The extracted NTP client from Segundos NetServices library, for use with the [[|NetServicesMin]] library. The only fixed bug is the memory leak / OOM problem. Needs the [[|DNSResolver]] library as well.

Dependents:   SPIVFDclock LPC1768_AppBoard_Internet_LCD_Clock

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NTPClient Class Reference

NTPClient Class Reference

The NTP client is a simple UDP client that will update the mbed's RTC. More...

#include <NTPClient.h>

Public Member Functions

 NTPClient ()
 Instantiates the NTP client.
NTPResult setTime (const Host &host)
 Updates the time using the server host, blocks until completion.

Detailed Description

The NTP client is a simple UDP client that will update the mbed's RTC.

Definition at line 76 of file NTPClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

NTPClient (  )

Instantiates the NTP client.

Definition at line 46 of file NTPClient.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

NTPResult setTime ( const Host &  host )

Updates the time using the server host, blocks until completion.

host: NTP server

Definition at line 64 of file NTPClient.cpp.