Synchronous and asynchronous library for ultrasonic distance measurement for the device HC-SR04 with error handling functionality (out of range detection, HW error detection). Main features: "echo" puls duration measurement, distance measurement from "echo" pulse duration, detection of "echo" signal malfunction, timeout detection, detection of measured values outside reliable limits (min, max)

Dependents:   TEST_Dist_lib



File content as of revision 11:12f9cb7d88f3:

#include "Distance_HC_SR04.h"

 * Applied rules: 0, 1, 

/** Create Distance_HC_SR04 instance. Set FSM to IDLE state.
Distance_HC_SR04::Distance_HC_SR04(PinName trig, PinName echo, uint32_t tout_us, float coeff,
        uint32_t tmin_us, uint32_t tmax_us) :
        _trig(trig), _echo(echo), _tout_us(tout_us), _coeff(coeff), _tmin_us(tmin_us), _tmax_us(tmax_us)
    _trig = 0;
    _state = IDLE;

/** Measure and return "echo" pulse duration in synchronous blocking mode.
 * New measurement is started and the code waits for measurement completion or timeout.
 * @param void -
 * @returns
 *   uint32_t value of distance > 0 in case of a success, 0 in case of an error
uint32_t Distance_HC_SR04::measureTicks(void)

    while (STARTED == _state)


    switch (_state)
        case COMPLETED:

            _ticks_us = 0;

    return _ticks_us;

/** Measure and return the distance in synchronous blocking mode.
 * New measurement is started and the code waits for measurement completion or timeout.
 * @param void -
 * @returns
 *   float value of distance > 0.0f in case of a success, 0.0f in case of an error
float Distance_HC_SR04::measureDistance(void)
    return measureTicks()*_coeff;

/** Reset whole device and prepare for triggering of the next measurement in asynchronous non-blocking mode. 
 *  FSM set to IDLE state.
void Distance_HC_SR04::reset(void)
    _state = IDLE;

/** Start the measurement in asynchronous non-blocking mode.
 *  Generates pulse on "trig" output and checks proper value of "echo" signal. Sets FSM STATE and exits.
 *  If "echo" is low right after "trig" pulse is generated, sets FSM state to "STARTED".
 *  In other case FSM sate is set to "ERROR_SIG".
void Distance_HC_SR04::trigger(void)
    if (IDLE == _state && 0 == _echo)
        _trig = 1;
        _trig = 0;
        if (0 == _echo) {
            _state = STARTED;
            _timeout.attach_us(this, &Distance_HC_SR04::_tout, TIMEOUT_DELAY_US);
            _echo.rise(this, &Distance_HC_SR04::_rising);
            _echo.fall(this, &Distance_HC_SR04::_falling);


    if (IDLE == _state) {
        _state = ERROR_SIG;
        _ticks_us = 0;


/** Returns a state of measurement FSM in asynchronous non-blocking mode.
 *  This function is used in asynchronous non-blocking mode.
 * @returns
 *   Distance_HC_SR04_state FSM state value.
Distance_HC_SR04_state Distance_HC_SR04::getState(void)
   return _state;

/** Return measured duration of "echo" pulse in "COMPLETED" state. Use in asynchronous non-blocking mode.
 *  New measurement is not started. Uses result from last measurement.
 * @returns
 *   uint32_t Measured duration of "echo" pulse in microseconds.
uint32_t Distance_HC_SR04::getTicks(void)
    return _ticks_us;

/** Return distance of the obstacle. Use in asynchronous non-blocking mode.
 *  New measurement is not started. Uses result from last measurement.
 * @returns
 *   float Distance in milimiters calculated from measured duration of "echo" pulse.
float Distance_HC_SR04::getDistance(void)
    return _ticks_us * _coeff;

/** Return actual value of coefficient used to calculate distance from "echo" pulse duration.
 * @returns
 *   float Value of the coefficient used to multiply time in microseconds to get distance in mm.
float Distance_HC_SR04::getCoeff(void)
    return _coeff;

/** Set the actual value of coefficient used to calculate distance from "echo" pulse duration.
 * @param coeff Coeficient for multiplication with pulse duration in microseconds
 * @returns
 *   void -
void Distance_HC_SR04::setCoeff(float coeff)
    _coeff = coeff;

/** Timeout callback function (private).
 * @param void -
 * @returns
 *   void -
void Distance_HC_SR04::_tout(void) {
    if (STARTED == _state)
        _state = TIMEOUT;

/** Rising edge callback function (private).
 * @param void -
 * @returns
 *   void -
void Distance_HC_SR04::_rising(void) {
    if (STARTED == _state) {

/** Falling edge callback function (private).
 * @param void -
 * @returns
 *   void -
void Distance_HC_SR04::_falling(void) {
    if (STARTED == _state) {
        _ticks_us = _timer.read_us();

        if (_ticks_us < _tmin_us)
            _ticks_us = 0;
            _state = OUT_OF_RANGE_MIN;
        } else if (_ticks_us > _tmax_us)
            _ticks_us = 0;
            _state = OUT_OF_RANGE_MAX;
        } else
            _state = COMPLETED;