【mbed OS5対応バージョン】データの保存、更新、取得ができるWebサービス「milkcocoa」に接続し、データのプッシュ、送信、取得ができるライブラリです。 https://mlkcca.com/

Dependents:   mbed-os-example-wifi-milkcocoa MilkcocoaOsSample_Eth MilkcocoaOsSample_ESP8266 MilkcocoaOsSample_Eth_DigitalIn

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for Milkcocoa-os


Async< Network, Timer, Thread, Mutex > Non-blocking, threaded MQTT client API
Client< Network, OldTimer, MAX_MQTT_PACKET_SIZE, MAX_MESSAGE_HANDLERS > Blocking, non-threaded MQTT client API
FP Example using the FP Class with global functions
MQTTHeader Bitfields for the MQTT header byte
MQTTPacket_willOptions Defines the MQTT "Last Will and Testament" (LWT) settings for the connect packet
OldTimer A general purpose timer


FP.h [code] Core Utility - Templated Function Pointer Class
MClient.h [code]
Milkcocoa.cpp [code]
Milkcocoa.h [code]
MQTTAsync.h [code]
MQTTClient.h [code]
MQTTConnect.h [code]
MQTTConnectClient.c [code]
MQTTConnectServer.c [code]
MQTTDeserializePublish.c [code]
MQTTEthernet.h [code]
MQTTInterface.h [code]
MQTTLogging.h [code]
MQTTmbed.h [code]
MQTTPacket.c [code]
MQTTPacket.h [code]
MQTTPublish.h [code]
MQTTSerializePublish.c [code]
MQTTSocket.h [code]
MQTTSubscribe.h [code]
MQTTSubscribeClient.c [code]
MQTTSubscribeServer.c [code]
MQTTUnsubscribe.h [code]
MQTTUnsubscribeClient.c [code]
MQTTUnsubscribeServer.c [code]
OldTimer.cpp [code]
OldTimer.h [code]
StackTrace.h [code]