Software PWM

I finally went for a software solution (below) and will now use all six PWM outputs for the motors allowing hexacopters etc.

I must put something up here but the Wiki is at:

For others the code I used is:

CameraTicker.attach_us(&CamPWMOnISR, 22000);

void CamPWMOnISR(void) { PWMCamRoll.write(1); CamRollTimeout.attach_us(&CamRollPWMOffISR, 1000 + PWM[CamRollC]); PWMCamPitch.write(1); CamPitchTimeout.attach_us(&CamPitchPWMOffISR, 1000 + PWM[CamPitchC]); }

void CamRollPWMOffISR(void) { PWMCamRoll.write(0); CamRollTimeout.detach(); redundant? }

void CamPitchPWMOffISR(void) { PWMCamPitch.write(0); CamPitchTimeout.detach(); redundant? }

Probably could be simpler (do I need the detach or does this just happen after the timeout for example?) but seems to work fine with now visible performance impact on anything else.

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