This program is for an autonomous robot for the competition at the Hochschule Luzern. We are one of the 32 teams. The postition control is based on this Documentation: Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: An Experimental Overview from Alessandro De Luca, Giuseppe Oriolo, Marilena Vendittelli. For more information see here:

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of autonomous Robot Android by Christian Burri



File content as of revision 10:09ddb819fdcb:

#ifndef _DEFINES_H_
#define _DEFINES_H_

/*! \file defines.h
\brief All defines for the roboter you can see here.

#include "mbed.h"

 * Physical dimensions π
#define PI                    3.141592654f

 * @name maxon motor #339282 EC 45 flat 30W
 * @{

* Number of of pole pairs
#define POLE_PAIRS            8u

* Gear on the motor 1/11.6f
#define GEAR                  1/11.6f

* Pulses per electrical step form the Hallsensor, have 6 steps
#define PULSES_PER_STEP       6u
/*! @} */

 * @name Physical Dimension of the car
 * @{

 * Value for the diffrerenz between left an right, given in [m]
#define WHEEL_RADIUS_DIFF     0.0000f

 * radius of the left wheel, given in [m]
#define WHEEL_RADIUS_LEFT     0.040280f

 * radius of the left wheel, given in [m]

 * Distance of the wheel, given in [m] Greater --> turn more
#define WHEEL_DISTANCE        0.2000f
/*! @} */

 * @name State Bits of the car
 * @{

 * Bit0 = stop pressed
#define STATE_STOP            1u

 * Bit1 = Undervoltage battery
#define STATE_UNDER           2u 

 * Bit2 = left ESCON in error state
#define STATE_LEFT            4u

 * Bit3 = right ESCON in error state
#define STATE_RIGHT           8u
/*! @} */    

// ESCON Constands
#define ESCON_SET_FACTOR      1500.0f       // Speed Factor how set in the ESCON 
#define ESCON_GET_FACTOR      1600.4f       // Speed Factor how get in the ESCON 

//Error patch of the drift of Analog input and pwn output
#define SET_SPEED_PATCH       (1+0.00262f)  // patch factor of set speed
#define GET_SPEED_PATCH       (1+0.0019f)   // patch factor of get speed              

// Start Defintition
#define START_X_OFFSET        -0.8f         // Sets the start X-point [m]
#define START_Y_OFFSET        0.8f          // Sets the start Y-point [m]

// Maximum Aceeleration
#define ACCELERATION          0.25f         // maximum translational acceleration, given in [m/s2]
#define THETA_ACCELERATION    1.0f          // maximum rotational acceleration, given in [rad/s2]

// position controller
#define GAIN                  0.8f          // Main Gain
#define K1                    0.8f * GAIN
#define K2                    3.0f * GAIN   // deafult 3.0f
#define K3                    2.0f * GAIN   // default 2.0f
#define MIN_DISTANCE_ERROR    -0.005f       // min. Distance to switch the position controller off. Because when Distance Error goes to zero the ATAN2 is not define, given in [m]                 

// LiPo Batterie
#define BAT_MULTIPLICATOR     21.633333333f // R2 / (R1 + R2) = 0.153    R2= 10k , R1 = 1.8k 1/0.153 = 6.555  ---> 3.3 * 6.555 = 21.6333333f
#define BAT_MIN               17.5f         // minium operate voltage [V] Battery Type: 1SP1P LG-18650 --> nominal voltage 3.6V   --> 5 batterys ==> 5 * 3.5V = 17.5V

// Frequenz for the Task
#define PERIOD_COMPASS        0.050f        // 20Hz Rate for Compass HMC6352
#define PERIOD_ROBOTCONTROL   0.001f        // 1kHz Rate for Robot Control
#define PERIOD_STATE          0.001f        // 1kHz Rate for State Objekt 
#define PERIOD_ANDROID        0.1f          // 10Hz Rate for State Objekt 

// Android Buffer Size for communication
#define OUTL 100
#define INBL 100

* struct state
* structure containing system sensor data
typedef struct state {
    /** millis Time [ms]*/
    int millis;
    /** Battery voltage [V] */
    float voltageBattery;
    /** Number of pulses left */
    int leftPulses;
    /** Number of pulses right */
    int rightPulses;
    /** Velocity left [m/s] */
    float leftVelocity;
    /** Velocity right [m/s] */
    float rightVelocity;
    /** Velocity of the car [m/s] */
    float velocity;
    /** Velocity rotation [°/s] */
    float omega;
    /** X-Axis from co-ordinate [m] */
    float xAxis;
    /** Y-Axis from co-ordinate [m] */
    float yAxis;
    /** X-Axis Error [m] */
    float xAxisError;
    /** X-Axis Error [m] */
    float yAxisError;
    /** Angle Error [°] */
    float angleError;
    /** Angle from Car [°] */
    float angle;
    /** Setpoint X-Axis [m] */
    float setxAxis;
    /** Setpoint Y-Axis [m] */
    float setyAxis;
    /** Setpoint Angel [°] */
    float setAngle;
    /** Setpoint velocitiy [m/s] */
    float setVelocity;
    /** Setpoint rotation velocitiy [rad/s] */
    float setOmega;
    /** Compass X-Axis */
    float compassxAxis;
    /** Compass Y-Axis */
    float compassyAxis;
    /** State of the Car **/
    int state;
    /** distance to Goal */
    float rho;
    /** theta to goal */
    float lamda;
    /** theta from the goal */
    float delta;
} state_t;
