notes - touch input and AnalogIn - dec 26

dec 26 - noticed that leaving an analog input floating will mostly not drift above 0.5 or below about 0.01 but when touched will jump between 0 and 1.

typical NC values:

out:    0.031258
out:    0.040049
out:    0.062271
out:    0.079365
out:    0.086203
out:    0.082295
out:    0.071551
out:    0.046886
out:    0.044689
out:    0.044200
out:    0.043956
out:    0.042735
out:    0.046154
out:    0.042735
out:    0.042979
out:    0.018803
out:    0.020513
out:    0.040049
out:    0.060562
out:    0.079365
out:    0.084982
out:    0.074237
out:    0.071795


typical touched values:

out: 0.399512
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 0.467155
out: 0.166056
out: 0.010745
out: 0.031013
out: 0.000000
out: 0.000000
out: 0.000000
out: 0.000000
out: 0.000000
out: 0.000000
out: 0.367277
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 1.000000
out: 0.509158


26 Jan 2011

Interesting.  On it's own it makes a fairly unreliable touch input system.

04 Feb 2011

What components have you used to make this work ?

I have seen some with just a 1" square pcb pad,

and some with quite a lot of components.




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