Source code for the Curilights Controller. See for details.

Dependencies:   FatFileSystem mbed

This is the source code for the Curilights controller. This lets you interactively control a string of Curilights. It provides a simple click-wheel user interface for changing colors, brightness and behavior. It responds to movement and lighting.

Finished Controller


System Block Diagram


--- a/SystemState.cpp	Sun Jan 15 09:07:04 2012 +0000
+++ b/SystemState.cpp	Tue Jan 17 13:45:17 2012 +0000
@@ -1,124 +1,128 @@
-// SystemState.cpp - Keeps track of system state, so you can
-// power on back where you left off.
-#include "SystemState.h"
-#include "HoldInterrupts.h"
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"
-const char * kStateFilename =  "/sd/SYSSTATE.TXT";
-static SystemState static_SystemState;
-SystemState& gSystemState = static_SystemState;
-    fModeSelector = kWhiteSelector;
-    fBrightLevel = 7;
-    fSatColorIndex = 0;  // This is an INDEX, not actual color
-    fPatternIndex = 0;
-    LoadState();
-void SystemState::DumpState()
-    printf( "ModeSelector: %d\r\n", (int) fModeSelector );
-    printf( "BrightLevel: %d\r\n",  (int) fBrightLevel  );
-    printf( "SatColorIndex: %d\r\n",(int) fSatColorIndex);
-    printf( "PatternIndex: %d\r\n", (int) fPatternIndex );
-void SystemState::Modified()
-    fStateTimer.detach();    // Reset any previous timer
-    fStateTimer.attach( this, &SystemState::SaveState, 30.0 );
-void SystemState::SaveState()
-    HoldInterrupts noint();
-    SDFileSystem sdcard( p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd" );
-    printf("Saving state...");
-    FILE * f = fopen( kStateFilename, "w" );
-    if (f)
-    {
-        fprintf( f, "ModeSelector: %d\n", (int) fModeSelector );
-        fprintf( f, "BrightLevel: %d\n",  (int) fBrightLevel  );
-        fprintf( f, "SatColorIndex: %d\n",(int) fSatColorIndex);
-        fprintf( f, "PatternIndex: %d\n", (int) fPatternIndex );
-        fclose(f);
-        printf("saved\r\n");
-    }
-    else
-        printf("failed.\r\n");
-static int getInt( const char * buffer )
-    string s(buffer);
-    size_t colon = s.find(':');
-    if ((colon > 0) && (colon < s.size()))
-    {
-        int value;
-        s.erase( 0, colon + 1 );
-        sscanf( s.c_str(), "%d", &value );
-        return value;
-    }
-    else
-        printf("ERROR: problem reading integer in state file\r\n" );
-    return 0;
-static string getStr( const char * buffer )
-    char junk[20];
-    char value[20];
-    int numRead = sscanf( buffer, "%s : %s", junk, value );
-    if (numRead != 2)
-        printf("ERROR: problem reading string in state file\n" );
-    return string(value);
-static string GetKeyword( const char * buffer )
-    string s(buffer);
-    size_t colon = s.find(':');
-    if ((colon > 0) && (colon < s.size()))
-        s.resize( colon );  // Truncate
-    else
-        printf("ERROR: problem reading keyword in state file\r\n" );
-    return s;
-#define READ_STATE_VALUE( key, reader ) \
-    if (GetKeyword( buffer ) == string(#key)) f ## key = reader(buffer);
-bool SystemState::LoadState()
-    HoldInterrupts noint();
-    SDFileSystem sdcard( p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd" );
-    char buffer[200];
-    printf("Loading state...");
-    FILE * f = fopen( kStateFilename, "r" );
-    if (f)
-    {    
-        while (fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), f))
-        {
-            READ_STATE_VALUE( ModeSelector, (ESelector)getInt );
-            READ_STATE_VALUE( BrightLevel,  getInt );
-            READ_STATE_VALUE( SatColorIndex,getInt );
-            READ_STATE_VALUE( PatternIndex, getInt );
-        }
-        fclose(f);
-        printf("loaded.\r\n");
-        return true;
-    }
-    printf("failed.\r\n");
-    return false;
+// SystemState.cpp - Keeps track of system state, so you can
+// power on back where you left off.
+#include "SystemState.h"
+#include "HoldInterrupts.h"
+#include "SDFileSystem.h"
+const char * kStateFilename =  "/sd/SYSSTATE.TXT";
+static SystemState static_SystemState;
+SystemState& gSystemState = static_SystemState;
+    fModeSelector = kWhiteSelector;
+    fBrightLevel = 7;
+    fSatColorIndex = 0;  // This is an INDEX, not actual color
+    fPatternIndex = 0;
+    fLightSensor = 1;
+    LoadState();
+void SystemState::DumpState()
+    printf( "ModeSelector: %d\r\n", (int) fModeSelector );
+    printf( "BrightLevel: %d\r\n",  (int) fBrightLevel  );
+    printf( "SatColorIndex: %d\r\n",(int) fSatColorIndex);
+    printf( "PatternIndex: %d\r\n", (int) fPatternIndex );
+    printf( "LightSensor: %d\r\n",  (int) fLightSensor );
+void SystemState::Modified()
+    fStateTimer.detach();    // Reset any previous timer
+    fStateTimer.attach( this, &SystemState::SaveState, 30.0 );
+void SystemState::SaveState()
+    HoldInterrupts noint();
+    SDFileSystem sdcard( p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd" );
+    printf("Saving state...");
+    FILE * f = fopen( kStateFilename, "w" );
+    if (f)
+    {
+        fprintf( f, "ModeSelector: %d\n", (int) fModeSelector );
+        fprintf( f, "BrightLevel: %d\n",  (int) fBrightLevel  );
+        fprintf( f, "SatColorIndex: %d\n",(int) fSatColorIndex);
+        fprintf( f, "PatternIndex: %d\n", (int) fPatternIndex );
+        fprintf( f, "LightSensor: %d\n", (int) fLightSensor );
+        fclose(f);
+        printf("saved\r\n");
+    }
+    else
+        printf("failed.\r\n");
+static int getInt( const char * buffer )
+    string s(buffer);
+    size_t colon = s.find(':');
+    if ((colon > 0) && (colon < s.size()))
+    {
+        int value;
+        s.erase( 0, colon + 1 );
+        sscanf( s.c_str(), "%d", &value );
+        return value;
+    }
+    else
+        printf("ERROR: problem reading integer in state file\r\n" );
+    return 0;
+static string getStr( const char * buffer )
+    char junk[20];
+    char value[20];
+    int numRead = sscanf( buffer, "%s : %s", junk, value );
+    if (numRead != 2)
+        printf("ERROR: problem reading string in state file\n" );
+    return string(value);
+static string GetKeyword( const char * buffer )
+    string s(buffer);
+    size_t colon = s.find(':');
+    if ((colon > 0) && (colon < s.size()))
+        s.resize( colon );  // Truncate
+    else
+        printf("ERROR: problem reading keyword in state file\r\n" );
+    return s;
+#define READ_STATE_VALUE( key, reader ) \
+    if (GetKeyword( buffer ) == string(#key)) f ## key = reader(buffer);
+bool SystemState::LoadState()
+    HoldInterrupts noint();
+    SDFileSystem sdcard( p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd" );
+    char buffer[200];
+    printf("Loading state...");
+    FILE * f = fopen( kStateFilename, "r" );
+    if (f)
+    {    
+        while (fgets( buffer, sizeof(buffer), f))
+        {
+            READ_STATE_VALUE( ModeSelector, (ESelector)getInt );
+            READ_STATE_VALUE( BrightLevel,  getInt );
+            READ_STATE_VALUE( SatColorIndex,getInt );
+            READ_STATE_VALUE( PatternIndex, getInt );
+            READ_STATE_VALUE( LightSensor,  getInt );
+        }
+        fclose(f);
+        printf("loaded.\r\n");
+        return true;
+    }
+    printf("failed.\r\n");
+    return false;