API for communicating with XBee devices.

Dependencies:   CircularBuffer FixedLengthList

Dependents:   XBeeApiTest XBeeApiSimpleATCmdsExample XBeeApiBroadcastExample XBeeApiBroadcastExampleRTOS ... more

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for XBeeApi


XBeeApiCmdAt Class to access the configuration interface of the XBee
XBeeApiCmdAtBlocking Class to access the configuration interface of the XBee
XBeeApiFrame Class which represents an API frame, exchanged with the XBee
XBeeApiFrameDecoder Class which acts as a receiver for data from the XBee and takes care of decoding it
XBeeApiRxFrame Class to represent a frame of data being received by the XBee
XBeeApiRxFrameCircularBuffer Class to deal with decoding of an RX'd data frame
XBeeApiRxFrameDecoder Class to deal with decoding of an RX'd data frame
XBeeApiTxFrame Class to represent a frame of data being transmitted by the XBee
XBeeApiTxFrameEx Class which extends XBeeApiTxFrame with a number of additional useful features
XBeeDevice Class to represent an XBee device & provide an interface to communicate with it
XBeeDeviceRemoteAt Class used to provide a command interface to a remove XBee via the Remote AT interface


xbeeapi.hpp [code] XBeeAPI single header - include this to get all of the XBeeApi headers
XBeeApiCfg.hpp [code] Configuration options for the XBeeApi module
XBeeApiCmdAt.cpp [code]
XBeeApiCmdAt.hpp [code] Class to abstract AT commands send to the XBee API
XBeeApiCmdAtBlocking.cpp [code]
XBeeApiCmdAtBlocking.hpp [code] Class to abstract AT commands send to the XBee API using a blocking API
XBeeApiFrame.cpp [code]
XBeeApiFrame.hpp [code] Class to abstract commands send to the XBee API
XBeeApiRxFrame.cpp [code]
XBeeApiRxFrame.hpp [code] Class to support reception of data via the XBee's wireless
XBeeApiRxFrameCircularBuffer.cpp [code]
XBeeApiRxFrameCircularBuffer.hpp [code] Class to decode and store received data frames in a circular buffer
XBeeApiRxFrameDecoder.cpp [code]
XBeeApiRxFrameDecoder.hpp [code] Class to support reception of data via the XBee's wireless
XBeeApiSetupHelper.cpp [code]
XBeeApiSetupHelper.hpp [code] Functions to help with XBee configuration
XBeeApiTxFrame.cpp [code]
XBeeApiTxFrame.hpp [code] Class to support transmission of data via the XBee's wireless
XBeeApiTxFrameEx.cpp [code]
XBeeApiTxFrameEx.hpp [code] Class inheriting from XBeeApiTxFrame with some useful but non-essential function
XBeeDevice.cpp [code]
XBeeDevice.hpp [code] Class to abstract the XBee serial interface
XBeeDeviceRemoteAt.cpp [code]
XBeeDeviceRemoteAt.hpp [code] Class to provide an abstract representation of a remote XBee device's AT command interface