LPC1768 Mini-DK EasyWeb application with SPI TFT output. Started from EasyWebCR and modified for DM9161 PHY support.

Dependencies:   Mini-DK mbed

This is a very basic EasyWeb application.

No error checking is performed during initialisation.


If the webpage is not reachable or the 'Webserver running' message does not appear, press the reset button on the Mini-DK and wait until the message 'Webserver running' appears.
This happens sometimes when powering up the Mini-DK because the DM9161 reset pin is NOT controlled by the LPC1768, it is directly connected to the reset button.

IP adress/mask/gateway in tcpip.h : / /

MAC address in ethmac.h : 6-5-4-3-2-1

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/easyweb.c	Fri Dec 21 15:41:54 2012 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ *****                                                        *****
+ *****  Name: easyweb.c                                       *****
+ *****  Ver.: 1.0                                             *****
+ *****  Date: 17/12/2012                                      *****
+ *****  Auth: Frank Vannieuwkerke                             *****
+ *****  Func: implements a dynamic HTTP-server by using       *****
+ *****        the easyWEB-API                                 *****
+ *****        Rewrite from Andreas Dannenberg                 *****
+ *****                     HTWK Leipzig                       *****
+ *****                     university of applied sciences     *****
+ *****                     Germany                            *****
+ *****                     adannenb@et.htwk-leipzig.de        *****
+ *****                                                        *****
+ ******************************************************************/
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "stdlib.h"
+#include "stdio.h"
+#include "string.h"
+#include "SPI_TFT.h"
+#include "Arial12x12.h"
+#include "Arial24x23.h"
+#include "Arial28x28.h"
+#include "font_big.h"
+SPI_TFT TFT(p11, p12, p13, p14, p15,"TFT");
+#include "easyweb.h"
+#include "ethmac.h"
+#include "tcpip.h"                               // easyWEB TCP/IP stack
+#include "website.h"                             // website for our HTTP server (HTML)
+unsigned int aaPagecounter=0;
+unsigned int adcValue = 0;
+int main (void)
+    TFT.claim(stdout);        // send stdout to the TFT display
+    TFT.background(Black);    // set background to black
+    TFT.foreground(White);    // set chars to white
+    TFT.cls();                // clear the screen
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);  // select the font
+    // Display IP/MAC settings stored in tcpip.h and ethmac.h
+    // MAC address : 1-2-3-4-5-6        Stored in ethmac.h (MYMAC_1 to MYMAC_6)
+    // IP address  :      Stored in tcpip.h  (MYIP_1 to MYIP_4)
+    // gateway     :        Stored in tcpip.h  (GWIP_1 to GWIP_1)
+    // mask        :      Stored in tcpip.h  (SUBMASK_1 to SUBMASK_4)
+    TFT.locate(0,0);
+    printf("IP address\n");
+    printf("%d.%d.%d.%d\n\n",MYIP_1,MYIP_2,MYIP_3,MYIP_4);
+    printf("MAC address\n");
+    printf("%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X\n\n",MYMAC_1, MYMAC_2, MYMAC_3, MYMAC_4, MYMAC_5, MYMAC_6);
+    TCPLowLevelInit();
+  *(unsigned char *)RemoteIP = 24;               // uncomment those lines to get the
+  *((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 1) = 8;          // quote of the day from a real
+  *((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 2) = 69;         // internet server! (gateway must be
+  *((unsigned char *)RemoteIP + 3) = 7;          // set to your LAN-router)
+  TCPLocalPort = 2025;
+  TCPRemotePort = TCP_PORT_QOTD;
+  TCPActiveOpen();
+  while (SocketStatus & SOCK_ACTIVE)             // read the quote from memory
+  {                                              // by using the hardware-debugger
+    DoNetworkStuff();
+  }
+  HTTPStatus = 0;                                // clear HTTP-server's flag register
+  TCPLocalPort = TCP_PORT_HTTP;                  // set port we want to listen to
+  printf("Webserver running");
+  while (1)                                      // repeat forever
+  {
+    if (!(SocketStatus & SOCK_ACTIVE)) TCPPassiveOpen();   // listen for incoming TCP-connection
+    DoNetworkStuff();                                      // handle network and easyWEB-stack
+                                                           // events
+    HTTPServer();
+  }
+// This function implements a very simple dynamic HTTP-server.
+// It waits until connected, then sends a HTTP-header and the
+// HTML-code stored in memory. Before sending, it replaces
+// some special strings with dynamic values.
+// NOTE: For strings crossing page boundaries, replacing will
+// not work. In this case, simply add some extra lines
+// (e.g. CR and LFs) to the HTML-code.
+void HTTPServer(void)
+  if (SocketStatus & SOCK_CONNECTED)             // check if somebody has connected to our TCP
+  {
+    if (SocketStatus & SOCK_DATA_AVAILABLE)      // check if remote TCP sent data
+      TCPReleaseRxBuffer();                      // and throw it away
+    if (SocketStatus & SOCK_TX_BUF_RELEASED)     // check if buffer is free for TX
+    {
+      if (!(HTTPStatus & HTTP_SEND_PAGE))        // init byte-counter and pointer to website
+      {                                          // if called the 1st time
+        HTTPBytesToSend = sizeof(website) - 1;   // get HTML length, ignore trailing zero
+        Pwebsite = (unsigned char *)website;     // pointer to HTML-code
+      }
+      if (HTTPBytesToSend > MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE)     // transmit a segment of MAX_SIZE
+      {
+        if (!(HTTPStatus & HTTP_SEND_PAGE))           // 1st time, include HTTP-header
+        {
+          memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF, GetResponse, sizeof(GetResponse) - 1);
+          memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF + sizeof(GetResponse) - 1, Pwebsite, MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(GetResponse) + 1);
+          HTTPBytesToSend -= MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(GetResponse) + 1;
+          Pwebsite += MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE - sizeof(GetResponse) + 1;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF, Pwebsite, MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE);
+          HTTPBytesToSend -= MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE;
+          Pwebsite += MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE;
+        }
+        TCPTxDataCount = MAX_TCP_TX_DATA_SIZE;   // bytes to xfer
+        InsertDynamicValues();                   // exchange some strings...
+        TCPTransmitTxBuffer();                   // xfer buffer
+      }
+      else if (HTTPBytesToSend)                  // transmit leftover bytes
+      {
+        memcpy(TCP_TX_BUF, Pwebsite, HTTPBytesToSend);
+        TCPTxDataCount = HTTPBytesToSend;        // bytes to xfer
+        InsertDynamicValues();                   // exchange some strings...
+        TCPTransmitTxBuffer();                   // send last segment
+        TCPClose();                              // and close connection
+        HTTPBytesToSend = 0;                     // all data sent
+      }
+      HTTPStatus |= HTTP_SEND_PAGE;              // ok, 1st loop executed
+    }
+  }
+  else
+    HTTPStatus &= ~HTTP_SEND_PAGE;               // reset help-flag if not connected
+// Pseudo AD convertor, we simply increment  a counter
+// when the function is called, wrapping at 1024. 
+volatile unsigned int aaScrollbar = 400;
+unsigned int GetAD7Val(void)
+  aaScrollbar = (aaScrollbar +16) % 1024;
+  adcValue = (aaScrollbar / 10) * 1000/1024;
+  return aaScrollbar;
+void InsertDynamicValues(void)
+  unsigned char *Key;
+           char NewKey[6];
+  unsigned int i;
+  if (TCPTxDataCount < 4) return;                     // there can't be any special string
+  Key = TCP_TX_BUF;
+  for (i = 0; i < (TCPTxDataCount - 3); i++)
+  {
+    if (*Key == 'A')
+     if (*(Key + 1) == 'D')
+       if (*(Key + 3) == '%')
+         switch (*(Key + 2))
+         {
+           case '8' :                                 // "AD8%"?
+           {
+             sprintf(NewKey, "%04d", GetAD7Val());     // insert pseudo-ADconverter value
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 4);                  
+             break;
+           }
+           case '7' :                                 // "AD7%"?
+           {
+             sprintf(NewKey, "%3u", adcValue);     // copy saved value from previous read
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 3);                 
+             break;
+           }
+           case '1' :                                 // "AD1%"?
+           {
+              sprintf(NewKey, "%4u", ++aaPagecounter);    // increment and insert page counter
+             memcpy(Key, NewKey, 4);  
+//             *(Key + 3) = ' ';  
+             break;
+           }
+         }
+    Key++;
+  }