modules that define the PUBLIC symbol _program_start or
+; a user defined start symbol.
+; To override the cstartup defined in the library, simply add your modified
+; version to the workbench project.
+; The vector table is normally located at address 0.
+; When debugging in RAM, it can be located in RAM, aligned to at least 2^6.
+; The name "__vector_table" has special meaning for C-SPY:
+; it is where the SP start value is found, and the NVIC vector
+; table register (VTOR) is initialized to this address if != 0.
+; Cortex-M version
+        MODULE  ?cstartup
+        ;; Forward declaration of sections.
+        SECTION .intvec:CODE:ROOT(2)
+        EXTERN  __iar_program_start
+        EXTERN  SystemInit
+        PUBLIC  __vector_table
+        DATA
+        DCD     sfe(CSTACK)               ; Top of Stack
+        DCD     Reset_Handler       ; Reset Handler
+        DCD     NMI_Handler               ; NMI Handler
+        DCD     HardFault_Handler         ; Hard Fault Handler
+        DCD     MemManage_Handler         ; MPU Fault Handler
+        DCD     BusFault_Handler          ; Bus Fault Handler
+        DCD     UsageFault_Handler        ; Usage Fault Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     SVC_Handler               ; SVCall Handler
+        DCD     DebugMon_Handler          ; Debug Monitor Handler
+        DCD     0                         ; Reserved
+        DCD     PendSV_Handler            ; PendSV Handler
+        DCD     SysTick_Handler           ; SysTick Handler
+        ; External Interrupts
+        DCD     DMA0_IRQHandler           ; 0:  DMA Channel 0 transfer complete
+        DCD     DMA1_IRQHandler           ; 1:  DMA Channel 1 transfer complete
+        DCD     DMA2_IRQHandler           ; 2:  DMA Channel 2 transfer complete
+        DCD     DMA3_IRQHandler           ; 3:  DMA Channel 3 transfer complete
+        DCD     DMA_ERR_IRQHandler        ; 4:  DMA Error Interrupt Channels 0-15
+        DCD     0                         ; 5:  Reserved
+        DCD     FLASH_CC_IRQHandler       ; 6:  Flash memory command complete
+        DCD     FLASH_RC_IRQHandler       ; 7:  Flash memory read collision
+        DCD     VLD_IRQHandler            ; 8:  Low Voltage Detect, Low Voltage Warning
+        DCD     LLWU_IRQHandler           ; 9:  Low Leakage Wakeup
+        DCD     WDOG_IRQHandler           ;10:  WDOG interrupt
+        DCD     I2C0_IRQHandler           ;11:  I2C0 interrupt
+        DCD     SPI0_IRQHandler           ;12:  SPI 0 interrupt
+        DCD     I2S0_IRQHandler           ;13:  I2S 0 interrupt
+        DCD     I2S1_IRQHandler           ;14:  I2S 1 interrupt
+        DCD     UART0_LON_IRQHandler      ;15:  UART 0 LON intertrupt
+        DCD     UART0_IRQHandler          ;16:  UART 0 intertrupt
+        DCD     UART0_ERR_IRQHandler      ;17:  UART 0 error intertrupt
+        DCD     UART1_IRQHandler          ;18:  UART 1 intertrupt
+        DCD     UART1_ERR_IRQHandler      ;19:  UART 1 error intertrupt
+        DCD     UART2_IRQHandler          ;20:  UART 2 intertrupt
+        DCD     UART2_ERR_IRQHandler      ;21:  UART 2 error intertrupt
+        DCD     ADC0_IRQHandler           ;22:  ADC 0 interrupt
+        DCD     CMP0_IRQHandler           ;23:  CMP 0 High-speed comparator interrupt
+        DCD     CMP1_IRQHandler           ;24:  CMP 1 interrupt
+        DCD     FTM0_IRQHandler           ;25:  FTM 0 interrupt
+        DCD     FTM1_IRQHandler           ;26:  FTM 1 interrupt
+        DCD     CMT_IRQHandler            ;27:  CMT intrrupt
+        DCD     RTC_ALRM_IRQHandler       ;28:  RTC Alarm interrupt
+        DCD     RTC_SEC_IRQHandler        ;29:  RTC Sec interrupt
+        DCD     PIT0_IRQHandler           ;30:  PIT 0 interrupt
+        DCD     PIT1_IRQHandler           ;31:  PIT 1 interrupt
+        DCD     PIT2_IRQHandler           ;32:  PIT 2 interrupt
+        DCD     PIT3_IRQHandler           ;33:  PIT 3 interrupt
+        DCD     PDB_IRQHandler            ;34:  PDB interrupt
+        DCD     USB_OTG_IRQHandler        ;35:  USB OTG interrupt
+        DCD     USB_CD_IRQHandler         ;36:  USB Charger Detect interrupt
+        DCD     TSI_IRQHandler            ;37:  TSI interrupt
+        DCD     MCG_IRQHandler            ;38:  MCG interrupt
+        DCD     LPT_IRQHandler            ;39:  LPT interrupt
+        DCD     PORTA_IRQHandler          ;40:  PORT A interrupt
+        DCD     PORTB_IRQHandler          ;41:  PORT B interrupt
+        DCD     PORTC_IRQHandler          ;42:  PORT C interrupt
+        DCD     PORTD_IRQHandler          ;43:  PORT D interrupt
+        DCD     PORTE_IRQHandler          ;44:  PORT E interrupt
+        DCD     SW_IRQHandler          		;45:  Software initiated interrupt
+;;Flash Configuration
+;;16-byte flash configuration field that stores default protection settings (loaded on reset)
+;;and security information that allows the MCU to restrict acces to the FTFL module.
+BackDoorK0      EQU     0xFF
+BackDoorK1      EQU     0xFF
+BackDoorK2      EQU     0xFF
+BackDoorK3      EQU     0xFF
+BackDoorK4      EQU     0xFF
+BackDoorK5      EQU     0xFF
+BackDoorK6      EQU     0xFF
+BackDoorK7      EQU     0xFF
+nFPROT0         EQU     0x00
+FPROT0          EQU     nFPROT0^0xFF
+nFPROT1         EQU     0x00
+FPROT1          EQU     nFPROT1^0xFF
+nFPROT2         EQU     0x00
+FPROT2          EQU     nFPROT2^0xFF
+nFPROT3         EQU     0x00
+FPROT3          EQU     nFPROT3^0xFF
+nFEPROT         EQU     0x00
+FEPROT          EQU     nFEPROT^0xFF
+nFDPROT         EQU     0x00
+FDPROT          EQU     nFDPROT^0xFF
+FOPT            EQU     0xFF        
+FSEC            EQU     0xFE        
+        SECTION FlashConfig:CONST:REORDER:ROOT(2)
+        DATA
+        DCB     BackDoorK0, BackDoorK1, BackDoorK2, BackDoorK3
+        DCB     BackDoorK4, BackDoorK5, BackDoorK6, BackDoorK7
+        DCB     FPROT0,     FPROT1,     FPROT2,     FPROT3
+        DCB     FSEC,       FOPT,       FEPROT,     FDPROT
+;; Default interrupt handlers.
+        THUMB
+        PUBWEAK Reset_Handler
+        LDR     R0, =SystemInit
+        BLX     R0
+        LDR     R0, =__iar_program_start
+        BX      R0
+      PUBWEAK NMI_Handler
+      PUBWEAK HardFault_Handler
+      PUBWEAK MemManage_Handler
+      PUBWEAK BusFault_Handler
+      PUBWEAK UsageFault_Handler
+      PUBWEAK SVC_Handler
+      PUBWEAK DebugMon_Handler
+      PUBWEAK PendSV_Handler
+      PUBWEAK SysTick_Handler
+      PUBWEAK DMA0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK DMA1_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK DMA2_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK DMA3_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK DMA_ERR_IRQHandler        
+      PUBWEAK FLASH_CC_IRQHandler       
+      PUBWEAK FLASH_RC_IRQHandler       
+      PUBWEAK VLD_IRQHandler            
+      PUBWEAK LLWU_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK WDOG_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK I2C0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK SPI0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK I2S0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK I2S1_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK UART0_LON_IRQHandler      
+      PUBWEAK UART0_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK UART0_ERR_IRQHandler      
+      PUBWEAK UART1_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK UART1_ERR_IRQHandler      
+      PUBWEAK UART2_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK UART2_ERR_IRQHandler      
+      PUBWEAK ADC0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK CMP0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK CMP1_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK FTM0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK FTM1_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK CMT_IRQHandler            
+      PUBWEAK RTC_ALRM_IRQHandler       
+      PUBWEAK RTC_SEC_IRQHandler        
+      PUBWEAK PIT0_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK PIT1_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK PIT2_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK PIT3_IRQHandler           
+      PUBWEAK PDB_IRQHandler            
+      PUBWEAK USB_OTG_IRQHandler        
+      PUBWEAK USB_CD_IRQHandler         
+      PUBWEAK TSI_IRQHandler            
+      PUBWEAK MCG_IRQHandler            
+      PUBWEAK LPT_IRQHandler            
+      PUBWEAK PORTA_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK PORTB_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK PORTC_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK PORTD_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK PORTE_IRQHandler          
+      PUBWEAK SW_IRQHandler          		
+      THUMB
+        B Default_Handler
+        END