The xplane_io (X-Plane I/O) program is used to establish network communications, via UDP, with the X-Plane flight simulator running on a computer. The code consists of class libraries that abstract the lower-level UDP packet encoding and decoding details, according to the UDP protocol specifications in X-Plane version 9. Any X-Plane DATA packets can be sent and received, and any X-Plane DataRefs can be set by sending DREF packets to X-Plane.

Dependencies:   EthernetNetIf mbed ConfigFile

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/XPlaneIO/XPlaneIO.h	Wed Dec 21 22:29:59 2011 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include <queue>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "EthernetNetIf.h"
+#include "UDPSocket.h"
+#include "XPlaneUdpDATA.h"
+#include "XPlaneUdpDecoder.h"
+#include "XPlaneUdpEncoder.h"
+#include "XPlaneAnalogIn.h"
+ * XPlaneIO is used to establish networked communication with X-Plane.
+ * Methods in this class allow the the client to send data to X-Plane as well as
+ * read data that has been sent from X-Plane.
+ */
+class XPlaneIO {
+    //XPlaneIO();
+    ~XPlaneIO();
+    /**
+     * Read configuration file and initialize.
+     */
+    bool setup(char * configFilename, Ethernet * ethernet);
+    /**
+     * Check if user wants to perform interactive XPlaneIO diagnostics. If so, enter diagnostics mode.
+     */
+    void diagnostics(Serial & serialInOut);
+    /**
+     * Include a DATA message, of the given index, in the UDP map -- for receiving from X-Plane.
+     * If a message of the given index already exists in the map, then do nothing.
+     * Returns true if a new DATA message was created and added to the map.
+     */
+    bool addDATAToReceive(int msgIndex);
+    /**
+     * Include a DATA message, of the given index, in the UDP map -- for sending to X-Plane.
+     * If a message of the given index already exists in the map, then do nothing.
+     * Returns true if a new DATA message was created and added to the map.
+     */
+    bool addDATAToSend(int msgIndex);
+    /**
+     * Return a pointer to the DATA message, of the given index, in the UDP receive map (data received from X-Plane).
+     * If a message of the given index does not exist in the map, then return NULL.
+     */
+    XPlaneUdpDATA * getReceiveDATA(int msgIndex) const;
+    /**
+     * Return a pointer to the DATA message, of the given index, in the UDP send map (data to send to X-Plane).
+     * If a message of the given index does not exist in the map, then return NULL.
+     */
+    XPlaneUdpDATA * getSendDATA(int msgIndex) const;
+    /**
+     * Return the float data value, of the given DATA message index, at the given float index (0-7), in the UDP receive map (data received from X-Plane).
+     * If a message of the given index does not exist in the map, then return -999.999f.
+     */
+    float getReceiveDATAValue(int msgIndex, int floatIndex) const;
+    /**
+     * Set the float data value, of the given DATA message index, at the given float index (0-7), in the UDP send map (data to send to X-Plane).
+     * If a message of the given index does not exist in the map, then do nothing.
+     */
+    void setSendDATAValue(int msgIndex, int floatIndex, float f);
+    /**
+     * Add an X-Plane DataRef to the queue -- to be sent the next time the 
+     * sendUdp() ticker function is called.
+     */
+    void sendDREF(XPlaneUdpDREF & dref);
+    /**
+     * Start sending UDP data to X-Plane.
+     */
+    void startSendingUdp();
+    /**
+     * Stop sending UDP data to X-Plane.
+     */
+    void stopSendingUdp();
+    /**
+     * Utility method to send data via the UDPSocket to the sendHost.
+     */
+    int udpSocketSend(char * buf, int len);
+    // Accessors
+    bool debug() const;
+    bool reverseByteOrder() const;
+    XPlaneUdpDATAMap & recvDATAMap();
+    XPlaneUdpDATAMap & sendDATAMap();
+    bool _debug;
+    bool _debugVerbose;
+    //Serial & _serialInOut;
+    EthernetNetIf * _eth;     // pointer, because don't want instantiated until gather config for it
+    // Set up local and remote hosts.
+    Host _recvHost;    // mbed local host
+    Host _sendHost;    // IP address and port to which UDP will be sent
+    // UDP socket to use for both binding to local address (to recv data) and to send data to remote host.
+    UDPSocket _udpSocket;
+    int _sendInterval;  // milliseconds
+    Ticker _sendTicker;
+    bool _reverseByteOrder;
+    XPlaneUdpDATAMap _recvDATAMap;   // keyed by DATA message index
+    XPlaneUdpDATAMap _sendDATAMap;   // keyed by DATA message index
+    queue<XPlaneUdpDREF> _sendDREFQueue;
+    char _udpRecvBuffer[UDP_RECV_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    XPlaneUdpDecoder _udpDecoder;
+    char _udpSendBuffer[UDP_SEND_BUFFER_SIZE];
+    XPlaneUdpEncoder _udpEncoder;
+    XPlaneAnalogIn * _xpAnalogIn[6];
+    int _xpAnalogInCount;
+    /**
+     * Callback handler for when UDP data has been received.
+     * Note that this handler is assigned within the setup() method.
+     */
+    void onUDPSocketEvent(UDPSocketEvent e);
+    /**
+     * Ticker function for sending UDP data.
+     */
+    void sendUdp();
+    /**
+     * Poll analog inputs, and...
+     */
+    void pollAnalogIn();
+/* Config file:
+# If mbed_ip_address is not specified, then DHCP will be used.
+mbed_ip_address=192 168 10 202
+mbed_ip_netmask=255 255 255 0
+mbed_ip_gateway=192 168 10 99
+mbed_ip_dnssrvr=192 168 10 99
+# Ethernet link mode: 0 = AutoNegotiate, 1 = HalfDuplex10, 2 = FullDuplex10, 3 = HalfDuplex100, 4 = FullDuplex100
+# Note that AutoNegotiate does not work for 10 Mbit hub. e.g. Use 2 (FullDuplex10) for 10 Mbit hub that does not auto-detect speed.
+# Local IP port to bind to. X-Plane should be configured to send data to the mbed_ip_address and this port.
+# IP address and port to which UDP data will be sent.
+xplane_ip_address=192 168 10 106
+# Interval (milliseconds) for sending UDP data to X-Plane.
+# Depending on X-Plane host computer (e.g Mac), byte order in UDP packets may need to be reversed.
+# Analog Inputs - for sending an analog value to X-Plane. Up to six are supported (# = 1-6).
+# ain_#_pin       : AnalogIn pin number, 15-20 (p15-20)
+# ain_#_scale1    : Scale range 1: input_from  input_to  output_from  output_to
+#                   Note: A gap between range1's input_to and range2's input_from will be seen as deadband; no data will be sent to X-Plane in that case.
+# ain_#_scale2    : Scale range 2: input_from  input_to  output_from  output_to
+# ain_#_msg_idx   : X-Plane DATA message: message index
+# ain_#_float_idx : X-Plane DATA message: float index (0-7) within the message
+# Analog Input #1:
+ain_1_scale1=0.525 0.610 1.0 0.0
+ain_1_scale2=0.615 0.910 0.0 -1.0
+# Analog Input #2:
+ain_2_scale1=0.520 0.605 1.0 0.0
+ain_2_scale2=0.615 0.920 0.0 -1.0
+# Analog Input #3:
+ain_3_scale1=0.510 0.615 1.0 0.0
+ain_3_scale2=0.620 0.915 0.0 -1.0
+# X-Plane DATA
+#  MsgIdx  8 : 0=elev,      1=ailrn,      2=ruddr
+#  MsgIdx 13 : 0=elev trim, 1=ailrn trim, 2=ruddr trim, 3=flap handl, 4=flap postn, 5=slat ratio, 6=sbrak handl, 7=sbrak postn
+#  MsgIdx 25 : 0=throttle command
+#  MsgIdx 26 : 0=throttle actual
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