Lizzy project

Dependencies:   aconno_I2C Lis2dh12 adc52832_common aconno_SEGGER_RTT


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
29:b021b33cf666 2019-01-31 jurica238814 Scaling factor hardcoded for acnSENSA format master tip
28:0cc8a58195cb 2019-01-31 dbartolovic Fixed few compile errors master
27:724dc5ed4883 2018-09-20 dbartolovic Turned led off master
26:6101bb09f70d 2018-09-20 dbartolovic Added vodafone compatibility, it can be enabled or disabled with a macro master
25:d021d86568e5 2018-09-20 dbartolovic Made some new logic master
24:7539258b015c 2018-09-20 dbartolovic Not a branch to be ignored, added proj_config, changed logic. testing-ignore
23:bf9c1dd2b5cb 2018-09-17 dbartolovic Testing, ignore this branch testing-ignore
22:7dae8496b97c 2018-09-13 jurica238814 LAUT example program SimpleGATTExample
21:35fbf630a24a 2018-09-13 jurica238814 Ignore this branch SimpleExample
20:ecb479051bef 2018-09-13 jurica238814 Work in progress default
19:2681edc2f2b9 2018-09-13 jurica238814 Work in progress mbedOsUpdate
18:d1f73bb9275a 2018-09-12 jurica238814 After merge
17:9b77bef508eb 2018-09-12 jurica238814 Added aconnoSeggerRtt lib SeggerRTTFix
16:482d8f81d6f3 2018-08-29 dbartolovic Debuged wake on shake. If consumption in sleep is half mA make sure mbed-os version is 5.8 axis_normal
15:c0c01188a29b 2018-08-29 dbartolovic Brought consumption to 500uA axis_normal
14:65734075c8d3 2018-08-29 dbartolovic Switched to low power axis_normal
13:2e964fa2a632 2018-04-20 dbartolovic Normal axis axis_normal
12:9d991deddd03 2018-04-20 dbartolovic x=-y, y=x, z=z axis_change
11:4dc690157508 2018-04-20 dbartolovic x=x, y=y, z=z
10:3c1e5bf6a00b 2018-03-21 dbartolovic Minor tweaks
9:aef8bb3d13ed 2018-03-21 dbartolovic Corrected scaling factor.
8:7ba4f82de9b6 2018-03-20 dbartolovic Added lizzy service.
7:ac8277568115 2018-03-14 dbartolovic Added small LED and buzzer test.
6:55607d577a42 2018-03-13 dbartolovic Added simple test of leds and buzzer.
5:9903738f2587 2018-03-09 dbartolovic Set acc mode to high resolution
4:49b1aeca55e4 2018-03-09 dbartolovic Changed full scale to 2g
3:38eadab20283 2018-03-09 dbartolovic Changed full scale to 2g
2:41a1cdac47a7 2018-03-08 jurica238814 Multiplication factor added.
1:198b9945994e 2018-03-07 dbartolovic Made some adjustments.
0:fc77522f4d28 2018-03-07 jurica238814 Init commit.