Date: March 20, 2011 This library is created from "LPC17xx CMSIS-Compliant Standard Peripheral Firmware Driver Library (GNU, Keil, IAR) (Jan 28, 2011)", available from NXP's website, under "All microcontrollers support documents" [[]] You will need to follow [[/projects/libraries/svn/mbed/trunk/LPC1768/LPC17xx.h]] while using this library Examples provided here [[/users/frank26080115/programs/LPC1700CMSIS_Examples/]] The beautiful thing is that NXP does not place copyright protection on any of the files in here Only a few modifications are made to make it compile with the mbed online compiler, I fixed some warnings as well. This is untested as of March 20, 2011 Forum post about this library: [[/forum/mbed/topic/2030/]]



File content as of revision 0:84d7747641aa:

 * @file        lpc17xx_i2c.c
 * @brief        Contains all functions support for I2C firmware library on LPC17xx
 * @version        2.0
 * @date        21. May. 2010
 * @author        NXP MCU SW Application Team
 * Software that is described herein is for illustrative purposes only
 * which provides customers with programming information regarding the
 * products. This software is supplied "AS IS" without any warranties.
 * NXP Semiconductors assumes no responsibility or liability for the
 * use of the software, conveys no license or title under any patent,
 * copyright, or mask work right to the product. NXP Semiconductors
 * reserves the right to make changes in the software without
 * notification. NXP Semiconductors also make no representation or
 * warranty that such application will be suitable for the specified
 * use without further testing or modification.

/* Peripheral group ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @addtogroup I2C
 * @{

/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "lpc17xx_i2c.h"
#include "lpc17xx_clkpwr.h"
#include "lpc17xx_pinsel.h"

/* If this source file built with example, the LPC17xx FW library configuration
 * file in each example directory ("lpc17xx_libcfg.h") must be included,
 * otherwise the default FW library configuration file must be included instead
#include "lpc17xx_libcfg.h"
#include "lpc17xx_libcfg_default.h"
#endif /* __BUILD_WITH_EXAMPLE__ */

#ifdef _I2C

/* Private Types -------------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @defgroup I2C_Private_Types I2C Private Types
 * @{

 * @brief I2C device configuration structure type
typedef struct
  uint32_t      txrx_setup;                         /* Transmission setup */
  int32_t        dir;                                /* Current direction phase, 0 - write, 1 - read */
} I2C_CFG_T;

 * @}

/* Private Variables ---------------------------------------------------------- */
 * @brief II2C driver data for I2C0, I2C1 and I2C2
static I2C_CFG_T i2cdat[3];

static uint32_t I2C_MasterComplete[3];
static uint32_t I2C_SlaveComplete[3];

static uint32_t I2C_MonitorBufferIndex;

/* Private Functions ---------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Get I2C number */
static int32_t I2C_getNum(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx);

/* Generate a start condition on I2C bus (in master mode only) */
static uint32_t I2C_Start (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx);

/* Generate a stop condition on I2C bus (in master mode only) */
static void I2C_Stop (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx);

/* I2C send byte subroutine */
static uint32_t I2C_SendByte (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint8_t databyte);

/* I2C get byte subroutine */
static uint32_t I2C_GetByte (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint8_t *retdat, Bool ack);

/* I2C set clock (hz) */
static void I2C_SetClock (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint32_t target_clock);

 * @brief        Convert from I2C peripheral to number
 * @param[in]    I2Cx: I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         I2C number, could be: 0..2
static int32_t I2C_getNum(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx){
    if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C0) {
        return (0);
    } else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C1) {
        return (1);
    } else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C2) {
        return (2);
    return (-1);

 * @brief        Generate a start condition on I2C bus (in master mode only)
 * @param[in]    I2Cx: I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         value of I2C status register after generate a start condition
static uint32_t I2C_Start (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)

    // Wait for complete
    while (!(I2Cx->I2CONSET & I2C_I2CONSET_SI));
    return (I2Cx->I2STAT & I2C_STAT_CODE_BITMASK);

 * @brief        Generate a stop condition on I2C bus (in master mode only)
 * @param[in]    I2Cx: I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         None
static void I2C_Stop (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)

    /* Make sure start bit is not active */
    if (I2Cx->I2CONSET & I2C_I2CONSET_STA)

 * @brief        Send a byte
 * @param[in]    I2Cx: I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    databyte: number of byte
 * @return         value of I2C status register after sending
static uint32_t I2C_SendByte (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint8_t databyte)
    /* Make sure start bit is not active */
    if (I2Cx->I2CONSET & I2C_I2CONSET_STA)
    I2Cx->I2DAT = databyte & I2C_I2DAT_BITMASK;

    while (!(I2Cx->I2CONSET & I2C_I2CONSET_SI));
    return (I2Cx->I2STAT & I2C_STAT_CODE_BITMASK);

 * @brief        Get a byte
 * @param[in]    I2Cx: I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[out]    retdat    pointer to return data
 * @param[in]    ack        assert acknowledge or not, should be: TRUE/FALSE
 * @return         value of I2C status register after sending
static uint32_t I2C_GetByte (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint8_t *retdat, Bool ack)
    if (ack == TRUE)
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_AAC;

    while (!(I2Cx->I2CONSET & I2C_I2CONSET_SI));
    *retdat = (uint8_t) (I2Cx->I2DAT & I2C_I2DAT_BITMASK);
    return (I2Cx->I2STAT & I2C_STAT_CODE_BITMASK);

 * @brief         Setup clock rate for I2C peripheral
 * @param[in]     I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    target_clock : clock of SSP (Hz)
 * @return         None
static void I2C_SetClock (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint32_t target_clock)
    volatile uint32_t temp = 0;


    // Get PCLK of I2C controller
    if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C0)
        temp = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C0) / target_clock;
    else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C1)
        temp = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C1) / target_clock;
    else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C2)
        temp = CLKPWR_GetPCLK (CLKPWR_PCLKSEL_I2C2) / target_clock;

    /* Set the I2C clock value to register */
    I2Cx->I2SCLH = (uint32_t)(temp / 2);
    I2Cx->I2SCLL = (uint32_t)(temp - I2Cx->I2SCLH);
/* End of Private Functions --------------------------------------------------- */

/* Public Functions ----------------------------------------------------------- */
/** @addtogroup I2C_Public_Functions
 * @{

 * @brief        Initializes the I2Cx peripheral with specified parameter.
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    clockrate Target clock rate value to initialized I2C
 *                 peripheral (Hz)
 * @return         None
void I2C_Init(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint32_t clockrate)

    if (I2Cx==LPC_I2C0)
        /* Set up clock and power for I2C0 module */
        /* As default, peripheral clock for I2C0 module
         * is set to FCCLK / 2 */
    else if (I2Cx==LPC_I2C1)
        /* Set up clock and power for I2C1 module */
        /* As default, peripheral clock for I2C1 module
         * is set to FCCLK / 2 */
    else if (I2Cx==LPC_I2C2)
        /* Set up clock and power for I2C2 module */
        /* As default, peripheral clock for I2C2 module
         * is set to FCCLK / 2 */
    else {
        // Up-Support this device

    /* Set clock rate */
    I2C_SetClock(I2Cx, clockrate);
    /* Set I2C operation to default */

 * @brief        De-initializes the I2C peripheral registers to their
 *                  default reset values.
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *              - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         None
void I2C_DeInit(LPC_I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx)

    /* Disable I2C control */

    if (I2Cx==LPC_I2C0)
        /* Disable power for I2C0 module */
    else if (I2Cx==LPC_I2C1)
        /* Disable power for I2C1 module */
    else if (I2Cx==LPC_I2C2)
        /* Disable power for I2C2 module */

 * @brief        Enable or disable I2C peripheral's operation
 * @param[in]    I2Cx I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *              - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    NewState New State of I2Cx peripheral's operation
 * @return         none
void I2C_Cmd(LPC_I2C_TypeDef* I2Cx, FunctionalState NewState)

    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_I2EN;
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_I2ENC;

 * @brief         Enable/Disable interrupt for I2C peripheral
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    NewState    New State of I2C peripheral interrupt in NVIC core
 *                 should be:
 *                 - ENABLE: enable interrupt for this I2C peripheral
 *                 - DISABLE: disable interrupt for this I2C peripheral
 * @return         None
void I2C_IntCmd (LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, Bool NewState)
    if (NewState)
        if(I2Cx == LPC_I2C0)
        else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C1)
        else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C2)
        if(I2Cx == LPC_I2C0)
        else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C1)
        else if (I2Cx == LPC_I2C2)

 * @brief         General Master Interrupt handler for I2C peripheral
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         None
void I2C_MasterHandler (LPC_I2C_TypeDef  *I2Cx)
    int32_t tmp;
    uint8_t returnCode;
    I2C_M_SETUP_Type *txrx_setup;

    tmp = I2C_getNum(I2Cx);
    txrx_setup = (I2C_M_SETUP_Type *) i2cdat[tmp].txrx_setup;

    returnCode = (I2Cx->I2STAT & I2C_STAT_CODE_BITMASK);
    // Save current status
    txrx_setup->status = returnCode;
    // there's no relevant information
    if (returnCode == I2C_I2STAT_NO_INF){
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

    /* ----------------------------- TRANSMIT PHASE --------------------------*/
    if (i2cdat[tmp].dir == 0){
        switch (returnCode)
        /* A start/repeat start condition has been transmitted -------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_START:
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_RESTART:
            I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_STAC;
             * If there's any transmit data, then start to
             * send SLA+W right now, otherwise check whether if there's
             * any receive data for next state.
            if ((txrx_setup->tx_data != NULL) && (txrx_setup->tx_length != 0)){
                I2Cx->I2DAT = (txrx_setup->sl_addr7bit << 1);
                I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
            } else {
                goto next_stage;

        /* SLA+W has been transmitted, ACK has been received ----------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_SLAW_ACK:
        /* Data has been transmitted, ACK has been received */
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_DAT_ACK:
            /* Send more data */
            if ((txrx_setup->tx_count < txrx_setup->tx_length) \
                    && (txrx_setup->tx_data != NULL)){
                I2Cx->I2DAT =  *(uint8_t *)(txrx_setup->tx_data + txrx_setup->tx_count);
                I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
            // no more data, switch to next stage
            else {
                // change direction
                i2cdat[tmp].dir = 1;
                // Check if any data to receive
                if ((txrx_setup->rx_length != 0) && (txrx_setup->rx_data != NULL)){
                        // check whether if we need to issue an repeat start
                        if ((txrx_setup->tx_length != 0) && (txrx_setup->tx_data != NULL)){
                            // Send out an repeat start command
                            I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_STA;
                            I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_AAC | I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
                        // Don't need issue an repeat start, just goto send SLA+R
                        else {
                            goto send_slar;
                // no more data send, the go to end stage now
                else {
                    // success, goto end stage
                    txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_DONE;
                    goto end_stage;

        /* SLA+W has been transmitted, NACK has been received ----------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_SLAW_NACK:
        /* Data has been transmitted, NACK has been received -----------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_DAT_NACK:
            // update status
            txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_NOACKF;
            goto retry;
        /* Arbitration lost in SLA+R/W or Data bytes -------------------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_ARB_LOST:
            // update status
            txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_ARBF;
            goto retry;

    /* ----------------------------- RECEIVE PHASE --------------------------*/
    else if (i2cdat[tmp].dir == 1){
        switch (returnCode){
            /* A start/repeat start condition has been transmitted ---------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_START:
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_RESTART:
            I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_STAC;
             * If there's any receive data, then start to
             * send SLA+R right now, otherwise check whether if there's
             * any receive data for end of state.
            if ((txrx_setup->rx_data != NULL) && (txrx_setup->rx_length != 0)){
                I2Cx->I2DAT = (txrx_setup->sl_addr7bit << 1) | 0x01;
                I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
            } else {
                // Success, goto end stage
                txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_DONE;
                goto end_stage;

        /* SLA+R has been transmitted, ACK has been received -----------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_SLAR_ACK:
            if (txrx_setup->rx_count < (txrx_setup->rx_length - 1)) {
                /*Data will be received,  ACK will be return*/
                I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
            else {
                /*Last data will be received,  NACK will be return*/
                I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
            I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

        /* Data has been received, ACK has been returned ----------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_DAT_ACK:
            // Note save data and increase counter first, then check later
            /* Save data  */
            if ((txrx_setup->rx_data != NULL) && (txrx_setup->rx_count < txrx_setup->rx_length)){
                *(uint8_t *)(txrx_setup->rx_data + txrx_setup->rx_count) = (I2Cx->I2DAT & I2C_I2DAT_BITMASK);
            if (txrx_setup->rx_count < (txrx_setup->rx_length - 1)) {
                /*Data will be received,  ACK will be return*/
                I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
            else {
                /*Last data will be received,  NACK will be return*/
                I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;

            I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

        /* Data has been received, NACK has been return -------------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_DAT_NACK:
            /* Save the last data */
            if ((txrx_setup->rx_data != NULL) && (txrx_setup->rx_count < txrx_setup->rx_length)){
                *(uint8_t *)(txrx_setup->rx_data + txrx_setup->rx_count) = (I2Cx->I2DAT & I2C_I2DAT_BITMASK);
            // success, go to end stage
            txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_DONE;
            goto end_stage;

        /* SLA+R has been transmitted, NACK has been received ------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_SLAR_NACK:
            // update status
            txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_NOACKF;
            goto retry;

        /* Arbitration lost ----------------------------------------------------*/
        case I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_ARB_LOST:
            // update status
            txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_ARBF;
            // check if retransmission is available
            if (txrx_setup->retransmissions_count < txrx_setup->retransmissions_max){
                // Clear tx count
                txrx_setup->tx_count = 0;
                I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_STA;
                I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_AAC | I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
            // End of stage
            else {
                // Disable interrupt
                I2C_IntCmd(I2Cx, FALSE);
                // Send stop

                I2C_MasterComplete[tmp] = TRUE;

 * @brief         General Slave Interrupt handler for I2C peripheral
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - LPC_I2C0
 *              - LPC_I2C1
 *              - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         None
void I2C_SlaveHandler (LPC_I2C_TypeDef  *I2Cx)
    int32_t tmp;
    uint8_t returnCode;
    I2C_S_SETUP_Type *txrx_setup;
    uint32_t timeout;

    tmp = I2C_getNum(I2Cx);
    txrx_setup = (I2C_S_SETUP_Type *) i2cdat[tmp].txrx_setup;

    returnCode = (I2Cx->I2STAT & I2C_STAT_CODE_BITMASK);
    // Save current status
    txrx_setup->status = returnCode;
    // there's no relevant information
    if (returnCode == I2C_I2STAT_NO_INF){
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

    switch (returnCode)

    /* No status information */
    case I2C_I2STAT_NO_INF:
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

    /* Reading phase -------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Own SLA+R has been received, ACK has been returned */
    case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_SLAW_ACK:
    /* General call address has been received, ACK has been returned */
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

    /* Previously addressed with own SLA;
     * DATA byte has been received;
     * ACK has been returned */
    /* DATA has been received, ACK hasn been return */
         * All data bytes that over-flow the specified receive
         * data length, just ignore them.
        if ((txrx_setup->rx_count < txrx_setup->rx_length) \
                && (txrx_setup->rx_data != NULL)){
            *(uint8_t *)(txrx_setup->rx_data + txrx_setup->rx_count) = (uint8_t)I2Cx->I2DAT;
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

    /* Previously addressed with own SLA;
     * DATA byte has been received;
     * NOT ACK has been returned */
    /* DATA has been received, NOT ACK has been returned */
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

     * Note that: Return code only let us know a stop condition mixed
     * with a repeat start condition in the same code value.
     * So we should provide a time-out. In case this is really a stop
     * condition, this will return back after time out condition. Otherwise,
     * next session that is slave receive data will be completed.

    /* A Stop or a repeat start condition */
        // Temporally lock the interrupt for timeout condition
        I2C_IntCmd(I2Cx, FALSE);
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
        // enable time out
        timeout = I2C_SLAVE_TIME_OUT;
            if (I2Cx->I2CONSET & I2C_I2CONSET_SI){
                // re-Enable interrupt
                I2C_IntCmd(I2Cx, TRUE);
            } else {
                if (timeout == 0){
                    // timeout occur, it's really a stop condition
                    txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_DONE;
                    goto s_int_end;

    /* Writing phase -------------------------------------------------------- */
    /* Own SLA+R has been received, ACK has been returned */
    case I2C_I2STAT_S_TX_SLAR_ACK:
    /* Data has been transmitted, ACK has been received */
    case I2C_I2STAT_S_TX_DAT_ACK:
         * All data bytes that over-flow the specified receive
         * data length, just ignore them.
        if ((txrx_setup->tx_count < txrx_setup->tx_length) \
                && (txrx_setup->tx_data != NULL)){
            I2Cx->I2DAT = *(uint8_t *) (txrx_setup->tx_data + txrx_setup->tx_count);
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

    /* Data has been transmitted, NACK has been received,
     * that means there's no more data to send, exit now */
     * Note: Don't wait for stop event since in slave transmit mode,
     * since there no proof lets us know when a stop signal has been received
     * on slave side.
    case I2C_I2STAT_S_TX_DAT_NACK:
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
        txrx_setup->status |= I2C_SETUP_STATUS_DONE;
        goto s_int_end;

    // Other status must be captured
        // Disable interrupt
        I2C_IntCmd(I2Cx, FALSE);
        I2C_SlaveComplete[tmp] = TRUE;

 * @brief         Transmit and Receive data in master mode
 * @param[in]    I2Cx            I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    TransferCfg        Pointer to a I2C_M_SETUP_Type structure that
 *                                 contains specified information about the
 *                                 configuration for master transfer.
 * @param[in]    Opt                a I2C_TRANSFER_OPT_Type type that selected for
 *                                 interrupt or polling mode.
 * @return         SUCCESS or ERROR
 * Note:
 * - In case of using I2C to transmit data only, either transmit length set to 0
 * or transmit data pointer set to NULL.
 * - In case of using I2C to receive data only, either receive length set to 0
 * or receive data pointer set to NULL.
 * - In case of using I2C to transmit followed by receive data, transmit length,
 * transmit data pointer, receive length and receive data pointer should be set
 * corresponding.
Status I2C_MasterTransferData(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, I2C_M_SETUP_Type *TransferCfg, \
                                I2C_TRANSFER_OPT_Type Opt)
    uint8_t *txdat;
    uint8_t *rxdat;
    uint32_t CodeStatus;
    uint8_t tmp;

    // reset all default state
    txdat = (uint8_t *) TransferCfg->tx_data;
    rxdat = (uint8_t *) TransferCfg->rx_data;
    // Reset I2C setup value to default state
    TransferCfg->tx_count = 0;
    TransferCfg->rx_count = 0;
    TransferCfg->status = 0;

    if (Opt == I2C_TRANSFER_POLLING){

        /* First Start condition -------------------------------------------------------------- */
        TransferCfg->retransmissions_count = 0;
        // reset all default state
        txdat = (uint8_t *) TransferCfg->tx_data;
        rxdat = (uint8_t *) TransferCfg->rx_data;
        // Reset I2C setup value to default state
        TransferCfg->tx_count = 0;
        TransferCfg->rx_count = 0;
        CodeStatus = 0;

        // Start command
        CodeStatus = I2C_Start(I2Cx);
        if ((CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_START) \
                && (CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_RESTART)){
            if (TransferCfg->retransmissions_count > TransferCfg->retransmissions_max){
                // save status
                TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus;
                goto error;
            } else {
                goto retry;

        /* In case of sending data first --------------------------------------------------- */
        if ((TransferCfg->tx_length != 0) && (TransferCfg->tx_data != NULL)){

            /* Send slave address + WR direction bit = 0 ----------------------------------- */
            CodeStatus = I2C_SendByte(I2Cx, (TransferCfg->sl_addr7bit << 1));
            if (CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_SLAW_ACK){
                if (TransferCfg->retransmissions_count > TransferCfg->retransmissions_max){
                    // save status
                    TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus | I2C_SETUP_STATUS_NOACKF;
                    goto error;
                } else {
                    goto retry;

            /* Send a number of data bytes ---------------------------------------- */
            while (TransferCfg->tx_count < TransferCfg->tx_length)
                CodeStatus = I2C_SendByte(I2Cx, *txdat);
                if (CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_TX_DAT_ACK){
                    if (TransferCfg->retransmissions_count > TransferCfg->retransmissions_max){
                        // save status
                        TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus | I2C_SETUP_STATUS_NOACKF;
                        goto error;
                    } else {
                        goto retry;


        /* Second Start condition (Repeat Start) ------------------------------------------- */
        if ((TransferCfg->tx_length != 0) && (TransferCfg->tx_data != NULL) \
                && (TransferCfg->rx_length != 0) && (TransferCfg->rx_data != NULL)){

            CodeStatus = I2C_Start(I2Cx);
            if ((CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_START) \
                    && (CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_RESTART)){
                if (TransferCfg->retransmissions_count > TransferCfg->retransmissions_max){
                    // Update status
                    TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus;
                    goto error;
                } else {
                    goto retry;

        /* Then, start reading after sending data -------------------------------------- */
        if ((TransferCfg->rx_length != 0) && (TransferCfg->rx_data != NULL)){
            /* Send slave address + RD direction bit = 1 ----------------------------------- */

            CodeStatus = I2C_SendByte(I2Cx, ((TransferCfg->sl_addr7bit << 1) | 0x01));
            if (CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_SLAR_ACK){
                if (TransferCfg->retransmissions_count > TransferCfg->retransmissions_max){
                    // update status
                    TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus | I2C_SETUP_STATUS_NOACKF;
                    goto error;
                } else {
                    goto retry;

            /* Receive a number of data bytes ------------------------------------------------- */
            while (TransferCfg->rx_count < TransferCfg->rx_length){

                 * Note that: if data length is only one, the master should not
                 * issue an ACK signal on bus after reading to avoid of next data frame
                 * on slave side
                if (TransferCfg->rx_count < (TransferCfg->rx_length - 1)){
                    // Issue an ACK signal for next data frame
                    CodeStatus = I2C_GetByte(I2Cx, &tmp, TRUE);
                    if (CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_DAT_ACK){
                        if (TransferCfg->retransmissions_count > TransferCfg->retransmissions_max){
                            // update status
                            TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus;
                            goto error;
                        } else {
                            goto retry;
                } else {
                    // Do not issue an ACK signal
                    CodeStatus = I2C_GetByte(I2Cx, &tmp, FALSE);
                    if (CodeStatus != I2C_I2STAT_M_RX_DAT_NACK){
                        if (TransferCfg->retransmissions_count > TransferCfg->retransmissions_max){
                            // update status
                            TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus;
                            goto error;
                        } else {
                            goto retry;
                *rxdat++ = tmp;

        /* Send STOP condition ------------------------------------------------- */
        return SUCCESS;

        // Send stop condition
        return ERROR;

    else if (Opt == I2C_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT){
        // Setup tx_rx data, callback and interrupt handler
        tmp = I2C_getNum(I2Cx);
        i2cdat[tmp].txrx_setup = (uint32_t) TransferCfg;
        // Set direction phase, write first
        i2cdat[tmp].dir = 0;

        /* First Start condition -------------------------------------------------------------- */
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_STA;
        I2C_IntCmd(I2Cx, TRUE);

        return (SUCCESS);

    return ERROR;

 * @brief         Receive and Transmit data in slave mode
 * @param[in]    I2Cx            I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *                - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    TransferCfg        Pointer to a I2C_S_SETUP_Type structure that
 *                                 contains specified information about the
 *                                 configuration for master transfer.
 * @param[in]    Opt                I2C_TRANSFER_OPT_Type type that selected for
 *                                 interrupt or polling mode.
 * @return         SUCCESS or ERROR
 * Note:
 * The mode of slave's operation depends on the command sent from master on
 * the I2C bus. If the master send a SLA+W command, this sub-routine will
 * use receive data length and receive data pointer. If the master send a SLA+R
 * command, this sub-routine will use transmit data length and transmit data
 * pointer.
 * If the master issue an repeat start command or a stop command, the slave will
 * enable an time out condition, during time out condition, if there's no activity
 * on I2C bus, the slave will exit, otherwise (i.e. the master send a SLA+R/W),
 * the slave then switch to relevant operation mode. The time out should be used
 * because the return status code can not show difference from stop and repeat
 * start command in slave operation.
 * In case of the expected data length from master is greater than data length
 * that slave can support:
 * - In case of reading operation (from master): slave will return I2C_I2DAT_IDLE_CHAR
 * value.
 * - In case of writing operation (from master): slave will ignore remain data from master.
Status I2C_SlaveTransferData(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, I2C_S_SETUP_Type *TransferCfg, \
                                I2C_TRANSFER_OPT_Type Opt)
    uint8_t *txdat;
    uint8_t *rxdat;
    volatile uint32_t CodeStatus = 0;
    uint32_t timeout;
    int32_t time_en;
    int32_t tmp;

    // reset all default state
    txdat = (uint8_t *) TransferCfg->tx_data;
    rxdat = (uint8_t *) TransferCfg->rx_data;
    // Reset I2C setup value to default state
    TransferCfg->tx_count = 0;
    TransferCfg->rx_count = 0;
    TransferCfg->status = 0;

    // Polling option
    if (Opt == I2C_TRANSFER_POLLING){

        /* Set AA bit to ACK command on I2C bus */
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        /* Clear SI bit to be ready ... */

        time_en = 0;
        timeout = 0;

        while (1)
            /* Check SI flag ready */
            if (I2Cx->I2CONSET & I2C_I2CONSET_SI)
                time_en = 0;

                switch (CodeStatus = (I2Cx->I2STAT & I2C_STAT_CODE_BITMASK))

                /* No status information */
                case I2C_I2STAT_NO_INF:
                    I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

                /* Reading phase -------------------------------------------------------- */
                /* Own SLA+R has been received, ACK has been returned */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_SLAW_ACK:
                /* General call address has been received, ACK has been returned */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_GENCALL_ACK:
                    I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

                /* Previously addressed with own SLA;
                 * DATA byte has been received;
                 * ACK has been returned */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_PRE_SLA_DAT_ACK:
                /* DATA has been received, ACK hasn been return */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_PRE_GENCALL_DAT_ACK:
                     * All data bytes that over-flow the specified receive
                     * data length, just ignore them.
                    if ((TransferCfg->rx_count < TransferCfg->rx_length) \
                            && (TransferCfg->rx_data != NULL)){
                        *rxdat++ = (uint8_t)I2Cx->I2DAT;
                    I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

                /* Previously addressed with own SLA;
                 * DATA byte has been received;
                 * NOT ACK has been returned */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_PRE_SLA_DAT_NACK:
                /* DATA has been received, NOT ACK has been returned */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_PRE_GENCALL_DAT_NACK:
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

                 * Note that: Return code only let us know a stop condition mixed
                 * with a repeat start condition in the same code value.
                 * So we should provide a time-out. In case this is really a stop
                 * condition, this will return back after time out condition. Otherwise,
                 * next session that is slave receive data will be completed.

                /* A Stop or a repeat start condition */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_RX_STA_STO_SLVREC_SLVTRX:
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
                    // enable time out
                    time_en = 1;
                    timeout = 0;

                /* Writing phase -------------------------------------------------------- */
                /* Own SLA+R has been received, ACK has been returned */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_TX_SLAR_ACK:
                /* Data has been transmitted, ACK has been received */
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_TX_DAT_ACK:
                     * All data bytes that over-flow the specified receive
                     * data length, just ignore them.
                    if ((TransferCfg->tx_count < TransferCfg->tx_length) \
                            && (TransferCfg->tx_data != NULL)){
                        I2Cx->I2DAT = *txdat++;
                    I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;

                /* Data has been transmitted, NACK has been received,
                 * that means there's no more data to send, exit now */
                 * Note: Don't wait for stop event since in slave transmit mode,
                 * since there no proof lets us know when a stop signal has been received
                 * on slave side.
                case I2C_I2STAT_S_TX_DAT_NACK:
                    I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
                    // enable time out
                    time_en = 1;
                    timeout = 0;

                // Other status must be captured
                    I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_SIC;
                    goto s_error;
            } else if (time_en){
                if (timeout++ > I2C_SLAVE_TIME_OUT){
                    // it's really a stop condition, goto end stage
                    goto s_end_stage;

        /* Clear AA bit to disable ACK on I2C bus */
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_AAC;
        // Check if there's no error during operation
        // Update status
        TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus | I2C_SETUP_STATUS_DONE;
        return SUCCESS;

        /* Clear AA bit to disable ACK on I2C bus */
        I2Cx->I2CONCLR = I2C_I2CONCLR_AAC;
        // Update status
        TransferCfg->status = CodeStatus;
        return ERROR;

    else if (Opt == I2C_TRANSFER_INTERRUPT){
        // Setup tx_rx data, callback and interrupt handler
        tmp = I2C_getNum(I2Cx);
        i2cdat[tmp].txrx_setup = (uint32_t) TransferCfg;
        // Set direction phase, read first
        i2cdat[tmp].dir = 1;

        // Enable AA
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
        I2C_IntCmd(I2Cx, TRUE);

        return (SUCCESS);

    return ERROR;

 * @brief        Set Own slave address in I2C peripheral corresponding to
 *                 parameter specified in OwnSlaveAddrConfigStruct.
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *                - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    OwnSlaveAddrConfigStruct    Pointer to a I2C_OWNSLAVEADDR_CFG_Type
 *                 structure that contains the configuration information for the
*               specified I2C slave address.
 * @return         None
void I2C_SetOwnSlaveAddr(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, I2C_OWNSLAVEADDR_CFG_Type *OwnSlaveAddrConfigStruct)
    uint32_t tmp;

    tmp = (((uint32_t)(OwnSlaveAddrConfigStruct->SlaveAddr_7bit << 1)) \
            | ((OwnSlaveAddrConfigStruct->GeneralCallState == ENABLE) ? 0x01 : 0x00))& I2C_I2ADR_BITMASK;
    switch (OwnSlaveAddrConfigStruct->SlaveAddrChannel)
    case 0:
        I2Cx->I2ADR0 = tmp;
        I2Cx->I2MASK0 = I2C_I2MASK_MASK((uint32_t) \
    case 1:
        I2Cx->I2ADR1 = tmp;
        I2Cx->I2MASK1 = I2C_I2MASK_MASK((uint32_t) \
    case 2:
        I2Cx->I2ADR2 = tmp;
        I2Cx->I2MASK2 = I2C_I2MASK_MASK((uint32_t) \
    case 3:
        I2Cx->I2ADR3 = tmp;
        I2Cx->I2MASK3 = I2C_I2MASK_MASK((uint32_t) \

 * @brief        Configures functionality in I2C monitor mode
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *               - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    MonitorCfgType Monitor Configuration type, should be:
 *                 - I2C_MONITOR_CFG_SCL_OUTPUT: I2C module can 'stretch'
 *                 the clock line (hold it low) until it has had time to
 *                 respond to an I2C interrupt.
 *                 - I2C_MONITOR_CFG_MATCHALL: When this bit is set to '1'
 *                 and the I2C is in monitor mode, an interrupt will be
 *                 generated on ANY address received.
 * @param[in]    NewState New State of this function, should be:
 *                 - ENABLE: Enable this function.
 *                 - DISABLE: Disable this function.
 * @return        None
void I2C_MonitorModeConfig(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint32_t MonitorCfgType, FunctionalState NewState)

    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        I2Cx->MMCTRL |= MonitorCfgType;
        I2Cx->MMCTRL &= (~MonitorCfgType) & I2C_I2MMCTRL_BITMASK;

 * @brief        Enable/Disable I2C monitor mode
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *                - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @param[in]    NewState New State of this function, should be:
 *                 - ENABLE: Enable monitor mode.
 *                 - DISABLE: Disable monitor mode.
 * @return        None
void I2C_MonitorModeCmd(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, FunctionalState NewState)

    if (NewState == ENABLE)
        I2Cx->MMCTRL |= I2C_I2MMCTRL_MM_ENA;
        I2Cx->I2CONSET = I2C_I2CONSET_AA;
    I2C_MonitorBufferIndex = 0;

 * @brief        Get data from I2C data buffer in monitor mode.
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *                - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return        None
 * Note:    In monitor mode, the I2C module may lose the ability to stretch
 * the clock (stall the bus) if the ENA_SCL bit is not set. This means that
 * the processor will have a limited amount of time to read the contents of
 * the data received on the bus. If the processor reads the I2DAT shift
 * register, as it ordinarily would, it could have only one bit-time to
 * respond to the interrupt before the received data is overwritten by
 * new data.
uint8_t I2C_MonitorGetDatabuffer(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
    return ((uint8_t)(I2Cx->I2DATA_BUFFER));

 * @brief        Get data from I2C data buffer in monitor mode.
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be
 *                - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return        None
 * Note:    In monitor mode, the I2C module may lose the ability to stretch
 * the clock (stall the bus) if the ENA_SCL bit is not set. This means that
 * the processor will have a limited amount of time to read the contents of
 * the data received on the bus. If the processor reads the I2DAT shift
 * register, as it ordinarily would, it could have only one bit-time to
 * respond to the interrupt before the received data is overwritten by
 * new data.
BOOL_8 I2C_MonitorHandler(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t size)
    BOOL_8 ret=FALSE;


    buffer[I2C_MonitorBufferIndex] = (uint8_t)(I2Cx->I2DATA_BUFFER);
    if(I2C_MonitorBufferIndex >= size)
        ret = TRUE;
    return ret;
 * @brief         Get status of Master Transfer
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *              - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         Master transfer status, could be:
 *                 - TRUE    master transfer completed
 *                 - FALSE master transfer have not completed yet
uint32_t I2C_MasterTransferComplete(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
    uint32_t retval, tmp;
    tmp = I2C_getNum(I2Cx);
    retval = I2C_MasterComplete[tmp];
    I2C_MasterComplete[tmp] = FALSE;
    return retval;

 * @brief         Get status of Slave Transfer
 * @param[in]    I2Cx    I2C peripheral selected, should be:
 *                 - LPC_I2C0
 *                 - LPC_I2C1
 *                 - LPC_I2C2
 * @return         Complete status, could be: TRUE/FALSE
uint32_t I2C_SlaveTransferComplete(LPC_I2C_TypeDef *I2Cx)
    uint32_t retval, tmp;
    tmp = I2C_getNum(I2Cx);
    retval = I2C_SlaveComplete[tmp];
    I2C_SlaveComplete[tmp] = FALSE;
    return retval;

 * @}

#endif /* _I2C */

 * @}

/* --------------------------------- End Of File ------------------------------ */