
Forks of nRF24L01P_Hello_World

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

This is a simple home automation system which communicates with a Bluetooth app to control home systems such as HVAC and lighting. This was done for El-Sharkaway's ECE595 Class
Adapting nRF24L01p sample to Bluepill
controller pro
base station for dump truck
Test program for the Nordic Semi nRF24L01 Transceiver Module (, talking to another module connected to SparkFun\'s Nordic Serial Interface Board ( Nordic, nRF24L01, Semi, wireless
this is 1/2 of the whole project, this is the part of the slave board that has all the sensors on it, controls the rasberri pi through GPIO, gets sensor …
nRF24L01+ BER app RX
nRF24L01+ BER app TX
JNP3 IoT - nrf24L01+ echo app
Making it work for the FRDM K64F
Copy of Owen's nRF24L01P
Fork from nRF24L01P Hello World. This is working with the Nucleo STM32F401RE. Working on adding functionality to change parameters on the fly, such as changing the RF channel. nRF24L01P, STM32F401RE
Transmit/Receive nRF
The Smart Home Baseboard project demonstrates successful communication using the integrated Bluetooth and RF module headers on the FRDM-K64F board as well as the serial port for UART communication to … BluetoothModule, ethernet, FRDM-K64F, HomeAutomation, IUPUI, Purdue School of Engineering, RFModule
fertiges programm