The xplane_io (X-Plane I/O) program is used to establish network communications, via UDP, with the X-Plane flight simulator running on a computer. The code consists of class libraries that abstract the lower-level UDP packet encoding and decoding details, according to the UDP protocol specifications in X-Plane version 9. Any X-Plane DATA packets can be sent and received, and any X-Plane DataRefs can be set by sending DREF packets to X-Plane.

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf mbed ConfigFile



File content as of revision 0:a5d13af495af:


#include "mbed.h"
#include "Scaler.h"
#include "XPlaneUdpDATA.h"

class XPlaneAnalogIn {

    XPlaneAnalogIn(PinName pin, Scaler<float> scale1, Scaler<float> scale2, int msgIdx, int msgFloatIdx);
     * Perform a read() on the AnalogIn pin, and return that value.
    float read_unscaled();

     * Perform a read() on the AnalogIn pin, and return the value scaled by the scale1 and scale2 ranges.
     * The range used for the scaling is returned via the reference parameter:
     *     0 = input fell in between the ranges (i.e. deadband zone), so scaled output is midpoint between scale1 outputTo and scale2 outputFrom 
     *     1 = input fell in the scale1 range
     *     2 = input fell in the scale2 range
     *     3 = input was less than scale1 inputFrom, so scaled output is (bounded by) scale1 outputFrom
     *     4 = input was greater than scale2 inputTo, so scaled output is (bounded by) scale2 outputTo
     * The scaledOutputNoChange reference parameter will be set true if the scaled value didn't changed since the last read.
    float read_scaled(int & range, bool & scaledOutputNoChange);
    // Property accessors and mutators
    //Scaler<float> scale1();
    //void scale1(Scaler<float> scale1);
    //Scaler<float> scale2();
    //void scale2(Scaler<float> scale2);
    int xplaneDATAMsgIdx();
    //void xplaneDATAMsgIdx(int xplaneDATAMsgIdx);
    int xplaneDATAMsgFloatIdx();
    //void xplaneDATAMsgFloatIdx(int xplaneDATAMsgFloatIdx);
     * Print a representation of this instance to outputStream.
    void toString(FILE * outputStream);


    PinName _pin;
    Scaler<float> _scale1;
    Scaler<float> _scale2;
    int _xplaneDATAMsgIdx;
    int _xplaneDATAMsgFloatIdx;
    AnalogIn _ain;
    float _lastUnscaledRead;
    float _lastScaledRead;
    int _lastScaleRange;