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HTTPSClient Class Reference

HTTPSClient Class Reference

Simple wrapper of TLS library to send GET request to a server and receive some web pages. More...

#include <HTTPSClient.h>

Public Member Functions

bool connect (const std::string &host)
 Connnect to the given host.
int get (const std::string &path, HTTPHeader *hdr)
 Send a GET request to the host.
int get (const std::string &path, HTTPHeader *hdr, char *data, int length)
 Send a get request and reads (partially) the body.
bool disconnect ()
 Disconnect from host.

Detailed Description

Simple wrapper of TLS library to send GET request to a server and receive some web pages.

Definition at line 12 of file HTTPSClient.h.

Member Function Documentation

bool connect ( const std::string &  host )

Connnect to the given host.

hostA valid hostname (e.g. "")
True if the connection was established with success, false otherwise.
If the client is already connected, it returns false.

Definition at line 11 of file HTTPSClient.cpp.

bool disconnect (  )

Disconnect from host.

True if the client disconnected with success, false otherwise.

Definition at line 82 of file HTTPSClient.cpp.

int get ( const std::string &  path,
HTTPHeader *  hdr,
char *  data,
int  length 

Send a get request and reads (partially) the body.

hdrA pointer to an HTTPHeader object.
dataA pointer to some buffer
lengthMaximum number of bytes to read
Number of bytes stored in data in range 0..length, or -1 if an error occured.
To check whether this request is sent with success, you must check the status of the HTTPHeader and the value of the integer returned by this function.


        // Assuming that an HTTPSClient object c is connected to a host
        HTTPHeader hdr;
        char buffer[256];
        int n = c.get("/", &hdr, buffer, 256);
        if(n > 0 && hdr.getStatus() == HTTP_OK) // GET request sent with success
            // do some stuff here..
            printf("Failed to send get request\n");
If hdr is null, this function does not send anything and directly writes bytes in data. This is particularly useful if you expect large answers (such as webpages) from the host.

Definition at line 61 of file HTTPSClient.cpp.

int get ( const std::string &  path,
HTTPHeader *  hdr 

Send a GET request to the host.

hdrA pointer to an HTTPHeader object.
Returns 0 if the request was sent with success, or -1 if an error occured.

Definition at line 47 of file HTTPSClient.cpp.