Spring 2014, ECE 4180 project, Georgia Institute of Technolgoy. This is the autonomous driver program for the Robotics Cat and Mouse program.

Dependencies:   IMUfilter ADXL345_I2C mbed ITG3200 USBHost mbed-rtos

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
Commit message:
works without any motors

Changed in this revision

ADXL345_I2C.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
GameCode.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Humain.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HumanControl.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
HumanPosition.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
IMU_RPY.h Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ITG3200.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
USBHost.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed-rtos.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ADXL345_I2C.lib	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/GameCode.h	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#define THRESHOLD 100
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
+bool gameOver = false;
+bool isGameOver(short x_hum, short y_hum, short x_cpu, short y_cpu)
+    if(abs(x_hum - x_cpu) < THRESHOLD && abs(y_hum - y_cpu) < THRESHOLD) {
+        return true;
+    } else {
+        return false;
+    }
+void endGame()
+    pc.printf("GAME OVER\n\r");
+    exit(1);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Humain.cpp	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "rtos.h"
+#include "IMU_RPY.h"
+#include "GameCode.h"
+#include "HumanPosition.h"
+#include "HumanControl.h"
+int main()
+    pc.printf("\n\rStartup...\r\n");
+    //Reset xbee
+    pc.printf("Resetting XBee...\r\n");
+    rst1 = 0;
+    wait_us(1);
+    rst1 = 1;
+    wait_us(1);
+    //Initialize IMU and filter
+    pc.printf("Initializing IMU...\r\n");
+    imuFilter.reset();
+    rpy_init();
+    // wait for AI car to get away from user
+    pc.printf("Waiting for AI car...\n\r");
+    wait(10);
+    // start positioning system
+    pc.printf("Starting Positioning System...\n\r");
+    Thread position(PositionSystemMain, NULL, osPriorityRealtime, 256 * 4);
+    wait(3); // wait for the mouse sensor to boot up
+    // give control to radio driver while game is running
+    pc.printf("Running!\n");
+    Timer sendTimer;
+    sendTimer.start();
+    while(!gameOver) {
+        radioDrive();
+        if(sendTimer.read_ms() % 250)
+            sendPosition(NULL);
+    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HumanControl.h	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+//Radio Calibration Signals - Need to implement calibration routine...
+#define CHAN2_MID 1470  //Elevator Midpoint
+#define CHAN1_MID 1470  //Rudder Midpoint
+#define DEADZONE 105
+#define MAXMIN_OFFSET 400
+//Drive Modes
+float xpwm, ypwm;
+PwmOut rightMotorPWM(p22);  //Channel A
+PwmOut leftMotorPWM(p21);   //Channel B
+DigitalOut leftMotor1(p23);
+DigitalOut leftMotor2(p24);
+DigitalOut rightMotor1(p25);
+DigitalOut rightMotor2(p26);
+DigitalIn rudder(p11);
+DigitalIn elevator(p12);
+void setTurnLeft(float speed)
+    //Set speed
+    rightMotorPWM = speed;
+    leftMotorPWM = speed;
+    //Set motor function
+    leftMotor1 = 0;
+    leftMotor2 = 1;
+    rightMotor1 = 1;
+    rightMotor2 = 0;
+void setTurnRight(float speed)
+    //Set speed
+    rightMotorPWM = speed;
+    leftMotorPWM = speed;
+    //Set motor function
+    leftMotor1 = 1;
+    leftMotor2 = 0;
+    rightMotor1 = 0;
+    rightMotor2 = 1;
+//Stop with braking
+void stop()
+    rightMotorPWM = 0;
+    leftMotorPWM = 0;
+    leftMotor1 = 0;
+    leftMotor2 = 1;
+    rightMotor1 = 1;
+    rightMotor2 = 0;
+int getRadioX()
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.reset();
+    int dur;
+    while(!rudder && !gameOver);
+    timer.start();
+    while(rudder && !gameOver);
+    dur = timer.read_us();
+    return dur;
+int getRadioY()
+    Timer timer;
+    timer.reset();
+    int dur;
+    while(!elevator && !gameOver);
+    timer.start();
+    while(elevator && !gameOver);
+    dur = timer.read_us();
+    return dur;
+//Primary function for setting motors for radio driving
+void radioDrive()
+    __disable_irq(); // disable interrupts
+    int radioY = getRadioY();
+    int radioX = getRadioX();
+    __enable_irq(); // enable interrupts
+    //Identify drive mode from radio values
+    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE)
+        mode = FORWARD;
+    if (radioY > CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE)
+        mode = REVERSE;
+    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE && radioY > CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE &&
+            radioX < CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE)
+        mode = CENTERLEFT;
+    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE && radioY > CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE &&
+            radioX > CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE)
+        mode = CENTERRIGHT;
+    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE && radioY > CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE &&
+            radioX < CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE && radioX > CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE)
+        mode = STOP;
+    //Normalize values for PWM magnitude
+    xpwm = abs((float)radioX - CHAN1_MID) / MAXMIN_OFFSET;
+    ypwm = abs((float)radioY - CHAN2_MID) / MAXMIN_OFFSET;
+    //Set Motors Accordingly
+    switch(mode) {
+        case FORWARD:
+            //Handle variable turns
+            if (radioX > CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE) {
+                rightMotorPWM = 0.2;
+                leftMotorPWM = 0.85;
+            } else if (radioX < CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE) {
+                rightMotorPWM = 0.85;
+                leftMotorPWM = 0.2;
+            } else {
+                rightMotorPWM = .85;
+                leftMotorPWM = .85;
+            }
+            leftMotor1 =  0;
+            leftMotor2 = 1;
+            rightMotor1 = 0;
+            rightMotor2 = 1;
+            break;
+        case REVERSE:
+            //Handle variable turns
+            if (radioX > CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE) {
+                rightMotorPWM = 0.2;
+                leftMotorPWM = 0.85;
+            } else if (radioX < CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE) {
+                rightMotorPWM = 0.85;
+                leftMotorPWM = 0.2;
+            } else {
+                rightMotorPWM = .85;
+                leftMotorPWM = .85;
+            }
+            leftMotor1 =  1;
+            leftMotor2 = 0;
+            rightMotor1 = 1;
+            rightMotor2 = 0;
+            break;
+        case CENTERRIGHT:
+            rightMotorPWM = xpwm;
+            leftMotorPWM = xpwm;
+            leftMotor1 = 1;
+            leftMotor2 = 0;
+            rightMotor1 = 0;
+            rightMotor2 = 1;
+            break;
+        case CENTERLEFT:
+            rightMotorPWM = xpwm;
+            leftMotorPWM = xpwm;
+            leftMotor1 = 0;
+            leftMotor2 = 1;
+            rightMotor1 = 1;
+            rightMotor2 = 0;
+            break;
+        case STOP:
+            rightMotorPWM = 0;
+            leftMotorPWM = 0;
+            leftMotor1 = 0;
+            leftMotor2 = 1;
+            rightMotor1 = 1;
+            rightMotor2 = 0;
+            break;
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/HumanPosition.h	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+#include <math.h>
+#include "USBHostMouse.h"
+#define PFLAG_ON 0
+#define PFLAG_OFF 1
+#define PFLAG_CALIB 2
+#define PACKET_SIZE 10
+#define X_HUMAN_UPPER 1
+#define X_HUMAN_LOWER 2
+#define Y_HUMAN_UPPER 4
+#define Y_HUMAN_LOWER 5
+//Convert from radians to degrees.
+#define toDegrees(x) (x * 57.2957795)
+//Quadrant enum
+// updates xy position if on, does nothing if off
+extern char PFlag = PFLAG_ON;
+// variables to keep track of coordinate position
+double x_position = 0;
+double y_position = 0;
+// human position
+Serial xbee(p13, p14);
+DigitalOut rst1(p15);
+/* mouse event handler */
+void onMouseEvent(uint8_t buttons, int8_t x_mickey, int8_t y_mickey, int8_t z)
+    // mouse movements are in mickeys. 1 mickey = ~230 DPI = ~1/230th of an inch
+    double y_temp = y_mickey / 232.6 * 100;
+    double g_temp = imuFilter.getYaw();
+    // determine direction we are facing and add to that direction
+    //y_position += y_temp;
+    //x_position += y_temp * tan(g_temp);
+    double dx = 0;
+    double dy = 0;
+    QUADRANT quadrant;
+    if (toDegrees(g_temp) > 0 && toDegrees(g_temp) <= 90)
+        quadrant = FORWARD_LEFT;
+    if (toDegrees(g_temp) < 0 && toDegrees(g_temp) >= -90)
+        quadrant = FORWARD_RIGHT;
+    if (toDegrees(g_temp) > 90 && toDegrees(g_temp) <= 180)
+        quadrant = BACKWARD_LEFT;
+    if (toDegrees(g_temp) < -90 && toDegrees(g_temp) >= -180)
+        quadrant = BACKWARD_RIGHT;
+    switch (quadrant) {
+        case FORWARD_LEFT:
+            dy = y_temp * cos(g_temp);
+            dx = -y_temp * sin(g_temp);
+            break;
+        case FORWARD_RIGHT:
+            dy = y_temp * cos(g_temp);
+            dx = -y_temp * sin(g_temp);
+            break;
+        case BACKWARD_LEFT:
+            dy = -y_temp * sin(g_temp);
+            dx = y_temp * cos(g_temp);
+            break;
+        case BACKWARD_RIGHT:
+            dy = y_temp * sin(g_temp);
+            dx = -y_temp * cos(g_temp);
+            break;
+    }
+    x_position += dx;
+    y_position += dy;
+    // pc.printf("sin(g): %f, cos(g): %f\n\r", sin(g_temp), cos(g_temp));
+    // pc.printf("DEBUG: dx: %f, dy: %f, gyro: %f, quadrant: %d\n\r", dx, dy, toDegrees(g_temp), quadrant);
+    // pc.printf("x: %f, y: %f, dx: %f, dy:  %f, g: %f, q: %d\n\r", x_position, y_position, dx, dy, toDegrees(g_temp), quadrant);
+/* positioning system thread function */
+void PositionSystemMain(void const *)
+    USBHostMouse mouse;
+    while(!gameOver) {
+        // try to connect a USB mouse
+        while(!mouse.connect() && !gameOver)
+            Thread::wait(500);
+        // when connected, attach handler called on mouse event
+        mouse.attachEvent(onMouseEvent);
+        // wait until the mouse is disconnected
+        while(mouse.connected() && !gameOver)
+            Thread::wait(500);
+    }
+void sendPosition(void const *)
+    int x = 0;
+    int y = 0;
+    char a = 0;
+    char b = 0;
+    char c = 0;
+    char d = 0;
+    // sample current xy position
+    x = (int) x_position;
+    y = (int) y_position;
+    // send current xy position to cpu bot
+    pc.printf("Sending: %d %d...\n\r", x, y);
+    a = x >> 24;
+    b = x >> 16;
+    c = x >> 8;
+    d = x;
+    // pc.printf("\ta: %x b: %x\n\r", a, b);
+    xbee.putc('x');
+    xbee.putc(a);   // send upper bits
+    xbee.putc(b);   // send lower bits
+    xbee.putc(c);
+    xbee.putc(d);
+    a = y >> 24;
+    b = y >> 16;
+    c = y >> 8;
+    d = y;
+    //pc.printf("\ta: %x b: %x\n\r", a, b);
+    xbee.putc('y');
+    xbee.putc(a);   // send upper bits
+    xbee.putc(b);   // send lower bits
+    xbee.putc(c);
+    xbee.putc(d);
+    pc.printf("Send complete.\n\r");
+    wait(0.25);
+    if(xbee.readable() && xbee.getc() == 'd') {
+        gameOver = true;
+        pc.printf("gameOver Received!\n\r");
+        endGame();
+    }
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/IMU_RPY.h	Sun Apr 27 04:31:07 2014 +0000
+++ b/IMU_RPY.h	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -1,281 +1,279 @@
+ * IMU filter example.
+ *
+ * Calculate the roll, pitch and yaw angles.
+ */
+#include "IMUfilter.h"
+#include "ADXL345_I2C.h"
+#include "ITG3200.h"
+//Gravity at Earth's surface in m/s/s
+#define g0 9.812865328
+//Number of samples to average.
+#define SAMPLES 4
+//Number of samples to be averaged for a null bias calculation
+//during calibration.
+//Convert from radians to degrees.
+#define toDegrees(x) (x * 57.2957795)
+//Convert from degrees to radians.
+#define toRadians(x) (x * 0.01745329252)
+//ITG-3200 sensitivity is 14.375 LSB/(degrees/sec).
+#define GYROSCOPE_GAIN (1 / 14.375)
+//Full scale resolution on the ADXL345 is 4mg/LSB.
+#define ACCELEROMETER_GAIN (0.004 * g0)
+//Sampling gyroscope at 200Hz.
+#define GYRO_RATE   0.005
+//Sampling accelerometer at 200Hz.
+#define ACC_RATE    0.005
+//Updating filter at 40Hz.
+#define FILTER_RATE 0.1
+//At rest the gyroscope is centred around 0 and goes between about
+//-5 and 5 counts. As 1 degrees/sec is ~15 LSB, error is roughly
+//5/15 = 0.3 degrees/sec.
+IMUfilter imuFilter(FILTER_RATE, 0.3);
+ADXL345_I2C accelerometer(p9, p10);
+ITG3200 gyroscope(p9, p10);
+Ticker accelerometerTicker;
+Ticker gyroscopeTicker;
+Ticker filterTicker;
+//Offsets for the gyroscope.
+//The readings we take when the gyroscope is stationary won't be 0, so we'll
+//average a set of readings we do get when the gyroscope is stationary and
+//take those away from subsequent readings to ensure the gyroscope is offset
+//or "biased" to 0.
+double w_xBias;
+double w_yBias;
+double w_zBias;
+//Offsets for the accelerometer.
+//Same as with the gyroscope.
+double a_xBias;
+double a_yBias;
+double a_zBias;
-    /**
-     * IMU filter example.
-     *
-     * Calculate the roll, pitch and yaw angles.
-     */
-    #include "IMUfilter.h"
-    #include "ADXL345_I2C.h"
-    #include "ITG3200.h"
-    //Gravity at Earth's surface in m/s/s
-    #define g0 9.812865328
-    //Number of samples to average.
-    #define SAMPLES 4
-    //Number of samples to be averaged for a null bias calculation
-    //during calibration.
-    #define CALIBRATION_SAMPLES 128
-    //Convert from radians to degrees.
-    #define toDegrees(x) (x * 57.2957795)
-    //Convert from degrees to radians.
-    #define toRadians(x) (x * 0.01745329252)
-    //ITG-3200 sensitivity is 14.375 LSB/(degrees/sec).
-    #define GYROSCOPE_GAIN (1 / 14.375)
-    //Full scale resolution on the ADXL345 is 4mg/LSB.
-    #define ACCELEROMETER_GAIN (0.004 * g0)
-    //Sampling gyroscope at 200Hz.
-    #define GYRO_RATE   0.005
-    //Sampling accelerometer at 200Hz.
-    #define ACC_RATE    0.005
-    //Updating filter at 40Hz.
-    #define FILTER_RATE 0.1
-    //At rest the gyroscope is centred around 0 and goes between about
-    //-5 and 5 counts. As 1 degrees/sec is ~15 LSB, error is roughly
-    //5/15 = 0.3 degrees/sec.
-    IMUfilter imuFilter(FILTER_RATE, 0.3);
-    ADXL345_I2C accelerometer(p28, p27);
-    ITG3200 gyroscope(p28, p27);
-    Ticker accelerometerTicker;
-    Ticker gyroscopeTicker;
-    Ticker filterTicker;
-    //Offsets for the gyroscope.
-    //The readings we take when the gyroscope is stationary won't be 0, so we'll
-    //average a set of readings we do get when the gyroscope is stationary and
-    //take those away from subsequent readings to ensure the gyroscope is offset
-    //or "biased" to 0.
-    double w_xBias;
-    double w_yBias;
-    double w_zBias;
-    //Offsets for the accelerometer.
-    //Same as with the gyroscope.
-    double a_xBias;
-    double a_yBias;
-    double a_zBias;
-    //Accumulators used for oversampling and then averaging.
-    volatile double a_xAccumulator = 0;
-    volatile double a_yAccumulator = 0;
-    volatile double a_zAccumulator = 0;
-    volatile double w_xAccumulator = 0;
-    volatile double w_yAccumulator = 0;
-    volatile double w_zAccumulator = 0;
-    //Accelerometer and gyroscope readings for x, y, z axes.
-    volatile double a_x;
-    volatile double a_y;
-    volatile double a_z;
-    volatile double w_x;
-    volatile double w_y;
-    volatile double w_z;
-    //Buffer for accelerometer readings.
-    int readings[3];
-    //Number of accelerometer samples we're on.
-    int accelerometerSamples = 0;
-    //Number of gyroscope samples we're on.
-    int gyroscopeSamples = 0;
-    /**
-     * Prototypes
-     */
-    //Set up the ADXL345 appropriately.
-    void initializeAcceleromter(void);
-    //Calculate the null bias.
-    void calibrateAccelerometer(void);
-    //Take a set of samples and average them.
-    void sampleAccelerometer(void);
-    //Set up the ITG3200 appropriately.
-    void initializeGyroscope(void);
-    //Calculate the null bias.
-    void calibrateGyroscope(void);
-    //Take a set of samples and average them.
-    void sampleGyroscope(void);
-    //Update the filter and calculate the Euler angles.
-    void filter(void);
-    void initializeAccelerometer(void)
-    {
-        //Go into standby mode to configure the device.
-        accelerometer.setPowerControl(0x00);
-        //Full resolution, +/-16g, 4mg/LSB.
-        accelerometer.setDataFormatControl(0x0B);
-        //200Hz data rate.
-        accelerometer.setDataRate(ADXL345_200HZ);
-        //Measurement mode.
-        accelerometer.setPowerControl(0x08);
-        //See http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/AN-1077.pdf
-        wait_ms(22);
-    }
-    void sampleAccelerometer(void)
-    {
-        //Have we taken enough samples?
-        if (accelerometerSamples == SAMPLES) {
-            //Average the samples, remove the bias, and calculate the acceleration
-            //in m/s/s.
-            a_x = ((a_xAccumulator / SAMPLES) - a_xBias) * ACCELEROMETER_GAIN;
-            a_y = ((a_yAccumulator / SAMPLES) - a_yBias) * ACCELEROMETER_GAIN;
-            a_z = ((a_zAccumulator / SAMPLES) - a_zBias) * ACCELEROMETER_GAIN;
-            a_xAccumulator = 0;
-            a_yAccumulator = 0;
-            a_zAccumulator = 0;
-            accelerometerSamples = 0;
-        } else {
-            //Take another sample.
-            accelerometer.getOutput(readings);
-            a_xAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[0];
-            a_yAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[1];
-            a_zAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[2];
-            accelerometerSamples++;
-        }
-    }
-    void calibrateAccelerometer(void)
-    {
+//Accumulators used for oversampling and then averaging.
+volatile double a_xAccumulator = 0;
+volatile double a_yAccumulator = 0;
+volatile double a_zAccumulator = 0;
+volatile double w_xAccumulator = 0;
+volatile double w_yAccumulator = 0;
+volatile double w_zAccumulator = 0;
+//Accelerometer and gyroscope readings for x, y, z axes.
+volatile double a_x;
+volatile double a_y;
+volatile double a_z;
+volatile double w_x;
+volatile double w_y;
+volatile double w_z;
+//Buffer for accelerometer readings.
+int readings[3];
+//Number of accelerometer samples we're on.
+int accelerometerSamples = 0;
+//Number of gyroscope samples we're on.
+int gyroscopeSamples = 0;
+ * Prototypes
+ */
+//Set up the ADXL345 appropriately.
+void initializeAcceleromter(void);
+//Calculate the null bias.
+void calibrateAccelerometer(void);
+//Take a set of samples and average them.
+void sampleAccelerometer(void);
+//Set up the ITG3200 appropriately.
+void initializeGyroscope(void);
+//Calculate the null bias.
+void calibrateGyroscope(void);
+//Take a set of samples and average them.
+void sampleGyroscope(void);
+//Update the filter and calculate the Euler angles.
+void filter(void);
+void initializeAccelerometer(void)
+    //Go into standby mode to configure the device.
+    accelerometer.setPowerControl(0x00);
+    //Full resolution, +/-16g, 4mg/LSB.
+    accelerometer.setDataFormatControl(0x0B);
+    //200Hz data rate.
+    accelerometer.setDataRate(ADXL345_200HZ);
+    //Measurement mode.
+    accelerometer.setPowerControl(0x08);
+    //See http://www.analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/AN-1077.pdf
+    wait_ms(22);
+void sampleAccelerometer(void)
+    //Have we taken enough samples?
+    if (accelerometerSamples == SAMPLES) {
+        //Average the samples, remove the bias, and calculate the acceleration
+        //in m/s/s.
+        a_x = ((a_xAccumulator / SAMPLES) - a_xBias) * ACCELEROMETER_GAIN;
+        a_y = ((a_yAccumulator / SAMPLES) - a_yBias) * ACCELEROMETER_GAIN;
+        a_z = ((a_zAccumulator / SAMPLES) - a_zBias) * ACCELEROMETER_GAIN;
         a_xAccumulator = 0;
         a_yAccumulator = 0;
         a_zAccumulator = 0;
-        //Take a number of readings and average them
-        //to calculate the zero g offset.
-        for (int i = 0; i < CALIBRATION_SAMPLES; i++) {
-            accelerometer.getOutput(readings);
-            a_xAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[0];
-            a_yAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[1];
-            a_zAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[2];
-            wait(ACC_RATE);
-        }
-        a_xAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
-        a_yAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
-        a_zAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
-        //At 4mg/LSB, 250 LSBs is 1g.
-        a_xBias = a_xAccumulator;
-        a_yBias = a_yAccumulator;
-        a_zBias = (a_zAccumulator - 250);
-        a_xAccumulator = 0;
-        a_yAccumulator = 0;
-        a_zAccumulator = 0;
+        accelerometerSamples = 0;
+    } else {
+        //Take another sample.
+        accelerometer.getOutput(readings);
+        a_xAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[0];
+        a_yAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[1];
+        a_zAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[2];
+        accelerometerSamples++;
+    }
+void calibrateAccelerometer(void)
+    a_xAccumulator = 0;
+    a_yAccumulator = 0;
+    a_zAccumulator = 0;
+    //Take a number of readings and average them
+    //to calculate the zero g offset.
+    for (int i = 0; i < CALIBRATION_SAMPLES; i++) {
+        accelerometer.getOutput(readings);
+        a_xAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[0];
+        a_yAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[1];
+        a_zAccumulator += (int16_t) readings[2];
+        wait(ACC_RATE);
-    void initializeGyroscope(void)
-    {
-        //Low pass filter bandwidth of 42Hz.
-        gyroscope.setLpBandwidth(LPFBW_42HZ);
-        //Internal sample rate of 200Hz. (1kHz / 5).
-        gyroscope.setSampleRateDivider(4);
+    a_xAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
+    a_yAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
+    a_zAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
+    //At 4mg/LSB, 250 LSBs is 1g.
+    a_xBias = a_xAccumulator;
+    a_yBias = a_yAccumulator;
+    a_zBias = (a_zAccumulator - 250);
+    a_xAccumulator = 0;
+    a_yAccumulator = 0;
+    a_zAccumulator = 0;
+void initializeGyroscope(void)
+    //Low pass filter bandwidth of 42Hz.
+    gyroscope.setLpBandwidth(LPFBW_42HZ);
+    //Internal sample rate of 200Hz. (1kHz / 5).
+    gyroscope.setSampleRateDivider(4);
+void calibrateGyroscope(void)
+    w_xAccumulator = 0;
+    w_yAccumulator = 0;
+    w_zAccumulator = 0;
+    //Take a number of readings and average them
+    //to calculate the gyroscope bias offset.
+    for (int i = 0; i < CALIBRATION_SAMPLES; i++) {
+        w_xAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroX();
+        w_yAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroY();
+        w_zAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroZ();
+        wait(GYRO_RATE);
-    void calibrateGyroscope(void)
-    {
+    //Average the samples.
+    w_xAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
+    w_yAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
+    w_zAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
+    w_xBias = w_xAccumulator;
+    w_yBias = w_yAccumulator;
+    w_zBias = w_zAccumulator;
+    w_xAccumulator = 0;
+    w_yAccumulator = 0;
+    w_zAccumulator = 0;
+void sampleGyroscope(void)
+    //Have we taken enough samples?
+    if (gyroscopeSamples == SAMPLES) {
+        //Average the samples, remove the bias, and calculate the angular
+        //velocity in rad/s.
+        w_x = toRadians(((w_xAccumulator / SAMPLES) - w_xBias) * GYROSCOPE_GAIN);
+        w_y = toRadians(((w_yAccumulator / SAMPLES) - w_yBias) * GYROSCOPE_GAIN);
+        w_z = toRadians(((w_zAccumulator / SAMPLES) - w_zBias) * GYROSCOPE_GAIN);
         w_xAccumulator = 0;
         w_yAccumulator = 0;
         w_zAccumulator = 0;
-        //Take a number of readings and average them
-        //to calculate the gyroscope bias offset.
-        for (int i = 0; i < CALIBRATION_SAMPLES; i++) {
-            w_xAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroX();
-            w_yAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroY();
-            w_zAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroZ();
-            wait(GYRO_RATE);
-        }
-        //Average the samples.
-        w_xAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
-        w_yAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
-        w_zAccumulator /= CALIBRATION_SAMPLES;
-        w_xBias = w_xAccumulator;
-        w_yBias = w_yAccumulator;
-        w_zBias = w_zAccumulator;
-        w_xAccumulator = 0;
-        w_yAccumulator = 0;
-        w_zAccumulator = 0;
+        gyroscopeSamples = 0;
+    } else {
+        //Take another sample.
+        w_xAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroX();
+        w_yAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroY();
+        w_zAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroZ();
+        gyroscopeSamples++;
-    void sampleGyroscope(void)
-    {
-        //Have we taken enough samples?
-        if (gyroscopeSamples == SAMPLES) {
-            //Average the samples, remove the bias, and calculate the angular
-            //velocity in rad/s.
-            w_x = toRadians(((w_xAccumulator / SAMPLES) - w_xBias) * GYROSCOPE_GAIN);
-            w_y = toRadians(((w_yAccumulator / SAMPLES) - w_yBias) * GYROSCOPE_GAIN);
-            w_z = toRadians(((w_zAccumulator / SAMPLES) - w_zBias) * GYROSCOPE_GAIN);
-            w_xAccumulator = 0;
-            w_yAccumulator = 0;
-            w_zAccumulator = 0;
-            gyroscopeSamples = 0;
-        } else {
-            //Take another sample.
-            w_xAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroX();
-            w_yAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroY();
-            w_zAccumulator += gyroscope.getGyroZ();
-            gyroscopeSamples++;
-        }
-    }
-    void filter(void)
-    {
-        //Update the filter variables.
-        imuFilter.updateFilter(w_y, w_x, w_z, a_y, a_x, a_z);
-        //Calculate the new Euler angles.
-        imuFilter.computeEuler();
-    }
-    void rpy_init()
-    {
-        //Initialize inertial sensors.
-        initializeAccelerometer();
-        calibrateAccelerometer();
-        initializeGyroscope();
-        //calibrateGyroscope();
-       /* //Set up timers.
-        //Accelerometer data rate is 200Hz, so we'll sample at this speed.
-        accelerometerTicker.attach(&sampleAccelerometer, 0.005);
-        //Gyroscope data rate is 200Hz, so we'll sample at this speed.
-        gyroscopeTicker.attach(&sampleGyroscope, 0.005);
-        //Update the filter variables at the correct rate.
-        filterTicker.attach(&filter, FILTER_RATE);*/
-    }
+void filter(void)
+    //Update the filter variables.
+    imuFilter.updateFilter(w_y, w_x, w_z, a_y, a_x, a_z);
+    //Calculate the new Euler angles.
+    imuFilter.computeEuler();
+void rpy_init()
+    //Initialize inertial sensors.
+    initializeAccelerometer();
+    calibrateAccelerometer();
+    initializeGyroscope();
+    calibrateGyroscope();
+    //Set up timers.
+    //Accelerometer data rate is 200Hz, so we'll sample at this speed.
+    accelerometerTicker.attach(&sampleAccelerometer, 0.005);
+    //Gyroscope data rate is 200Hz, so we'll sample at this speed.
+    gyroscopeTicker.attach(&sampleGyroscope, 0.005);
+    //Update the filter variables at the correct rate.
+    filterTicker.attach(&filter, FILTER_RATE);
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/ITG3200.lib	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/USBHost.lib	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Apr 27 04:31:07 2014 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-#include "mbed.h"
-//Radio Calibration Signals - Need to implement calibration routine...
-#define CHAN2_MID 1470  //Elevator Midpoint
-#define CHAN1_MID 1470  //Rudder Midpoint
-#define DEADZONE 105
-#define MAXMIN_OFFSET 400
-//Drive Modes
-float xpwm, ypwm;
-PwmOut rightMotorPWM(p22);  //Channel A
-PwmOut leftMotorPWM(p21);   //Channel B
-DigitalOut leftMotor1(p23);
-DigitalOut leftMotor2(p24);
-DigitalOut rightMotor1(p25);
-DigitalOut rightMotor2(p26);
-Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-DigitalIn rudder(p11);
-DigitalIn elevator(p12);
-Serial xbee(p13, p14);
-DigitalOut xbeeReset(p15);
-void setTurnLeft(float speed) {
-    //Set speed
-    rightMotorPWM = speed;
-    leftMotorPWM = speed;
-    //Set motor function
-    leftMotor1 = 0;
-    leftMotor2 = 1;
-    rightMotor1 = 1;
-    rightMotor2 = 0;
-void setTurnRight(float speed) {
-    //Set speed
-    rightMotorPWM = speed;
-    leftMotorPWM = speed;
-    //Set motor function
-    leftMotor1 = 1;
-    leftMotor2 = 0;
-    rightMotor1 = 0;
-    rightMotor2 = 1;
-//Stop with braking
-void stop() {
-    rightMotorPWM = 0;
-    leftMotorPWM = 0;
-    leftMotor1 = 0;
-    leftMotor2 = 1;
-    rightMotor1 = 1;
-    rightMotor2 = 0;
-int getRadioX() {
-    Timer timer;
-    timer.reset();
-    int dur;
-    while(!rudder);
-    timer.start();
-    while(rudder);
-    dur = timer.read_us();
-    return dur;
-int getRadioY() {
-    Timer timer;
-    timer.reset();
-    int dur;
-    while(!elevator);
-    timer.start();
-    while(elevator);
-    dur = timer.read_us();
-    return dur;
-//Primary function for setting motors for radio driving
-void radioDrive() {
-    int radioY = getRadioY();
-    int radioX = getRadioX();
-    //Identify drive mode from radio values
-    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE)
-        mode = FORWARD;
-    if (radioY > CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE)
-        mode = REVERSE;
-    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE && radioY > CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE &&
-        radioX < CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE)
-        mode = CENTERLEFT;
-    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE && radioY > CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE &&
-        radioX > CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE)
-        mode = CENTERRIGHT;        
-    if (radioY < CHAN2_MID + DEADZONE && radioY > CHAN2_MID - DEADZONE &&
-        radioX < CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE && radioX > CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE)
-        mode = STOP;
-    //Normalize values for PWM magnitude
-    xpwm = abs((float)radioX - CHAN1_MID) / MAXMIN_OFFSET;
-    ypwm = abs((float)radioY - CHAN2_MID) / MAXMIN_OFFSET;
-    //Set Motors Accordingly
-    switch(mode) {
-        case FORWARD:
-            //Handle variable turns
-            if (radioX > CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE) {
-                rightMotorPWM = ypwm - 0.8*xpwm;
-                leftMotorPWM = ypwm;
-            } else if (radioX < CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE) {
-                rightMotorPWM = ypwm;
-                leftMotorPWM = ypwm - 0.8*xpwm;
-            } else {
-                rightMotorPWM = ypwm;
-                leftMotorPWM = ypwm; 
-            }
-            leftMotor1 =  0;
-            leftMotor2 = 1;
-            rightMotor1 = 0;
-            rightMotor2 = 1;
-            break;
-        case REVERSE:
-            //Handle variable turns
-            if (radioX > CHAN1_MID + DEADZONE) {
-                rightMotorPWM = ypwm - 0.8*xpwm;
-                leftMotorPWM = ypwm;
-            } else if (radioX < CHAN1_MID - DEADZONE) {
-                rightMotorPWM = ypwm;
-                leftMotorPWM = ypwm - 0.8*xpwm;
-            } else {
-                rightMotorPWM = ypwm;
-                leftMotorPWM = ypwm; 
-            }
-            leftMotor1 =  1;
-            leftMotor2 = 0;
-            rightMotor1 = 1;
-            rightMotor2 = 0;
-            break;
-        case CENTERRIGHT:
-            rightMotorPWM = xpwm;
-            leftMotorPWM = xpwm;
-            leftMotor1 = 1;
-            leftMotor2 = 0;
-            rightMotor1 = 0;
-            rightMotor2 = 1;
-            break;
-        case CENTERLEFT:
-            rightMotorPWM = xpwm;
-            leftMotorPWM = xpwm;
-            leftMotor1 = 0;
-            leftMotor2 = 1;
-            rightMotor1 = 1;
-            rightMotor2 = 0;
-            break;
-        case STOP:
-            rightMotorPWM = 0;
-            leftMotorPWM = 0;
-            leftMotor1 = 0;
-            leftMotor2 = 1;
-            rightMotor1 = 1;
-            rightMotor2 = 0;
-            break;
-    }
-//Transmit position and heading
-void xbeeTelemetry() {
-    xbee.printf("Human Update \r\n");   
-    wait_ms(10);
-bool isGameOver() {
-    return xbee.readable();
-int main() {
-    //Init Xbee
-    xbeeReset = 0;
-    wait_ms(1);
-    xbeeReset = 1;
-    wait_ms(1);
-    while(1) {
-        xbee.printf("HELLO!\r\n");
-        wait(0.1);
-    }
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed-rtos.lib	Wed Apr 30 05:54:17 2014 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@