Signing Up - Not a slam dunk process

I plugged in the mbed and the usb device was installed. I clicked on the file and was told my firmware was out of date and hinted at how to download and install - so I did.

Firmware is updated and sample hello program ran okay. Did some simple mods and the changes work.

Setup profile but don't have those social links so I finally put in /noprofile until I figure out what really goes there. Profile is finally 100% - woo hoo!

1 comment on Signing Up - Not a slam dunk process:

11 Jul 2012

Mbed on different USB than installed on doesn't show up as storage device. I did something - maybe a reset on the Mbed and got BSOD ... so I'm on install port for now.

Why the strikeout text? Oh the double - makes strikeout and others

double * bold text, double / italic text, double # monospaced text, double _ underlined text, double - strikethrough text double ^ superscript text, and double , subscript text

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