A porting of a GPS decoding and presenting program within the mbos RTOS. It is not a definitive application but a study program to test NMEA full decoding library and a first approach to an RTOS. Many thanks to Andrew Levido for his support and his patience on teaching me the RTOS principles from the other side of the Earth. It uses NMEA library by Tim (xtimor@gmail.com) ported by Ken Todotani (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/) on public mbed library (http://mbed.org/users/todotani/programs/GPS_nmeaLib/5yo4h) also available, as original universal C library, on http://nmea.sourceforge.net

Dependencies:   mbos Watchdog TextLCD mbed ConfigFile



File content as of revision 3:a2f9eb3b8a16:

 * NMEA library
 * URL: http://nmea.sourceforge.net
 * Author: Tim (xtimor@gmail.com)
 * Licence: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 * $Id: parse.c 17 2008-03-11 11:56:11Z xtimor $

 * \file parse.h
 * \brief Functions of a low level for analysis of
 * packages of NMEA stream.
 * \code
 * ...
 * ptype = nmea_pack_type(
 *     (const char *)parser->buffer + nparsed + 1,
 *     parser->buff_use - nparsed - 1);
 * if(0 == (node = malloc(sizeof(nmeaParserNODE))))
 *     goto mem_fail;
 * node->pack = 0;
 * switch(ptype)
 * {
 * case GPGGA:
 *     if(0 == (node->pack = malloc(sizeof(nmeaGPGGA))))
 *         goto mem_fail;
 *     node->packType = GPGGA;
 *     if(!nmea_parse_GPGGA(
 *         (const char *)parser->buffer + nparsed,
 *         sen_sz, (nmeaGPGGA *)node->pack))
 *     {
 *         free(node);
 *         node = 0;
 *     }
 *     break;
 * case GPGSA:
 *     if(0 == (node->pack = malloc(sizeof(nmeaGPGSA))))
 *         goto mem_fail;
 *     node->packType = GPGSA;
 *     if(!nmea_parse_GPGSA(
 *         (const char *)parser->buffer + nparsed,
 *         sen_sz, (nmeaGPGSA *)node->pack))
 *     {
 *         free(node);
 *         node = 0;
 *     }
 *     break;
 * ...
 * \endcode

#include "nmea/tok.h"
#include "nmea/parse.h"
#include "nmea/context.h"
#include "nmea/gmath.h"
#include "nmea/units.h"

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int _nmea_parse_time(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaTIME *res)
    int success = 0;

    case sizeof("hhmmss") - 1:
        success = (3 == nmea_scanf(buff, buff_sz,
            "%2d%2d%2d", &(res->hour), &(res->min), &(res->sec)
    case sizeof("hhmmss.s") - 1:
    case sizeof("hhmmss.ss") - 1:
    case sizeof("hhmmss.sss") - 1:
        success = (4 == nmea_scanf(buff, buff_sz,
            "%2d%2d%2d.%d", &(res->hour), &(res->min), &(res->sec), &(res->hsec)
        nmea_error("Parse of time error (format error)!");
        success = 0;

    return (success?0:-1);        

 * \brief Define packet type by header (nmeaPACKTYPE).
 * @param buff a constant character pointer of packet buffer.
 * @param buff_sz buffer size.
 * @return The defined packet type
 * @see nmeaPACKTYPE
int nmea_pack_type(const char *buff, int buff_sz)
    static const char *pheads[] = {


    if(buff_sz < 5)
        return GPNON;
    else if(0 == memcmp(buff, pheads[0], 5))
        return GPGGA;
    else if(0 == memcmp(buff, pheads[1], 5))
        return GPGSA;
    else if(0 == memcmp(buff, pheads[2], 5))
        return GPGSV;
    else if(0 == memcmp(buff, pheads[3], 5))
        return GPRMC;
    else if(0 == memcmp(buff, pheads[4], 5))
        return GPVTG;

    return GPNON;

 * \brief Find tail of packet ("\r\n") in buffer and check control sum (CRC).
 * @param buff a constant character pointer of packets buffer.
 * @param buff_sz buffer size.
 * @param res_crc a integer pointer for return CRC of packet (must be defined).
 * @return Number of bytes to packet tail.
int nmea_find_tail(const char *buff, int buff_sz, int *res_crc)
    static const int tail_sz = 3 /* *[CRC] */ + 2 /* \r\n */;

    const char *end_buff = buff + buff_sz;
    int nread = 0;
    int crc = 0;

    NMEA_ASSERT(buff && res_crc);

    *res_crc = -1;

    for(;buff < end_buff; ++buff, ++nread)
        if(('$' == *buff) && nread)
            buff = 0;
        else if('*' == *buff)
            if(buff + tail_sz <= end_buff && '\r' == buff[3] && '\n' == buff[4])
                *res_crc = nmea_atoi(buff + 1, 2, 16);
                nread = buff_sz - (int)(end_buff - (buff + tail_sz));
                if(*res_crc != crc)
                    *res_crc = -1;
                    buff = 0;

        else if(nread)
            crc ^= (int)*buff;

    if(*res_crc < 0 && buff)
        nread = 0;

    return nread;

 * \brief Parse GGA packet from buffer.
 * @param buff a constant character pointer of packet buffer.
 * @param buff_sz buffer size.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet which will filled by function.
 * @return 1 (true) - if parsed successfully or 0 (false) - if fail.
int nmea_parse_GPGGA(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGGA *pack)
    char time_buff[NMEA_TIMEPARSE_BUF];

    NMEA_ASSERT(buff && pack);

    memset(pack, 0, sizeof(nmeaGPGGA));

    nmea_trace_buff(buff, buff_sz);

    if(14 != nmea_scanf(buff, buff_sz,
        &(pack->lat), &(pack->ns), &(pack->lon), &(pack->ew),
        &(pack->sig), &(pack->satinuse), &(pack->HDOP), &(pack->elv), &(pack->elv_units),
        &(pack->diff), &(pack->diff_units), &(pack->dgps_age), &(pack->dgps_sid)))
        nmea_error("GPGGA parse error!");
        return 0;

    if(0 != _nmea_parse_time(&time_buff[0], (int)strlen(&time_buff[0]), &(pack->utc)))
        nmea_error("GPGGA time parse error!");
        return 0;

    return 1;

 * \brief Parse GSA packet from buffer.
 * @param buff a constant character pointer of packet buffer.
 * @param buff_sz buffer size.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet which will filled by function.
 * @return 1 (true) - if parsed successfully or 0 (false) - if fail.
int nmea_parse_GPGSA(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSA *pack)
    NMEA_ASSERT(buff && pack);

    memset(pack, 0, sizeof(nmeaGPGSA));

    nmea_trace_buff(buff, buff_sz);

    if(17 != nmea_scanf(buff, buff_sz,
        &(pack->fix_mode), &(pack->fix_type),
        &(pack->sat_prn[0]), &(pack->sat_prn[1]), &(pack->sat_prn[2]), &(pack->sat_prn[3]), &(pack->sat_prn[4]), &(pack->sat_prn[5]),
        &(pack->sat_prn[6]), &(pack->sat_prn[7]), &(pack->sat_prn[8]), &(pack->sat_prn[9]), &(pack->sat_prn[10]), &(pack->sat_prn[11]),
        &(pack->PDOP), &(pack->HDOP), &(pack->VDOP)))
        nmea_error("GPGSA parse error!");
        return 0;

    return 1;

 * \brief Parse GSV packet from buffer.
 * @param buff a constant character pointer of packet buffer.
 * @param buff_sz buffer size.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet which will filled by function.
 * @return 1 (true) - if parsed successfully or 0 (false) - if fail.
int nmea_parse_GPGSV(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPGSV *pack)
    int nsen, nsat;

    NMEA_ASSERT(buff && pack);

    memset(pack, 0, sizeof(nmeaGPGSV));

    nmea_trace_buff(buff, buff_sz);

    nsen = nmea_scanf(buff, buff_sz,
        &(pack->pack_count), &(pack->pack_index), &(pack->sat_count),
        &(pack->sat_data[0].id), &(pack->sat_data[0].elv), &(pack->sat_data[0].azimuth), &(pack->sat_data[0].sig),
        &(pack->sat_data[1].id), &(pack->sat_data[1].elv), &(pack->sat_data[1].azimuth), &(pack->sat_data[1].sig),
        &(pack->sat_data[2].id), &(pack->sat_data[2].elv), &(pack->sat_data[2].azimuth), &(pack->sat_data[2].sig),
        &(pack->sat_data[3].id), &(pack->sat_data[3].elv), &(pack->sat_data[3].azimuth), &(pack->sat_data[3].sig));

    nsat = (pack->pack_index - 1) * NMEA_SATINPACK;
    nsat = (nsat + NMEA_SATINPACK > pack->sat_count)?pack->sat_count - nsat:NMEA_SATINPACK;
    nsat = nsat * 4 + 3 /* first three sentence`s */;

    if(nsen < nsat || nsen > (NMEA_SATINPACK * 4 + 3))
        nmea_error("GPGSV parse error!");
        return 0;

    return 1;

 * \brief Parse RMC packet from buffer.
 * @param buff a constant character pointer of packet buffer.
 * @param buff_sz buffer size.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet which will filled by function.
 * @return 1 (true) - if parsed successfully or 0 (false) - if fail.
int nmea_parse_GPRMC(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPRMC *pack)
    int nsen;
    char time_buff[NMEA_TIMEPARSE_BUF];

    NMEA_ASSERT(buff && pack);

    memset(pack, 0, sizeof(nmeaGPRMC));

    nmea_trace_buff(buff, buff_sz);

    nsen = nmea_scanf(buff, buff_sz,
        &(pack->status), &(pack->lat), &(pack->ns), &(pack->lon), &(pack->ew),
        &(pack->speed), &(pack->direction),
        &(pack->utc.day), &(pack->utc.mon), &(pack->utc.year),
        &(pack->declination), &(pack->declin_ew), &(pack->mode));

    if(nsen != 13 && nsen != 14)
        nmea_error("GPRMC parse error!");
        return 0;

    if(0 != _nmea_parse_time(&time_buff[0], (int)strlen(&time_buff[0]), &(pack->utc)))
        nmea_error("GPRMC time parse error!");
        return 0;

    if(pack->utc.year < 90)
        pack->utc.year += 100;
    pack->utc.mon -= 1;

    return 1;

 * \brief Parse VTG packet from buffer.
 * @param buff a constant character pointer of packet buffer.
 * @param buff_sz buffer size.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet which will filled by function.
 * @return 1 (true) - if parsed successfully or 0 (false) - if fail.
int nmea_parse_GPVTG(const char *buff, int buff_sz, nmeaGPVTG *pack)
    NMEA_ASSERT(buff && pack);

    memset(pack, 0, sizeof(nmeaGPVTG));

    nmea_trace_buff(buff, buff_sz);

    if(8 != nmea_scanf(buff, buff_sz,
        &(pack->dir), &(pack->dir_t),
        &(pack->dec), &(pack->dec_m),
        &(pack->spn), &(pack->spn_n),
        &(pack->spk), &(pack->spk_k)))
        nmea_error("GPVTG parse error!");
        return 0;

    if( pack->dir_t != 'T' ||
        pack->dec_m != 'M' ||
        pack->spn_n != 'N' ||
        pack->spk_k != 'K')
        nmea_error("GPVTG parse error (format error)!");
        return 0;

    return 1;

 * \brief Fill nmeaINFO structure by GGA packet data.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet structure.
 * @param info a pointer of summary information structure.
void nmea_GPGGA2info(nmeaGPGGA *pack, nmeaINFO *info)
    NMEA_ASSERT(pack && info);

    info->utc.hour = pack->utc.hour;
    info->utc.min = pack->utc.min;
    info->utc.sec = pack->utc.sec;
    info->utc.hsec = pack->utc.hsec;
    info->sig = pack->sig;
    info->HDOP = pack->HDOP;
    info->elv = pack->elv;
    info->lat = ((pack->ns == 'N')?pack->lat:-(pack->lat));
    info->lon = ((pack->ew == 'E')?pack->lon:-(pack->lon));
    info->smask |= GPGGA;

 * \brief Fill nmeaINFO structure by GSA packet data.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet structure.
 * @param info a pointer of summary information structure.
void nmea_GPGSA2info(nmeaGPGSA *pack, nmeaINFO *info)
    int i, j, nuse = 0;

    NMEA_ASSERT(pack && info);

    info->fix = pack->fix_type;
    info->PDOP = pack->PDOP;
    info->HDOP = pack->HDOP;
    info->VDOP = pack->VDOP;

    for(i = 0; i < NMEA_MAXSAT; ++i)
        for(j = 0; j < info->satinfo.inview; ++j)
            if(pack->sat_prn[i] && pack->sat_prn[i] == info->satinfo.sat[j].id)
                info->satinfo.sat[j].in_use = 1;

    info->satinfo.inuse = nuse;
    info->smask |= GPGSA;

 * \brief Fill nmeaINFO structure by GSV packet data.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet structure.
 * @param info a pointer of summary information structure.
void nmea_GPGSV2info(nmeaGPGSV *pack, nmeaINFO *info)
    int isat, isi, nsat;

    NMEA_ASSERT(pack && info);

    if(pack->pack_index > pack->pack_count ||
        pack->pack_index * NMEA_SATINPACK > NMEA_MAXSAT)

    if(pack->pack_index < 1)
        pack->pack_index = 1;

    info->satinfo.inview = pack->sat_count;

    nsat = (pack->pack_index - 1) * NMEA_SATINPACK;
    nsat = (nsat + NMEA_SATINPACK > pack->sat_count)?pack->sat_count - nsat:NMEA_SATINPACK;

    for(isat = 0; isat < nsat; ++isat)
        isi = (pack->pack_index - 1) * NMEA_SATINPACK + isat;
        info->satinfo.sat[isi].id = pack->sat_data[isat].id;
        info->satinfo.sat[isi].elv = pack->sat_data[isat].elv;
        info->satinfo.sat[isi].azimuth = pack->sat_data[isat].azimuth;
        info->satinfo.sat[isi].sig = pack->sat_data[isat].sig;

    info->smask |= GPGSV;

 * \brief Fill nmeaINFO structure by RMC packet data.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet structure.
 * @param info a pointer of summary information structure.
void nmea_GPRMC2info(nmeaGPRMC *pack, nmeaINFO *info)
    NMEA_ASSERT(pack && info);

    if('A' == pack->status)
        if(NMEA_SIG_BAD == info->sig)
            info->sig = NMEA_SIG_MID;
        if(NMEA_FIX_BAD == info->fix)
            info->fix = NMEA_FIX_2D;
    else if('V' == pack->status)
        info->sig = NMEA_SIG_BAD;
        info->fix = NMEA_FIX_BAD;

    info->utc = pack->utc;
    info->lat = ((pack->ns == 'N')?pack->lat:-(pack->lat));
    info->lon = ((pack->ew == 'E')?pack->lon:-(pack->lon));
    info->speed = pack->speed * NMEA_TUD_KNOTS;
    info->direction = pack->direction;
    info->smask |= GPRMC;

 * \brief Fill nmeaINFO structure by VTG packet data.
 * @param pack a pointer of packet structure.
 * @param info a pointer of summary information structure.
void nmea_GPVTG2info(nmeaGPVTG *pack, nmeaINFO *info)
    NMEA_ASSERT(pack && info);

    info->direction = pack->dir;
    info->declination = pack->dec;
    info->speed = pack->spk;
    info->smask |= GPVTG;