The xplane_io (X-Plane I/O) program is used to establish network communications, via UDP, with the X-Plane flight simulator running on a computer. The code consists of class libraries that abstract the lower-level UDP packet encoding and decoding details, according to the UDP protocol specifications in X-Plane version 9. Any X-Plane DATA packets can be sent and received, and any X-Plane DataRefs can be set by sending DREF packets to X-Plane.

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf mbed ConfigFile



File content as of revision 0:a5d13af495af:


#include <map>
#include "mbed.h"
#include "XPlaneUdp.h"

#define XPLANE_DATA_MSG_LENGTH 36   // 1 int + 8 floats

class XPlaneUdpDATA {

    XPlaneUdpDATA(int messageIndex, bool reverseByteOrder);

     * Accessor for the message index of this DATA message.
    int messageIndex() const;
     * Accessor for the float data at the given float index (0-7).
    float getData(int i) const;
     * Mutator for the float data at the given float index (0-7).
     * The dataChanged flag will also be set.
    void setData(int i, float f);
     * Overload the [] operator to return a reference to the float data at the given float index (0-7).
     * NOTE: The dataChanged flag will not be set if this is used to modify the float data.
    float& operator [] (int i);

     * Fill data[8] with 32 bytes starting at (DATAMessage + 4).
     * Byte order will be reversed, according to the reverseByteOrder property.
    void setAllData(char * DATAMessage);

     * Starting at the given pointer location, populate 36 bytes from values in index and data[8].
     * Byte order will be reversed, according to the reverseByteOrder property.
    void populateDATAMessage(char * bytes);

    // Methods to read/write flag to track if data has been modified.
    bool isDataChanged() const;
    void setDataChanged();
    void resetDataChanged();

     * Print a representation of this instance to outputStream.
    void toString(FILE * outputStream);


    int _messageIndex;
    float _data[8];
    bool _reverseByteOrder;
    bool _dataChanged;