CMSIS DSP library

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Vector Subtraction

Vector Subtraction
[Basic Math Functions]

Element-by-element subtraction of two vectors. More...


void arm_sub_f32 (float32_t *pSrcA, float32_t *pSrcB, float32_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
 Floating-point vector subtraction.
void arm_sub_q15 (q15_t *pSrcA, q15_t *pSrcB, q15_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
 Q15 vector subtraction.
void arm_sub_q31 (q31_t *pSrcA, q31_t *pSrcB, q31_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
 Q31 vector subtraction.
void arm_sub_q7 (q7_t *pSrcA, q7_t *pSrcB, q7_t *pDst, uint32_t blockSize)
 Q7 vector subtraction.

Detailed Description

Element-by-element subtraction of two vectors.

     pDst[n] = pSrcA[n] - pSrcB[n],   0 <= n < blockSize.        

There are separate functions for floating-point, Q7, Q15, and Q31 data types.

Function Documentation

void arm_sub_f32 ( float32_t *  pSrcA,
float32_t *  pSrcB,
float32_t *  pDst,
uint32_t  blockSize 

Floating-point vector subtraction.

[in]*pSrcApoints to the first input vector
[in]*pSrcBpoints to the second input vector
[out]*pDstpoints to the output vector
[in]blockSizenumber of samples in each vector

Definition at line 74 of file arm_sub_f32.c.

void arm_sub_q15 ( q15_t *  pSrcA,
q15_t *  pSrcB,
q15_t *  pDst,
uint32_t  blockSize 

Q15 vector subtraction.

[in]*pSrcApoints to the first input vector
[in]*pSrcBpoints to the second input vector
[out]*pDstpoints to the output vector
[in]blockSizenumber of samples in each vector

Scaling and Overflow Behavior:

The function uses saturating arithmetic. Results outside of the allowable Q15 range [0x8000 0x7FFF] will be saturated.

Definition at line 66 of file arm_sub_q15.c.

void arm_sub_q31 ( q31_t *  pSrcA,
q31_t *  pSrcB,
q31_t *  pDst,
uint32_t  blockSize 

Q31 vector subtraction.

[in]*pSrcApoints to the first input vector
[in]*pSrcBpoints to the second input vector
[out]*pDstpoints to the output vector
[in]blockSizenumber of samples in each vector

Scaling and Overflow Behavior:

The function uses saturating arithmetic. Results outside of the allowable Q31 range [0x80000000 0x7FFFFFFF] will be saturated.

Definition at line 66 of file arm_sub_q31.c.

void arm_sub_q7 ( q7_t *  pSrcA,
q7_t *  pSrcB,
q7_t *  pDst,
uint32_t  blockSize 

Q7 vector subtraction.

[in]*pSrcApoints to the first input vector
[in]*pSrcBpoints to the second input vector
[out]*pDstpoints to the output vector
[in]blockSizenumber of samples in each vector

Scaling and Overflow Behavior:

The function uses saturating arithmetic. Results outside of the allowable Q7 range [0x80 0x7F] will be saturated.

Definition at line 66 of file arm_sub_q7.c.