Search and Tag Bot

4180 Final Project: Fall 2018

Team Members: Booker Farrior, Elizabeth Fuller, Nelson Raphael

The Search and Tag Bot is a robot that is controlled with the Bluetooth chip, can tag the location of desired objects using Google Cloud Console, and then maps the location of objects in a C# GUI.
The code for the C# GUI and the Raspberry Pi can be found in the GitHub Repository.
Project progress and design choices can be found on our official website.


Additional Project Resources

For more information on our design process check out our official website!

Official Website

GitHub Repo

Presentation Slides




Pin Diagram


Power Problem!

Insert a large capacitor from vcc (longer wire on cap) on the micro USB breakout board to ground because servo needs more power than our external battery initially could supply

Video Demo

The tag function is mapped to a button on the bluetooth controller app. On a button push, the sonar checks to see if the robot is close enough to an object. If it is close enough "target acquired" is played on the speaker, and the RPi camera surveys what objects are nearby and relays that info back to the mbed. If nothing is close enough, a "roar" is played on the speaker.

C# Map GUI


The GUI plots where the robot found army men in relation to where it started which is the black "X" in the center. It uses a CSV .txt file that was created on the SD card with (heading,time,tag) information.

Code for this GUI can be found in the GitHub Repo.

Code Change!

The path file for the StreamReader will need to change depending on where your file is located.

Google Cloud Console

When the tag function is pressed an "*" is read from the mbed and the RPi is instructed to take an image. Google Cloud Console will determine if a threat is found or not and relay that back to the mbed. There is a threat detected in this example because a "2" is returned to the mbed.


mbed Code

This code controls the overall movement and functionality of the robot taking in commands from the Bluefruit App. It utilizes the sonar sensor to determine distance from the target, the IMU to detect heading and stores that info on the SD card Reader. A Class D amplifier is used in conjunction with a speaker for sound effects.

Import programSearch_Tag_Robot

4180 project fall 2018

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