Heavily documented control library for the uOLED-96-G1 (SGC) by 4D Systems. Will likely work with any of the 4D Systems serial controlled screens. <<info>> All examples in the documentation have been tested to the best of my current abilities, but there are a few functions that I simply do not use. I have created a Lighthouse page for this library. You may submit bug reports or feature requests to [[http://mbed-uoled.lighthouseapp.com|this page]]. If you really do not wish to sign up for a Lighthouse account you may also post any bugs or requests [[/users/Nakor/notebook/uoled-bug-reports/|here]]. <</info>>

Dependents:   DS18B20 DS18B20GSM Astromed Astromed_build20121123

diff -r 81a38ad6e79a -r 757036aa73cd uOLED.h
--- a/uOLED.h	Mon Dec 27 04:47:46 2010 +0000
+++ b/uOLED.h	Tue Dec 28 21:24:03 2010 +0000
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
  * int main()
  * {    
- *     SGC.drawText(0, 0, 0, FF, "This is text");
+ *     SGC.drawText(0, 0, 0, FF, FF, FF, "This is text");
  * }
  * @endcode
@@ -250,12 +250,12 @@
     * Example:
     * @code
-    * char x[4] = {0, 10, 20, 30};
-    * char y[4] = {0, 10, 20, 30};
-    * // Draw a white polygon with 4 vertices located at:
-    * // (0x, 0y), (10x, 10y), (20x, 20y), (30x, 30y)
+    * char x[5] = {0, 18, 26, 44, 54};
+    * char y[5] = {10, 25, 33, 22, 36};
+    * // Draw a white polygon with 5 vertices located at:
+    * // (0x, 10y), (18x, 25y), (26x, 33y), (44x, 22y), (54x, 36y)
     * // (vertices, *x, *y, red, green, blue)
-    * SGC.drawPolygon(4, x, y, 255, 255, 255);
+    * SGC.drawPolygon(5, x, y, 255, 255, 255);
     * @endcode
     bool drawPolygon(char vertices, char *x, char *y, short red, short green, short blue);
@@ -291,7 +291,7 @@
     * @code
     * // Draw string "This is text" at (0, 0) with font set 0, coloured white.
     * // (column, row, font, red, green, blue, "text")
-    * SGC.drawText(0, 0, 0, FF, FF, FF, "This is text");
+    * SGC.drawText(0, 0, 0, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, "This is text");
     * @endcode
     bool drawText(char column, char row, char font, short red, short green, short blue, char *text);
@@ -334,9 +334,9 @@
     * Example:
     * @code
     * // Draw a red triangle with vertices:
-    * // (0x, 0y), (10x, 10y), (20x, 20y)
+    * // (0x, 0y), (0x, 40y), (40x, 0y)
     * // (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, red, green, blue)
-    * SGC.drawTriangle(0, 0, 10, 10, 20, 20, 255, 0, 0);
+    * SGC.drawTriangle(0, 0, 0, 40, 40, 0, 255, 0, 0);
     * @endcode
     bool drawTriangle(char x1, char y1, char x2, char y2, char x3, char y3, short red, short green, short blue);
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@
     * Example:
     * @code
-    * Draw a blue pixel at (10x, 10y).
+    * // Draw a blue pixel at (10x, 10y).
     * // (x, y, red, green, blue)
     * SGC.putPixel(10, 10, 0, 0, 255);
     * @endcode
@@ -533,11 +533,16 @@
     * Example:
     * @code
     * // Request version info, pass in character array to store results.
-    * char info[5] = 0;
+    * char info[5];
     * SGC.versionInfo(1, info);
+    * printf("\n\nVersion info:\n\n");
+    * for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
+    * {
+    *    printf("0x%X\n", info[i]);
+    * }
     * @endcode
-    bool versionInfo(bool onScreen, char *info);
+    bool versionInfo(bool onScreen, char info[5]);