Small library for reading mail messages via POP3. Currently doesn\'t return all header fields, and does only plain text authorization.

Dependents:   mmain pop3demo



File content as of revision 1:f2b05d1c91be:

#ifndef __POP3_H__
#define __POP3_H__

#include <string>
#include <list>

#include "TCPSocket.h"

#define BUFSIZE 256

using namespace std;

    The class representing a received mail message. All fields are stored in un-altered form, so character set conversion might need to be performed.
class Pop3Message
            the 'From:' header        
        string from;
            the 'Subject:' header
        string subject;
            the actual mail content, line by line
        list<string> content;

class Pop3CommandResponse;

    Handling all POP3 related aspects. All operations are synchronous. This class expects a set-up network connection.
    Needed libraries:
    * DNSResolver
    * NetServices (for TCP socket), or NetServicesMin
class Pop3
            Creates the POP3 handler
            @param servername the DNS name of the server
            @param username the username
            @param password the users password
        Pop3(const char* servername, const char* username, const char* password);
            closes the connection, and cleans up resources
            Retrieve a list of all message IDs. This method doesn't care whether the messages have been read already or not.
            The IDs are not sorted, but returned in the order the server delivers them.
            @return the list of all message IDs stored at the server.
        list<string> *getMessages();
            retrieves as single message
            @param id the message ID to retrieve
            @param getSig when false, the signature will be stripped (separated by the line '-- ')
            @param deleteOnReceive when true the message will be deleted after a sucessful retrieval
            @return the message container
        Pop3Message* getMessage(string id, bool getSig=false, bool deleteOnReceive=false);
            @param id the ID of the message to be deleted
            @return true if the deletion was sucessful
        bool deleteMessage(string id);
            Connects to the server. Needs the ethernet connection already set up.
            @return true if the connection has been made (and the user logged in)
        bool init();

            closes the connection, and cleans up resources
        void close();
        Pop3CommandResponse* sendCommand(string cmd);
        Pop3CommandResponse* sendCommandMultiResponse(string cmd);
        void onTCPSocketEvent(TCPSocketEvent e);
        string readResponseLine();
        bool _connecting;
        bool _connected;
        bool _closed;
        TCPSocket _socket;
        const char* _username;
        const char* _password;
        const char* _servername;
        char _readbuf[BUFSIZE];
        int _readpos;
        int _readlen;
