The xplane_io (X-Plane I/O) program is used to establish network communications, via UDP, with the X-Plane flight simulator running on a computer. The code consists of class libraries that abstract the lower-level UDP packet encoding and decoding details, according to the UDP protocol specifications in X-Plane version 9. Any X-Plane DATA packets can be sent and received, and any X-Plane DataRefs can be set by sending DREF packets to X-Plane.

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf mbed ConfigFile



File content as of revision 0:a5d13af495af:


#include <vector>
#include <stdarg.h>

 * Perform range-type functions on a list of numbers.
 * The numbers must be in ascending order.
 * Example:
 * @code
 * #include "mbed.h"
 * #include "Ranger.h"
 * AnalogIn hatSwitch(p16);
 * int main() {
 *     Ranger<float> hatSwitchInputRanger(4,  0.59, 0.68, 0.78, 0.92);
 *     int hatSwitchDegreesByRange[5] = {0, -90, 180, 90, 0};
 *     while(1) {
 *         int newRange = hatSwitchInputRanger.range(;
 *         if (hatSwitchInputRanger.rangeChanged()) {
 *             int degrees = hatSwitchDegreesByRange[newRange];
 *         }
 *         wait(0.1);
 *     }
 * }
 * @endcode
template<typename N>
class Ranger {
     * Create a Ranger object from the given set of passed-in numbers.
     * The numbers in the variable argument list must be in ascending order.
     * @param argCount number of arguments that follow
     * @param ... numbers, in ascending order, which define the ranges 
    Ranger(int argCount, ... );

     * Create a Ranger object from the given vector.
     * The numbers in the vector must be in ascending order.
     * @param vect vector to copy from
    Ranger(vector<N> vect);

     * Create a Ranger object from the given array.
     * The numbers in the array must be in ascending order.
     * @param count number of elements to copy from the array
     * @param arr array to copy from
    Ranger(int count, N arr[]);

     * Return the range that the given number falls in.
     * The range is a slice index (zero-based), based on the Ranger's vector/array.
     * @param input value to determine range from
    int range(N input);

     * Check if the last call to range() resulted in a change of range from the previous call.
    bool rangeChanged() const;
     * Print a representation of this instance to outputStream.
    void toString(FILE * outputStream);


     * Common initialization, called from each constructor.
    void init();
    vector<N> _nbrVector;
    N _lastInput;
    int _lastRange;
    bool _rangeChanged;

template<typename N>
void Ranger<N>::init() {
    _lastRange = -1;
    _rangeChanged = false;

template<typename N>
Ranger<N>::Ranger(int argCount, ... ) {
    va_list argList;
    va_start(argList, argCount);
    for (int i = 0; i < argCount; i++) {
        _nbrVector.push_back(va_arg(argList, N));

template<typename N>
Ranger<N>::Ranger(vector<N> vect) : _nbrVector(vect) {

template<typename N>
Ranger<N>::Ranger(int count, N arr[]) : _nbrVector(arr, arr + count) {

template<typename N>
int Ranger<N>::range(N input) {

    int newRange = -1;
    for (int i=0; i < _nbrVector.size(); i++) {
        if (input < _nbrVector[i]) {
            newRange = i;
    if (newRange == -1) {
        newRange = _nbrVector.size();
    _rangeChanged = (_lastRange != newRange);
    _lastInput = input;
    _lastRange = newRange;
    return newRange;

template<typename N>
bool Ranger<N>::rangeChanged() const {
    return _rangeChanged;

template<typename N>
void Ranger<N>::toString(FILE * outputStream) {
    fprintf(outputStream, "Ranger: size=%d, lastRange=%d, changed=%d",
            _nbrVector.size(), _lastRange, _rangeChanged);