Program to resistive fabric network to detect ring seal on CPR mask. Uses feeback from neopixel LEDs to demonstrate secure seal. Uses NeoStrip library for NeoPixel methods and class.

Fork of NeoStrip by James Song



File content as of revision 0:9f237b11f0a8:

 * NeoStrip.h
 * Allen Wild
 * March 2014
 * Library for the control of Adafruit NeoPixel addressable RGB LEDs.

#ifndef NEOSTRIP_H
#define NEOSTRIP_H

#ifndef TARGET_LPC1768
#error NeoStrip only supports the NXP LPC1768!

// NeoColor struct definition to hold 24 bit
// color data for each pixel, in GRB order
typedef struct _NeoColor
	uint8_t green;
	uint8_t red;
	uint8_t blue;
} NeoColor;

 * NeoStrip objects manage the buffering and assigning of
 * addressable NeoPixels
class NeoStrip

		 * Create a NeoStrip object
		 * @param pin The mbed data pin name
		 * @param N The number of pixels in the strip
		NeoStrip(PinName pin, int N);

		 * Set an overall brightness scale for the entire strip.
		 * When colors are set using setPixel(), they are scaled
		 * according to this brightness.
		 * Because NeoPixels are very bright and draw a lot of current,
		 * the brightness is set to 0.5 by default.
		 * @param bright The brightness scale between 0 and 1.0
		void setBrightness(float bright);

		 * Set a single pixel to the specified color.
		 * This method (and all other setPixel methods) uses modulo-N arithmetic
		 * when addressing pixels. If p >= N, the pixel address will wrap around.
		 * @param p The pixel number (starting at 0) to set
		 * @param color A 24-bit color packed into a single int,
		 * using standard hex color codes (e.g. 0xFF0000 is red)
		void setPixel(int p, int color);

		 * Set a single pixel to the specified color, with red, green, and blue
		 * values in separate arguments.
		void setPixel(int p, uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue);

		 * Set n pixels starting at pixel p.
		 * @param p The first pixel in the strip to set.
		 * @param n The number of pixels to set.
		 * @param colors An array of length n containing the 24-bit colors for each pixel
		void setPixels(int p, int n, const int *colors);

		 * Reset all pixels in the strip to be of (0x000000)
		void clear();

		 * Write the colors out to the strip; this method must be called
		 * to see any hardware effect.
		 * This function disables interrupts while the strip data is being sent,
		 * each pixel takes approximately 30us to send, plus a 50us reset pulse
		 * at the end.
		void write();

		NeoColor *strip;	// pixel data buffer modified by setPixel() and used by neo_out()
		int N;				// the number of pixels in the strip
		int Nbytes;			// the number of bytes of pixel data (always N*3)
		float bright;		// the master strip brightness
		gpio_t gpio;		// gpio struct for initialization and getting register addresses
