This program is for an autonomous robot for the competition at the Hochschule Luzern. We are one of the 32 teams. The postition control is based on this Documentation: Control of Wheeled Mobile Robots: An Experimental Overview from Alessandro De Luca, Giuseppe Oriolo, Marilena Vendittelli. For more information see here:

Dependencies:   mbed

Fork of autonomous Robot Android by Christian Burri

--- a/Android/AndroidAccessory/USBHost/USBHost_log.cpp	Fri Apr 05 10:58:42 2013 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1175 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2010 Peter Barrett
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#include "mbed.h"
-#include "USBHost.h"
-//#define USBHOST_LOG
-#ifdef  USBHOST_LOG
-//    Config (default uses x bytes)
-#define MAX_DEVICES 8                // Max number of devices
-#define MAX_ENDPOINTS_TOTAL 16        // Max number of endpoints total
-#define MAX_ENDPOINTS_PER_DEVICE 8    // Max number of endpoints for any one device
-//#define  USBLOG 1
-#define  LOG(...)       printf(__VA_ARGS__)
-#define  LOG(...)       do {} while(0)
-// USB host structures
-#define USB_RAM_SIZE 16*1024    // AHB SRAM block 1 TODO MACHINE DEPENDENT
-#define USB_RAM_BASE 0x2007C000
-#define TOKEN_SETUP 0
-#define TOKEN_IN  1
-#define TOKEN_OUT 2
-//    Status flags from hub
-#define PORT_ENABLE  1
-#define PORT_SUSPEND  2
-#define PORT_RESET 4
-#define PORT_POWER 8
-#define PORT_LOW_SPEED 9
-#define C_PORT_ENABLE 17
-#define C_PORT_SUSPEND 18
-#define C_PORT_RESET 20
-typedef struct {
-    u8 bm_request_type;
-    u8 b_request;
-    u16 w_value;
-    u16 w_index;
-    u16 w_length;
-} Setup;
-//    Hub stuff is kept private just to keep api simple
-int SetPortFeature(int device, int feature, int index);
-int ClearPortFeature(int device, int feature, int index);
-int SetPortPower(int device, int port);
-int SetPortReset(int device, int port);
-int GetPortStatus(int device, int port, u32* status);
-//    Hardware defines
-//    HcControl
-#define PeriodicListEnable    0x00000004
-#define    IsochronousEnable    0x00000008
-#define    ControlListEnable    0x00000010
-#define    BulkListEnable        0x00000020
-#define    OperationalMask        0x00000080
-#define    HostControllerFunctionalState    0x000000C0
-//    HcCommandStatus
-#define HostControllerReset    0x00000001
-#define ControlListFilled    0x00000002
-#define BulkListFilled        0x00000004
-//    HcInterruptStatus Register
-#define    WritebackDoneHead        0x00000002
-#define    StartofFrame            0x00000004
-#define ResumeDetected            0x00000008
-#define UnrecoverableError        0x00000010
-#define FrameNumberOverflow        0x00000020
-#define RootHubStatusChange        0x00000040
-#define OwnershipChange            0x00000080
-#define MasterInterruptEnable    0x80000000
-//    HcRhStatus
-#define SetGlobalPower            0x00010000
-#define DeviceRemoteWakeupEnable    0x00008000
-//    HcRhPortStatus (hub 0, port 1)
-#define CurrentConnectStatus    0x00000001
-#define    PortEnableStatus        0x00000002
-#define PortSuspendStatus        0x00000004
-#define PortOverCurrentIndicator    0x00000008
-#define PortResetStatus            0x00000010
-#define PortPowerStatus            0x00000100
-#define LowspeedDevice            0x00000200
-#define HighspeedDevice            0x00000400
-#define ConnectStatusChange    (CurrentConnectStatus << 16)
-#define PortResetStatusChange    (PortResetStatus << 16)
-#define  TD_ROUNDING        (u32)0x00040000
-#define  TD_SETUP            (u32)0x00000000
-#define  TD_IN                (u32)0x00100000
-#define  TD_OUT                (u32)0x00080000
-#define  TD_DELAY_INT(x)    (u32)((x) << 21)
-#define  TD_TOGGLE_0        (u32)0x02000000
-#define  TD_TOGGLE_1        (u32)0x03000000
-#define  TD_CC                (u32)0xF0000000
-//    HostController EndPoint Descriptor
-typedef struct {
-    volatile u32    Control;
-    volatile u32    TailTd;
-    volatile u32    HeadTd;
-    volatile u32    Next;
-} HCED;
-// HostController Transfer Descriptor
-typedef struct {
-    volatile u32    Control;
-    volatile u32    CurrBufPtr;
-    volatile u32    Next;
-    volatile u32    BufEnd;
-} HCTD;
-// Host Controller Communication Area
-typedef struct {
-    volatile u32    InterruptTable[32];
-    volatile u16    FrameNumber;
-    volatile u16    FrameNumberPad;
-    volatile u32    DoneHead;
-    volatile u8        Reserved[120];
-} HCCA;
-class HostController;
-class Endpoint;
-class Device;
-//      must be 3*16 bytes long
-class Endpoint
-    HCED    EndpointDescriptor;    // Pointer to EndpointDescriptor == Pointer to Endpoint
-    HCTD    TDHead;
-    enum State
-    {
-        Free,
-        NotQueued,
-        Idle,
-        SetupQueued,
-        DataQueued,
-        StatusQueued,
-        CallbackPending
-    };
-    volatile u8 CurrentState;
-    u8        Flags;            // 0x80 In, 0x03 mask endpoint type
-    u16        Length;
-    u8*        Data;
-    USBCallback Callback;     // Must be a multiple of 16 bytes long
-    void*  UserData;
-    int Address()
-    {
-        int ep = (EndpointDescriptor.Control >> 7) & 0xF;
-        if (ep)
-            ep |= Flags & 0x80;
-        return ep;
-    }
-    int Device()
-    {
-        return EndpointDescriptor.Control & 0x7F;
-    }
-    int Status()
-    {
-        return (TDHead.Control >> 28) & 0xF;
-    }
-    u32 Enqueue(u32 head)
-    {
-        if (CurrentState == NotQueued)
-        {
-            EndpointDescriptor.Next = head;
-            head = (u32)&EndpointDescriptor;
-            CurrentState = Idle;
-        }
-        return head;
-    }
-class Device
-    u8    _endpointMap[MAX_ENDPOINTS_PER_DEVICE*2];
-    u8    Hub;
-    u8    Port;
-    u8    Addr;
-    u8    Pad;
-    //    Only if this device is a hub
-    u8    HubPortCount;    // nonzero if this is a hub
-    u8    HubInterruptData;
-    u8    HubMap;
-    u8    HubMask;
-    int Flags;        // 1 = Disconnected
-    Setup    SetupBuffer;
-    // Allocate endpoint zero
-    int Init(DeviceDescriptor* d, int hub, int port, int addr, int lowSpeed)
-    {
-        Hub = hub;
-        Port = port;
-        Addr = addr;
-        Flags = lowSpeed;
-        memset(_endpointMap,0xFF,sizeof(_endpointMap));
-        return 0;
-    }
-    int SetEndpointIndex(int ep, int endpointIndex)
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENDPOINTS_PER_DEVICE*2; i += 2)
-        {
-            if (_endpointMap[i] == 0xFF)    // Add endpoint to map
-            {
-                _endpointMap[i] = ep;
-                _endpointMap[i+1] = endpointIndex;
-                return 0;
-            }
-        }
-        return ERR_ENDPOINT_NONE_LEFT;
-    }
-    int GetEndpointIndex(int ep)
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENDPOINTS_PER_DEVICE*2; i += 2)
-        {
-            if (_endpointMap[i] == ep)
-                return _endpointMap[i+1];
-            if (_endpointMap[i] == 0xFF)
-                break;
-        }
-        return -1;
-    }
-class HostController
-    HCCA        CommunicationArea;
-    Endpoint    Endpoints[MAX_ENDPOINTS_TOTAL];    // Multiple of 16
-    Endpoint    EndpointZero;                        // For device enumeration
-    HCTD        _commonTail;
-    Setup        _setupZero;
-    Device    Devices[MAX_DEVICES];
-    u32    _frameNumber;            // 32 bit ms counter
-    u8    _callbacksPending;        //    Endpoints with callbacks are pending, set from ISR via ProcessDoneQueue
-    u8    _rootHubStatusChange;    //    Root hub status has changed, set from ISR
-    u8    _unused0;
-    u8    _unused1;
-    u8    _connectPending;    //    Reset has initiated a connect
-    u8    _connectCountdown;    //    Number of ms left after reset before we can connect
-    u8    _connectHub;        //    Will connect on this hub
-    u8    _connectPort;        //    ... and this port
-    u8    SRAM[0];            // Start of free SRAM
-    void Loop()
-    {
-   // printf("Enter Loop \r\n");
-        u16 elapsed = CommunicationArea.FrameNumber - (u16)_frameNumber;    // extend to 32 bits
-        _frameNumber += elapsed;
-        // Do callbacks, if any
-        while (_callbacksPending)
-        {
-            for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENDPOINTS_TOTAL; i++)
-            {
-                Endpoint* endpoint = Endpoints + i;
-                if (endpoint->CurrentState == Endpoint::CallbackPending)
-                {
-                    _callbacksPending--;
-                    endpoint->CurrentState = Endpoint::Idle;
-                    LOG("CurrentState Change  Idle  endpoint(%d) currentState =%d\r\n",endpoint->Address(),endpoint->CurrentState);
-                    endpoint->Callback(endpoint->Device(),endpoint->Address(),endpoint->Status(),endpoint->Data,endpoint->Length,endpoint->UserData);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //    Deal with changes on the root hub
-        if (_rootHubStatusChange)
-        {
-            u32 status = LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1;
-            _rootHubStatusChange = 0;
-            if (status >> 16)
-            {
-                HubStatusChange(0,1,status);
-                LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 = status & 0xFFFF0000;    // clear status changes
-            }
-        }
-        //    Connect after reset timeout
-        if (_connectCountdown)
-        {
-            if (elapsed >= _connectCountdown)
-            {
-                _connectCountdown = 0;
-                Connect(_connectHub,_connectPort & 0x7F,_connectPort & 0x80);
-            } else
-                _connectCountdown -= elapsed;
-        }
-   // printf("Outer Loop \r\n");
-    }
-    //    HubInterrupt - bitmap in dev->HubInterruptData
-    void HubInterrupt(int device)
-    {
-        Device* dev = &Devices[device-1];
-        for (int i = 0; i < dev->HubPortCount; i++)
-        {
-            int port = i+1;
-            if (dev->HubInterruptData & (1 << port))
-            {
-                u32 status = 0;
-                GetPortStatus(device,port,&status);
-                if (status >> 16)
-                {
-                    if (_connectPending && (status & ConnectStatusChange))
-                        continue;    // Don't connect again until previous device has been added and addressed
-                    HubStatusChange(device,port,status);
-                    if (status & ConnectStatusChange)
-                        ClearPortFeature(device,C_PORT_CONNECTION,port);
-                    if (status & PortResetStatusChange)
-                        ClearPortFeature(device,C_PORT_RESET,port);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    static void HubInterruptCallback(int device, int endpoint, int status, u8* data, int len, void* userData)
-    {
-        HostController* controller = (HostController*)userData;
-        if (status == 0)
-            controller->HubInterrupt(device);
-        USBInterruptTransfer(device,endpoint,data,1,HubInterruptCallback,userData);
-    }
-    int InitHub(int device)
-    {
-        u8 buf[16];
-        int r= USBControlTransfer(device,DEVICE_TO_HOST | REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | RECIPIENT_DEVICE,GET_DESCRIPTOR,(DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_HUB << 8),0,buf,sizeof(buf));
-        if (r < 0)
-            return ERR_HUB_INIT_FAILED;
-        //    turn on power on the hubs ports
-        Device* dev = &Devices[device-1];
-        int ports = buf[2];
-        dev->HubPortCount = ports;
-        for (int i = 0; i < ports; i++)
-            SetPortPower(device,i+1);
-        // Enable hub change interrupts
-        return USBInterruptTransfer(device,0x81,&dev->HubInterruptData,1,HubInterruptCallback,this);
-    }
-    int AddEndpoint(int device, int ep, int attributes, int maxPacketSize, int interval)
-    {
-        LOG("AddEndpoint D:%02X A:%02X T:%02X P:%04X I:%02X\r\n",device,ep,attributes,maxPacketSize,interval);
-        Device* dev = &Devices[device-1];
-        Endpoint* endpoint = AllocateEndpoint(device,ep,attributes,maxPacketSize);
-        if (!endpoint)
-            return ERR_ENDPOINT_NONE_LEFT;
-        dev->SetEndpointIndex(ep,endpoint - Endpoints);
-        endpoint->EndpointDescriptor.Control |= dev->Flags; // Map in slow speed
-        return 0;  // TODO ed->bInterval
-    }
-    int AddEndpoint(int device, EndpointDescriptor* ed)
-    {
-        return AddEndpoint(device,ed->bEndpointAddress,ed->bmAttributes,ed->wMaxPacketSize,ed->bInterval);
-    }
-    //      allocate a endpoint
-    Endpoint* AllocateEndpoint(int device, int endpointAddress, int type, int maxPacketSize)
-    {
-        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_ENDPOINTS_TOTAL; i++)
-        {
-            Endpoint* ep = &Endpoints[i];
-            if (ep->CurrentState == 0)
-            {
-                //LOG("Allocated endpoint %d to %02X:%02X\r\n",i,device,endpointAddress);
-                ep->Flags = (endpointAddress & 0x80) | (type & 3);
-                ep->CurrentState = Endpoint::NotQueued;
-                ep->EndpointDescriptor.Control = (maxPacketSize << 16) | ((endpointAddress & 0x7F) << 7) | device;
-                return ep;
-            }
-        }
-        return 0;
-    }
-    Endpoint* GetEndpoint(int device, int ep)
-    {
-        if (device == 0)
-        {
-            //printf("WARNING: USING DEVICE 0\n");
-            return &EndpointZero;
-        }
-        if (device > MAX_DEVICES)
-            return 0;
-        int i = Devices[device-1].GetEndpointIndex(ep);
-        if (i == -1)
-            return 0;
-        return Endpoints + i;
-    }
-    int Transfer(Endpoint* endpoint, int token, u8* data, int len, int state)
-    {
-        //Makoto edit comment out 
-       // LOG("Transfer start\r\n");
-        LOG("Transfer ep=%02X Token:%d Len:%d State:%d\r\n",endpoint->Address(),token,len,state);
-        int toggle = 0;
-        if (endpoint->Address() == 0)
-            toggle = (token == TOKEN_SETUP) ? TD_TOGGLE_0 : TD_TOGGLE_1;
-        if (token != TOKEN_SETUP)
-            token = (token == TOKEN_IN ? TD_IN : TD_OUT);
-        HCTD* head = &endpoint->TDHead;
-        HCTD* tail = &_commonTail;
-        head->Control = TD_ROUNDING | token | TD_DELAY_INT(0) | toggle | TD_CC; 
-        head->CurrBufPtr = (u32)data;
-        head->BufEnd = (u32)(data + len - 1);
-        head->Next = (u32)tail;
-        HCED* ed = &endpoint->EndpointDescriptor;
-        ed->HeadTd = (u32)head | (ed->HeadTd & 0x00000002);    // carry toggle
-        ed->TailTd = (u32)tail;
-        //HCTD* td = head;
-        //LOG("%04X TD %08X %08X %08X Next:%08X\r\n",CommunicationArea.FrameNumber,td->Control,td->CurrBufPtr,td->BufEnd,td->Next);
-        //LOG("%04X ED %08X %08X %08X\r\n",CommunicationArea.FrameNumber,ed->Control,ed->HeadTd,ed->TailTd);
-        //LOG("Transfer run01\r\n");
-        switch (endpoint->Flags & 3)
-        {
-            case ENDPOINT_CONTROL:
-                LOG("Transfer run ENDPOINT_CONTROL\r\n");
-                LPC_USB->HcControlHeadED = endpoint->Enqueue(LPC_USB->HcControlHeadED);    // May change state NotQueued->Idle
-                //LOG("Transfer run02\r\n");
-                LOG("endpoint->CurrentState change %d->%d\r\n",endpoint->CurrentState,state);
-                endpoint->CurrentState = state;                                               // Get in before an int
-                LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus = LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus | ControlListFilled;
-                LPC_USB->HcControl = LPC_USB->HcControl | ControlListEnable;
-                break;
-            case ENDPOINT_BULK:
-                LOG("Transfer run ENDPOINT_BULK\r\n");
-                LPC_USB->HcBulkHeadED = endpoint->Enqueue(LPC_USB->HcBulkHeadED);
-                LOG("endpoint->CurrentState change %d->%d\r\n",endpoint->CurrentState,state);
-                endpoint->CurrentState = state;
-                LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus = LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus | BulkListFilled;
-                LPC_USB->HcControl = LPC_USB->HcControl | BulkListEnable;
-                break;
-            case ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT:
-                LOG("Transfer run ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT\r\n");
-                CommunicationArea.InterruptTable[0] = endpoint->Enqueue(CommunicationArea.InterruptTable[0]);
-                LOG("endpoint->CurrentState change %d->%d\r\n",endpoint->CurrentState,state);
-                endpoint->CurrentState = state;
-                LPC_USB->HcControl |= PeriodicListEnable;
-                break;
-        }
-        LOG("Transfer end\r\n");
-        return 0;
-    }
-    //    Remove an endpoint from an active queue
-    bool Remove(HCED* ed, volatile HCED** queue)
-    {
-        if (*queue == 0)
-            return false;
-        if (*queue == (volatile HCED*)ed)
-        {
-            *queue = (volatile HCED*)ed->Next;    // At head of queue
-            return true;
-        }
-        volatile HCED* head = *queue;
-        while (head)
-        {
-            if (head->Next == (u32)ed)
-            {
-                head->Next = ed->Next;
-                return true;
-            }
-            head = (volatile HCED*)head->Next;
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    void Release(Endpoint* endpoint)
-    {
-        if (endpoint->CurrentState == Endpoint::NotQueued)
-        {
-            // Never event used it, nothing to do
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            HCED* ed = (HCED*)endpoint;
-            ed->Control |= 0x4000;    // SKIP
-            switch (endpoint->Flags & 0x03)
-            {
-                case ENDPOINT_CONTROL:
-                    Remove(ed,(volatile HCED**)&LPC_USB->HcControlHeadED);
-                    break;
-                case ENDPOINT_BULK:
-                    Remove(ed,(volatile HCED**)&LPC_USB->HcBulkHeadED);
-                    break;
-                case ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT:
-                    for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
-                        Remove(ed,(volatile HCED**)&CommunicationArea.InterruptTable[i]);
-                    break;
-            }
-            u16 fn = CommunicationArea.FrameNumber;
-            while (fn == CommunicationArea.FrameNumber)
-                ;    // Wait for next frame
-        }
-        //    In theory, the endpoint is now dead.
-        //    TODO: Will Callbacks ever be pending? BUGBUG
-        memset(endpoint,0,sizeof(Endpoint));
-    }
-    //      Pop the last TD from the list
-    HCTD* Reverse(HCTD* current) 
-    { 
-        HCTD *result = NULL,*temp; 
-        while (current) 
-        { 
-            temp = (HCTD*)current->Next; 
-            current->Next = (u32)result;
-            result = current;
-            current = temp;
-        }
-        return result;
-    }
-    //      Called from interrupt...
-    //      Control endpoints use a state machine to progress through the transfers
-    void ProcessDoneQueue(u32 tdList)
-    {
-    LOG("<<ProcessDoneQueue enter>>\r\n");
-        HCTD* list = Reverse((HCTD*)tdList);
-        while (list)
-        {
-            Endpoint* endpoint = (Endpoint*)(list-1);
-            list = (HCTD*)list->Next;
-            int ep = endpoint->Address();
-            bool in = endpoint->Flags & 0x80;
-            int status = (endpoint->TDHead.Control >> 28) & 0xF;
-            //LOG("ProcessDoneQueue %02X %08X\r\n",ep,endpoint->TDHead.Control);
-            if (status != 0)
-            {
-                LOG("ProcessDoneQueue status %02X %d\r\n",ep,status);
-                LOG("CurrentState Change  Idle endpoint(%d) currentState =%d\r\n",endpoint->Address(),endpoint->CurrentState);
-                endpoint->CurrentState = Endpoint::Idle;
-            } else {
-                switch (endpoint->CurrentState)
-                {
-                    case Endpoint::SetupQueued:
-                        if (endpoint->Length == 0)
-                        {
-                            LOG("ProcessDoneQueue endpoint->Length == 0 endpoint->CurrentState=%d\r\n",endpoint->CurrentState);
-                            Transfer(endpoint,in ? TOKEN_OUT : TOKEN_IN,0,0,Endpoint::StatusQueued);    // Skip Data Phase
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            LOG("ProcessDoneQueue endpoint->Length != 0 endpoint->CurrentState=%d\r\n",endpoint->CurrentState);
-                            Transfer(endpoint,in ? TOKEN_IN : TOKEN_OUT,endpoint->Data,endpoint->Length, Endpoint::DataQueued);    // Setup is done, now Data
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case Endpoint::DataQueued:
-                        if (endpoint->TDHead.CurrBufPtr)
-                            endpoint->Length = endpoint->TDHead.CurrBufPtr - (u32)endpoint->Data;
-                        if (ep == 0)
-                        {
-                            LOG("ProcessDoneQueue ep == 0 endpoint->CurrentState=%d\r\n",endpoint->CurrentState);
-                            Transfer(endpoint,in ? TOKEN_OUT : TOKEN_IN,0,0,Endpoint::StatusQueued);    // Data is done, now Status, Control only
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            LOG("ProcessDoneQueue ep != 0 endpoint->CurrentState=%d\r\n",endpoint->CurrentState);
-                            endpoint->CurrentState = Endpoint::Idle;
-                            LOG("CurrentState Change  Idle endpoint(%d) currentState =%d\r\n",endpoint->Address(),endpoint->CurrentState);
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case Endpoint::StatusQueued:    // Transaction is done
-                        LOG("CurrentState Change  Idle endpoint(%d) currentState =%d\r\n",endpoint->Address(),endpoint->CurrentState);
-                        endpoint->CurrentState = Endpoint::Idle;
-                        break;
-                }
-            }
-            //      Complete, flag if we need a callback
-            if (endpoint->Callback && endpoint->CurrentState == Endpoint::Idle)
-            {
-                endpoint->CurrentState = Endpoint::CallbackPending;
-                _callbacksPending++;
-            }
-        }
-        LOG("<<ProcessDoneQueue out>>\r\n");
-    }
-    //    Hack to reset devices that don't want to connect
-    int AddDevice(int hub, int port, bool isLowSpeed)
-    {
-        int device = AddDeviceCore(hub,port,isLowSpeed);
-        if (device < 0)
-        {
-            LOG("========RETRY ADD DEVICE========\r\n");    // This will go for ever.. TODO power cycle root?
-            Disconnect(hub,port);    // Could not read descriptor at assigned address, reset this port and try again
-            ResetPort(hub,port);    // Cheap bluetooth dongles often need this on a hotplug
-            return -1;
-        }
-        return device;
-    }
-    int AddDeviceCore(int hub, int port, bool isLowSpeed)
-    {
-        int lowSpeed = isLowSpeed ? 0x2000 : 0;
-        DeviceDescriptor desc;
-        EndpointZero.EndpointDescriptor.Control = (8 << 16) | lowSpeed;               // MaxPacketSize == 8
-        int r = GetDescriptor(0,DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE,0,(u8*)&desc,8);
-        if (r < 0)
-        {
-            return r;
-        }
-        EndpointZero.EndpointDescriptor.Control = (desc.bMaxPacketSize << 16) | lowSpeed;     // Actual MaxPacketSize
-        r = GetDescriptor(0,DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE,0,(u8*)&desc,sizeof(desc));
-        if (r < 0)
-            return r;
-        LOG("\nClass %02X found %04X:%04X\r\n",desc.bDeviceClass,desc.idVendor,desc.idProduct);
-        //      Now assign the device an address, move off EndpointZero
-        int device = 0;
-        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICES; i++)
-        {
-            if (Devices[i].Port == 0)
-            {
-                device = i+1;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        if (!device)
-            return ERR_DEVICE_NONE_LEFT;
-        r = SetAddress(0,device);
-        if (r)
-            return r;
-        DelayMS(2);
-        // Now at a nonzero address, create control endpoint
-        Device* dev = &Devices[device-1];
-        dev->Init(&desc,hub,port,device,lowSpeed);
-        AddEndpoint(device,0,ENDPOINT_CONTROL,desc.bMaxPacketSize,0);
-        _connectPending = 0;
-        //    Verify this all works
-        r = GetDescriptor(device,DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_DEVICE,0,(u8*)&desc,sizeof(desc));
-        if (r < 0)
-            return r;
-        //    Set to interface 0 by default
-        //    Calls LoadDevice if interface is found
-        r = SetConfigurationAndInterface(device,1,0,&desc);
-        if (desc.bDeviceClass == CLASS_HUB)
-            InitHub(device);            // Handle hubs in this code
-        return device;
-    }
-    // Walk descriptors and create endpoints for a given device
-    // TODO configuration !=1, alternate settings etc.
-    int SetConfigurationAndInterface(int device, int configuration, int interfaceNumber, DeviceDescriptor* desc)
-    {
-        u8 buffer[255];
-        int err = GetDescriptor(device,DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_CONFIGURATION,0,buffer,sizeof(buffer));
-        if (err < 0)
-            return err;
-        err = SetConfiguration(device,configuration);
-        if (err < 0)
-            return err;
-        //    Add the endpoints for this interface
-        int len = buffer[2] | (buffer[3] << 8);
-        u8* d = buffer;
-        u8* end = d + len;
-        InterfaceDescriptor* found = 0;
-        while (d < end)
-        {
-            if (d[1] == DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE)
-            {
-                InterfaceDescriptor* id = (InterfaceDescriptor*)d;
-                if (id->bInterfaceNumber == interfaceNumber)
-                {
-                    found = id;
-                    d += d[0];
-                    while (d < end && d[1] != DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_INTERFACE)
-                    {
-                        switch (d[1])
-                        {
-                            case DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_ENDPOINT:
-                                AddEndpoint(device,(EndpointDescriptor*)d);
-                                break;
-                            default:
-                                LOG("Skipping descriptor %02X (%d bytes)\r\n",d[1],d[0]);
-                        }
-                        d += d[0];
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            d += d[0];
-        }
-        if (!found)
-            return ERR_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND;
-        OnLoadDevice(device,desc,found);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    void Init()
-    {
-        LOG("USB INIT (Controller is %d bytes)\r\n",sizeof(*this));
-        memset(this,0,sizeof(HostController));
-        EndpointZero.CurrentState = Endpoint::NotQueued;
-        HWInit(&CommunicationArea);
-        DelayMS(10);
-    }
-    void ResetPort(int hub, int port)
-    {
-        LOG("ResetPort Hub:%d Port:%d\r\n",hub,port);
-        _connectPending++;            // Only reset/add 1 device at a time
-        if (hub == 0)
-            LPC_USB->HcRhPortStatus1 = PortResetStatus;    // Reset Root Hub, port 1
-        else
-            SetPortReset(hub,port);    // or reset other hub
-    }
-    void Disconnect(int hub, int port)
-    {
-        LOG("Disconnect Hub:%d Port:%d\r\n",hub,port);    // Mark a device for destruction
-        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_DEVICES; i++)
-        {
-            Device* dev = Devices + i;
-            if (dev->Port == port && dev->Hub == hub)
-            {
-                //    Disconnect everything that is attached to this device if it is a hub
-                for (int p = 0; p < dev->HubPortCount; p++)
-                    Disconnect(i+1,p+1);
-                //    Now release endpoints
-                for (int j = 1; j < MAX_ENDPOINTS_PER_DEVICE*2; j += 2)
-                {
-                    u8 endpointIndex = dev->_endpointMap[j];
-                    if (endpointIndex != 0xFF)
-                        Release(Endpoints + endpointIndex);
-                }
-                dev->Port = 0;    // Device is now free
-                dev->Flags = 0;
-                return;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // called after reset
-    void Connect(int hub, int port, bool lowspeed)
-    {
-        LOG("Connect Hub:%d Port:%d %s\r\n",hub,port,lowspeed ? "slow" : "full");
-        AddDevice(hub,port,lowspeed);
-    }
-    // Called from interrupt
-    void HubStatusChange(int hub, int port, u32 status)
-    {
-        LOG("HubStatusChange Hub:%d Port:%d %08X\r\n",hub,port,status);
-        if (status & ConnectStatusChange)
-        {
-            if (status & CurrentConnectStatus)    // Connecting
-                ResetPort(hub,port);            // Reset to initiate connect (state machine?)
-            else
-                Disconnect(hub,port);
-        }
-        if (status & PortResetStatusChange)
-        {
-            if (!(status & PortResetStatus))
-            {
-                _connectCountdown = 200;        // Schedule a connection in 200ms
-                if (status & LowspeedDevice)
-                    port |= 0x80;
-                _connectHub = hub;
-                _connectPort = port;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    #define HOST_CLK_EN        (1<<0)
-    #define PORTSEL_CLK_EN    (1<<3)
-    #define AHB_CLK_EN        (1<<4)
-    #define  FRAMEINTERVAL        (12000-1)    // 1ms
-    #define  DEFAULT_FMINTERVAL    ((((6 * (FRAMEINTERVAL - 210)) / 7) << 16) | FRAMEINTERVAL)
-    void DelayMS(int ms)
-    {
-        u16 f = ms + CommunicationArea.FrameNumber;
-        while (f != CommunicationArea.FrameNumber)
-            ;
-    }
-    static void HWInit(HCCA* cca)
-    {
-        NVIC_DisableIRQ(USB_IRQn);
-        // turn on power for USB
-        LPC_SC->PCONP        |= (1UL<<31);
-        // Enable USB host clock, port selection and AHB clock
-        LPC_USB->USBClkCtrl |= CLOCK_MASK;
-        // Wait for clocks to become available
-        while ((LPC_USB->USBClkSt & CLOCK_MASK) != CLOCK_MASK)
-            ;
-        //    We are a Host
-        LPC_USB->OTGStCtrl |= 1;
-        LPC_USB->USBClkCtrl &= ~PORTSEL_CLK_EN;                // we don't need port selection clock until we do OTG
-        // configure USB pins
-        LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 &= ~((3<<26)|(3<<28));    
-        LPC_PINCON->PINSEL1 |=    ((1<<26)|(1<<28));            // USB D+/D-
-        LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 &= ~((3 << 6) | (3 << 22));        // USB_PPWR, USB_OVRCR
-        LPC_PINCON->PINSEL3 |= ((2 << 6) | (2 << 22));
-        LPC_PINCON->PINSEL4 &= ~(3 << 18);                    // USB_CONNECT
-        LPC_PINCON->PINSEL4 |= (1 << 18);
-        //    Reset OHCI block
-        LPC_USB->HcControl         = 0;
-        LPC_USB->HcControlHeadED = 0;
-        LPC_USB->HcBulkHeadED     = 0;
-        LPC_USB->HcCommandStatus = HostControllerReset;
-        LPC_USB->HcFmInterval     = DEFAULT_FMINTERVAL;
-        LPC_USB->HcPeriodicStart = FRAMEINTERVAL*90/100;
-        LPC_USB->HcControl    = (LPC_USB->HcControl & (~HostControllerFunctionalState)) | OperationalMask;
-        LPC_USB->HcRhStatus = SetGlobalPower;
-        LPC_USB->HcHCCA = (u32)cca;
-        LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus |= LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus;
-        LPC_USB->HcInterruptEnable = MasterInterruptEnable | WritebackDoneHead | RootHubStatusChange | FrameNumberOverflow;
-        NVIC_SetPriority(USB_IRQn, 0);
-        NVIC_EnableIRQ(USB_IRQn);
-        while (cca->FrameNumber < 10)
-            ;    // 10ms delay before diving in
-    }
-//      Host controller instance and Interrupt handler
-static HostController _controller __attribute__((at(USB_RAM_BASE)));
-extern "C" void USB_IRQHandler(void) __irq;
-void USB_IRQHandler (void) __irq
-LOG("USB_IRQHandler start \r\n");
-    u32 int_status = LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus;
-    LOG("USB_IRQHandler int_status=%0x\r\n",int_status);
-    if(int_status & UnrecoverableError) //Error
-    {
-      LOG("USB_IRQHandler UnrecoverableError Please reset\r\n");
-    }
-    if(int_status & MasterInterruptEnable)
-    {
-      LOG("USB_IRQHandler MasterInterruptEnable\r\n");
-    }
-    if(int_status &OwnershipChange)
-    {
-      LOG("USB_IRQHandler OwnershipChange\r\n");
-    }
-    if(int_status &FrameNumberOverflow)
-    {
-      LOG("USB_IRQHandler FrameNumberOverflow\r\n");
-    }
-    if(int_status&ResumeDetected)
-    {
-      LOG("USB_IRQHandler ResumeDetected\r\n");
-    }
-    if(int_status&StartofFrame)
-    {
-      LOG("USB_IRQHandler StartofFrame\r\n");
-    }
-    if (int_status & RootHubStatusChange)    //    Root hub status change
-    {
-      LOG("USB_IRQHandler _rootHubStatusChange %0x->%0x \r\n", _controller._rootHubStatusChange, _controller._rootHubStatusChange+1);
-        _controller._rootHubStatusChange++;    //    Just flag the controller, will be processed in USBLoop
-    }
-    u32 head = 0;
-    if (int_status & WritebackDoneHead)
-    {
-        head = _controller.CommunicationArea.DoneHead;        // Writeback Done
-        _controller.CommunicationArea.DoneHead = 0;
-         LOG("USB_IRQHandler head=%0x\r\n",head);
-    }             
-    LPC_USB->HcInterruptStatus = int_status;
-    if (head)
-       _controller.ProcessDoneQueue(head);     // TODO - low bit can be set BUGBUG
-LOG("USB_IRQHandler end \r\n");
-//      API Methods
-void USBInit()
-    return _controller.Init();
-void USBLoop()
-    return _controller.Loop();
-u8* USBGetBuffer(u32* len)
-    *len = USB_RAM_SIZE - sizeof(HostController);
-    return _controller.SRAM;
-static Setup* GetSetup(int device)
-    if (device == 0)
-        return &_controller._setupZero;
-    if (device < 1 || device > MAX_DEVICES)
-        return 0;
-    return &_controller.Devices[device-1].SetupBuffer;
-//    Loop until IO on endpoint is complete
-static int WaitIODone(Endpoint* endpoint)
-    LOG("WaitIODone start\r\n");
-    if (endpoint->CurrentState == Endpoint::NotQueued)
-        return 0;
-    while (endpoint->CurrentState != Endpoint::Idle)
-    {
-       LOG("WaitIODone goto  USBloop  endpoint->CurrentState =%d \r\n",endpoint->CurrentState);
-        USBLoop();    // May generate callbacks, mount or unmount devices etc
-    }
-    int status = endpoint->Status();
-    LOG("WaitIODone end\r\n");
-    if (status == 0)
-        return endpoint->Length;
-    return -status;
-int USBTransfer(int device, int ep, u8 flags, u8* data, int length, USBCallback callback, void* userData)
-   //LOG("USBTRANSFER start\r\n");
-    Endpoint* endpoint = _controller.GetEndpoint(device,ep);
-    if (!endpoint)
-    {
-        LOG("USBTRANSFER error Endpoint not found!!\r\n");
-        return ERR_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND;
-    }
-   //LOG("USBTRANSFER run01\r\n");      
-    WaitIODone(endpoint);
-    endpoint->Flags = flags;
-    endpoint->Data = data;
-    endpoint->Length = length;
-    endpoint->Callback = callback;
-    endpoint->UserData = userData;
-    //LOG("USBTRANSFER run02\r\n");
-    if (ep == 0)
-    {
-      LOG("USBTRANSFER ep == 0(Setup) ------------------------------\r\n");
-        _controller.Transfer(endpoint,TOKEN_SETUP,(u8*)GetSetup(device),8,Endpoint::SetupQueued);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      LOG("USBTRANSFER ep != 0\r\n");
-        _controller.Transfer(endpoint,flags & 0x80 ? TOKEN_IN : TOKEN_OUT,data,length,Endpoint::DataQueued);
-    }
-    if (callback)
-    {
-       LOG("USBTRANSFER end io_pending\r\n");
-        return IO_PENDING;
-    }
-    LOG("USBTRANSFER end wait io done \r\n");
-    return WaitIODone(endpoint);
-int USBControlTransfer(int device, int request_type, int request, int value, int index, u8* data, int length, USBCallback callback, void * userData)
-    Setup* setup = GetSetup(device);
-    if (!setup)
-        return ERR_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND;
-    // Async control calls may overwrite setup buffer of previous call, so we need to wait before setting up next call
-    WaitIODone(_controller.GetEndpoint(device,0));
-    setup->bm_request_type = request_type;
-    setup->b_request = request;
-    setup->w_value = value;
-    setup->w_index = index;
-    setup->w_length = length;
-    LOG("USBControlTransfer(device=%d,reqtype=%d,req=%d,value=%d,index=%d,data=%p,len=%d,callbak=%p,udata=%p)\r\n",
-        device,request_type,request,value,index,data,length,callback,userData);
-    return USBTransfer(device,0,request_type & DEVICE_TO_HOST,data,length,callback,userData);
-int  USBInterruptTransfer(int device, int ep, u8* data, int length, USBCallback callback, void* userData)
-    return USBTransfer(device,ep,(ep & 0x80) | ENDPOINT_INTERRUPT,data,length,callback,userData);
-int  USBBulkTransfer(int device, int ep, u8* data, int length, USBCallback callback, void* userData)
-    return USBTransfer(device,ep,(ep & 0x80) | ENDPOINT_BULK,data,length,callback,userData);
-int GetDescriptor(int device, int descType,int descIndex, u8* data, int length)
-    return USBControlTransfer(device,DEVICE_TO_HOST | RECIPIENT_DEVICE, GET_DESCRIPTOR,(descType << 8)|(descIndex), 0, data, length, 0);
-int GetString(int device, int index, char* dst, int length)
-    u8 buffer[255];
-    int le = GetDescriptor(device,DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STRING,index,buffer,sizeof(buffer));
-    if (le < 0)
-        return le;
-    if (length < 1)
-        return -1;
-    length <<= 1;
-    if (le > length)
-        le = length;
-    for (int j = 2; j < le; j += 2)
-        *dst++ = buffer[j];
-    *dst = 0;
-    return (le>>1)-1;
-int SetAddress(int device, int new_addr)
-    return USBControlTransfer(device,HOST_TO_DEVICE | RECIPIENT_DEVICE, SET_ADDRESS, new_addr, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int SetConfiguration(int device, int configNum)
-    return USBControlTransfer(device,HOST_TO_DEVICE | RECIPIENT_DEVICE, SET_CONFIGURATION, configNum, 0, 0, 0, 0);
-int SetInterface(int device, int ifNum, int altNum)
-    return USBControlTransfer(device,HOST_TO_DEVICE | RECIPIENT_INTERFACE, SET_INTERFACE, altNum, ifNum, 0, 0, 0);
-//    HUB stuff
-int SetPortFeature(int device, int feature, int index)
-    return USBControlTransfer(device,HOST_TO_DEVICE | REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | RECIPIENT_OTHER,SET_FEATURE,feature,index,0,0);
-int ClearPortFeature(int device, int feature, int index)
-    return USBControlTransfer(device,HOST_TO_DEVICE | REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | RECIPIENT_OTHER,CLEAR_FEATURE,feature,index,0,0);
-int SetPortPower(int device, int port)
-    int r = SetPortFeature(device,PORT_POWER,port);
-    _controller.DelayMS(20);    // 80ms to turn on a hubs power... DESCRIPTOR? todo
-    return r;
-int SetPortReset(int device, int port)
-    return SetPortFeature(device,PORT_RESET,port);
-int GetPortStatus(int device, int port, u32* status)
-    return USBControlTransfer(device,DEVICE_TO_HOST | REQUEST_TYPE_CLASS | RECIPIENT_OTHER,GET_STATUS,0,port,(u8*)status,4);
\ No newline at end of file