4 errors

Dependencies:   KS0108_PCF8574 mbed



File content as of revision 2:66e4ebaba5df:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "menbed.h"
#include "PCF8574_DataBus.h"

AnalogIn photocell(p15);
PwmOut led1(LED1);
PwmOut led2(LED2);
DigitalOut led3(LED3);
DigitalOut led4(LED4);
I2C i2c(p9, p10);
PCF8574_DataBus    DB = PCF8574_DataBus(i2c, 0x40);

float photocellVoltage(void) {return 3.3 * photocell;}
void setLed1Pwm (float d) {led1 = d / 100.0;}
float getLed1Pwm (void) {return led1 * 100.0;}
void setLed2Pwm (float d) {led2 = d / 100.0;}
float getLed2Pwm (void) {return led2 * 100.0;}
void toggleLed3 () {led3 = led3 ^ 1;}
void lightLed4 () {led4 = 1;}
void extinguishLed4 () {led4 = 0;}

int main() {
    // Declare all the submenus so that they can be referenced in the
    // definitions of other menus
    MenbedMenu *rootMenu;
    //MenbedMenu *measurementMenu;
    //MenbedMenu *controlMenu;
    //MenbedMenu *aboutMenu;

    MenbedMenuItem *rootMenuItems[2] = {
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, NULL, false, NULL, " Test"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, &rootMenu, true, NULL, "Home") };
        //new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, &measurementMenu, false, NULL, "Measurements"),
        //new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, &controlMenu, false, NULL, "Controls"),
        //new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, &aboutMenu, false, NULL, "About"),
    rootMenu = new MenbedMenu (2, rootMenuItems);

    //MenbedMenuParam photocellParam (photocellVoltage, NULL, false, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
    // Having created the parameter, we pass it as the 4th argument of the 
    // MenbedMenuItem constructor.  Note the \t-offset %.2f format specified
    // in the menu item text.  The menu system will call the photocellVoltage
    // function specified in the parameter constructor above and then print the
    // float that it returns in place of the %.2f in the menu text.
   /* MenbedMenuItem *measurementMenuItems[2] = {
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, NULL, false, &photocellParam, "Photocell: \t%.2f\tV"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, &rootMenu, true, NULL, "Home") };
    measurementMenu = new MenbedMenu (2, measurementMenuItems);*/

     /*MenbedMenuParam pwmParam1 (getLed1Pwm, setLed1Pwm, true, 0.0, 100.0, 1.0);
    MenbedMenuParam pwmParam2 (getLed2Pwm, setLed2Pwm, false, 0.0, 100.0, 1.0);
    // The third, fourth, and fifth items of the control menu demonstrate
    // functions when a menu item is selected.  The ability to call a function
    // can be combined with either displaying a submenu or editing a parameter.
    MenbedMenuItem *controlMenuItems[6] = {
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, NULL, false, &pwmParam1, "LED1 PWM: \t%.0f\t%"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, NULL, false, &pwmParam2, "LED2 PWM: \t%.0f\t%"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (toggleLed3, NULL, false, NULL, "Toggle LED3"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (lightLed4, NULL, false, NULL, "Light LED4"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (extinguishLed4, NULL, false, NULL, "Extinguish LED4"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, &rootMenu, true, NULL, "Home") };
    controlMenu = new MenbedMenu (6, controlMenuItems);       

    // About menu--there's nothing fancy here, but the lack of a "Home" item
    // forces the user to employ the cancel button, either directly or by
    // pushing and hold the select button, to return to the root menu.
    MenbedMenuItem *aboutMenuItems[3] = {
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, NULL, false, NULL, "     NXP3915"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, NULL, false, NULL, "  Copyright 2011"),
        new MenbedMenuItem (NULL, NULL, false, NULL, " xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx") };
    aboutMenu = new MenbedMenu (3, aboutMenuItems);
    // Having created the menus, menu items, and item parameters, we are ready
    // to instantiate the display.  MenbedDisplayHD44780 extends MenbedDisplay
    // and implements the all-important writeLine function allong with some
    // other less important functions.  The pins we pass to the constructor
    // specify the physical interface connection to the LCD.
    //MenbedDisplay *LCD = new MenbedDisplay;
    KS0108 *LCD = new KS0108  

    //Menbed (PinName select, PinName down, PinName up, PinName cancel,MenbedMenu *rootMenu,MenbedDisplay *display);
    //Four buttons (select, down, up, cancel )     
  //  Menbed menbed(p8, p11, p12, p13, rootMenu, LCD);

    while(1) {}