meeting mbed rapid prototyping board.

today I launched the mbed for the first time. after compiling the hello-world example and playing with it, I found that the other 3 LEDs are not working, when I change the code of the default program. Also I was trying to familiarize myself with the API. Instantly found two things to make better:

  1. an overview of the pin names as PDF, etc.
  2. some form of auto-complete in the editor, like in eclipse would be very usefull.

Wired a freescale accelerometer to the mbed on a prototyping board. will try to read data from it via I2C.

I have some ideas on what to do with the mbed, since it seems to be quite easy to get things running. Here are some:

  • custom protocol translator to TCP/IP
  • reading of sensor values (accelerometer, sun angle sensor)
  • control of a  highly integrated camera


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