A porting of a GPS decoding and presenting program within the mbos RTOS. It is not a definitive application but a study program to test NMEA full decoding library and a first approach to an RTOS. Many thanks to Andrew Levido for his support and his patience on teaching me the RTOS principles from the other side of the Earth. It uses NMEA library by Tim (xtimor@gmail.com) ported by Ken Todotani (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/) on public mbed library (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/programs/GPS_nmeaLib/5yo4h) also available, as original universal C library, on http://nmea.sourceforge.net

Dependencies:   mbos Watchdog TextLCD mbed ConfigFile

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info.h File Reference

info.h File Reference

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Data Structures

struct  _nmeaPOS
 Position data in fractional degrees or radians. More...
struct  _nmeaSATELLITE
 Information about satellite. More...
struct  _nmeaSATINFO
 Information about all satellites in view. More...
struct  _nmeaINFO
 Summary GPS information from all parsed packets, used also for generating NMEA stream. More...


typedef struct _nmeaPOS nmeaPOS
 Position data in fractional degrees or radians.
typedef struct _nmeaSATELLITE nmeaSATELLITE
 Information about satellite.
typedef struct _nmeaSATINFO nmeaSATINFO
 Information about all satellites in view.
typedef struct _nmeaINFO nmeaINFO
 Summary GPS information from all parsed packets, used also for generating NMEA stream.

Detailed Description

Definition in file info.h.

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct _nmeaINFO nmeaINFO

Summary GPS information from all parsed packets, used also for generating NMEA stream.

See also:
nmea_GPGGA2info, nmea_...2info
typedef struct _nmeaPOS nmeaPOS

Position data in fractional degrees or radians.

typedef struct _nmeaSATELLITE nmeaSATELLITE

Information about satellite.

See also:
typedef struct _nmeaSATINFO nmeaSATINFO

Information about all satellites in view.

See also: