LCD implementation of our project.

Dependencies:   mbed mbed-rtos MLX90614

--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gyro.cpp	Sat May 30 14:58:44 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#include "gyro.h"
+//DigitalOut myled(LED1);
+//Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);    // tx, rx for USB debug printf to terminal console
+I2C i2c(p28, p27);          // LPC1768 I2C pin allocation
+//DigitalIn din(p23); // used as a test button
+// Globals
+int16_t const   Offset_mX=-40.0;
+int16_t const   Offset_mY=-115.0;
+float const     RadtoDeg=(180.0/3.141592654);
+char readByte(char address, char reg)
+// Reads one byte from an I2C address
+// Didn't bother to make a multi-byte version to read in X,Y,Z low/high series of registers because...
+// the data registers of all sensors they are in the same XL,XH,YL,YH,ZL,ZH order apart from the magnetometer which is XH,XL,ZH,ZL,YH,YL...
+    char result;
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(address);         // Slave address with direction=write
+    i2c.write(reg);             // Subaddress (register)
+    i2c.start();                // Break transmission to change bus direction
+    i2c.write(address + 1);     // Slave address with direction=read [bit0=1]
+    result =;
+    i2c.stop();
+    return (result);
+    }
+void writeByte(char address, char reg,char value)
+// Sends 1 byte to an I2C address
+    i2c.start();
+    i2c.write(address);         // Slave address
+    i2c.write(reg);             // Subaddress (register)
+    i2c.write(value);
+    i2c.stop();
+    }
+void initSensors (void)
+// Switch on and set up the 3 on-board sensors
+    //pc.printf("--------------------------------------\n");
+    //pc.printf("\nSTM MEMS eval board sensor init \n");
+#ifdef LSM303_on
+    // LSM303DLHC Magnetic sensor
+    //pc.printf("LSM303DLHC ping (should reply 0x48): %x \n",readByte(LSM303_m,mIRA_REG_M));
+    writeByte(LSM303_m,mCRA_REG_M,0x94);     //switch on temperature sensor and set Output Data Rate to 30Hz
+    writeByte(LSM303_m,mCRB_REG_M,0x20);     // Set the gain for +/- 1.3 Gauss full scale range
+    writeByte(LSM303_m,mMR_REG_M,0x0);       // Continuous convertion mode
+    // LSM303DLHC Accelerometer
+    writeByte(LSM303_a,aCTRL_REG1_A ,0x37); // Set 25Hz ODR, everything else on
+    writeByte(LSM303_a,aCTRL_REG4_A ,0x08); // Set full scale to +/- 2g sensitivity and high rez mode
+    //pc.printf("--------------------------------------\n \n");
+    wait(2); // Wait for settings to stabilize
+    }    
+void LSM303 (SensorState_t * state)
+// Magnetometer and accelerometer
+    char        xL, xH, yL, yH, zL, zH;
+    int16_t     mX, mY, mZ,aX,aY,aZ;
+    float       pitch,roll,faX,faY;
+    xL=readByte(LSM303_m,mOUT_X_L_M);
+    xH=readByte(LSM303_m,mOUT_X_H_M);
+    yL=readByte(LSM303_m,mOUT_Y_L_M);
+    yH=readByte(LSM303_m,mOUT_Y_H_M);
+    zL=readByte(LSM303_m,mOUT_Z_L_M);
+    zH=readByte(LSM303_m,mOUT_Z_H_M);
+    mX=(xH<<8) | (xL); // 16-bit 2's complement data
+    mY=(yH<<8) | (yL);
+    mZ=(zH<<8) | (zL);
+    //pc.printf("mX=%hd   %X          mY=%hd  %X      mZ=%hd  %X      \n",mX,mX,mY,mY,mZ,mZ);
+    mX=mX-Offset_mX; // These are callibration co-efficients to deal with non-zero soft iron magnetic offset
+    mY=mY-Offset_mY; 
+    xL=readByte(LSM303_a,aOUT_X_L_A);
+    xH=readByte(LSM303_a,aOUT_X_H_A);
+    yL=readByte(LSM303_a,aOUT_Y_L_A);
+    yH=readByte(LSM303_a,aOUT_Y_H_A);
+    zL=readByte(LSM303_a,aOUT_Z_L_A);
+    zH=readByte(LSM303_a,aOUT_Z_H_A);
+    aX=(signed short) ( (xH<<8) | (xL) ) >> 4; // 12-bit data from ADC. Cast ensures that the 2's complement sign is not lost in the right shift.
+    aY=(signed short) ( (yH<<8) | (yL) ) >> 4;
+    aZ=(signed short) ( (zH<<8) | (zL) ) >> 4;
+    //pc.printf("aX=%hd   %X          aY=%hd  %X      aZ=%hd  %X      \n",aX,aX,aY,aY,aZ,aZ);
+    faX=((float) aX) /2000.0; // Accelerometer scale I chose is 1mg per LSB with range +/-2g. So to normalize for full scale need to divide by 2000.
+    faY=((float) aY) /2000.0; // If you don't do this the pitch and roll calcs will not work (inverse cosine of a value greater than 1)
+    //faZ=((float) aZ) /2000.0; // Not used in a calc so comment out to avoid the compiler warning
+    // Trigonometry derived from STM app note AN3192 and from WikiRobots
+   pitch = asin((float) -faX*2); // Dividing faX and faY by 1000 rather than 2000 seems to give better tilt immunity. Do it here rather than above to preserve true mg units of faX etc
+   roll = asin(faY*2/cos(pitch));
+  float xh = mX * cos(pitch) + mZ * sin(pitch);
+  float yh = mX * sin(roll) * sin(pitch) + mY * cos(roll) - mZ * sin(roll) * cos(pitch);
+  float zh = -mX * cos(roll) * sin(pitch) + mY * sin(roll) + mZ * cos(roll) * cos(pitch);
+  float heading = atan2(yh, xh) * RadtoDeg; // Note use of atan2 rather than atan since better for working with quadrants
+  if (yh < 0)
+    heading=360+heading;
+    state->heading=heading;
+    state->pitch=pitch;
+    state->roll=roll;
+    state->aX = (float)aX;
+    state->aY = (float)aY;
+    state->aZ = (float)aZ;
+    //5.1f 
+    //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   Rot_X: %0.0f    Rot_Y: %0.0f     Rot_Z: %0.0f \n",roll*RadtoDeg,pitch*RadtoDeg,heading);
+    //pc.printf("Acceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",aX,aY,aZ);    
+//calculates the difference for acceleration in int16_t value  
+void calc_avrg_ac(Result_avrg* result,int samples){
+    int i = 0;
+    result -> aX = 0;
+    result -> aY = 0;
+    result -> aZ = 0;
+    SensorState_t   state;
+    for(i = 0;i<samples;i++){
+        #ifdef LSM303_on
+            LSM303(&state);
+        #endif
+        result -> aX += state.aX;
+        result -> aY += state.aY;
+        result -> aZ += state.aZ;
+        //pc.printf("Acceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",state.aX,state.aY,state.aZ);
+        wait(0.01);
+    }
+    //pc.printf("Acceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",result->aX,result->aY,result->aZ);   
+    result -> aX = result -> aX / samples;
+    result -> aY = result -> aY / samples;
+    result -> aZ = result -> aZ / samples;
+    //pc.printf("rAcceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",result->aX,result->aY,result->aZ);   
+//calculates the difference for orientation in float value
+void calc_avrg_or(Result_avrg* result,int samples){
+    int i = 0;
+    result -> x = 0;
+    result -> y = 0;
+    result -> z = 0;
+    SensorState_t   state;
+    for(i = 0;i<samples;i++){
+        #ifdef LSM303_on
+            LSM303(&state);
+        #endif
+        result -> x +=  state.roll*RadtoDeg;
+        result -> y += state.pitch*RadtoDeg;
+        result -> z += state.heading;
+        //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   Rot_X: %0.0f    Rot_Y: %0.0f     Rot_Z: %0.0f \n",state.roll*RadtoDeg,state.pitch*RadtoDeg,state.heading);
+        wait(0.01);
+    }
+    //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   Rot_X: %0.0f    Rot_Y: %0.0f     Rot_Z: %0.0f \n", result -> x ,result -> y,result -> z);
+    result -> x = result -> x / samples;
+    result -> y = result -> y / samples;
+    result -> z = result -> z / samples;
+    //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   rRot_X: %0.0f    rRot_Y: %0.0f     rRot_Z: %0.0f \n", result -> x ,result -> y,result -> z);
+//gets the two results and saves the answer in r1 structure
+void calc_diff(Result_avrg* r1, Result_avrg* r2){
+    r1 -> x = abs(r1->x - r2->x);
+    r1 -> y = abs(r1->y - r2->y);
+    r1 -> z = abs(r1->z - r2->z);
+    r1 -> aX = abs(r1->aX - r2->aX);
+    r1 -> aY = abs(r1->aY - r2->aY);
+    r1 -> aZ = abs(r1->aZ - r2->aZ);
+int main()
+    SensorState_t   state;
+    Result_avrg result1;
+    //Result_avrg result2;
+    initSensors();
+    //pc.baud(115200);
+    calc_avrg_or(&result1,3);
+    //calc_avrg_ac(&result1,3);
+    //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   Rot_X: %0.0f    Rot_Y: %0.0f     Rot_Z: %0.0f \n", result1.x ,result1.y,result1.z);
+    //pc.printf("Acceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",result1.aX,result1.aY,result1.aZ);   
+    //calc_avrg_or(&result2,3);
+    //calc_avrg_ac(&result2,3);
+    //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   Rot_X: %0.0f    Rot_Y: %0.0f     Rot_Z: %0.0f \n", result2.x ,result2.y,result2.z);
+    //pc.printf("Acceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",result2.aX,result2.aY,result2.aZ);
+    //calc_diff(&result1,&result2);
+    //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   Rot_X: %0.0f    Rot_Y: %0.0f     Rot_Z: %0.0f \n", result1.x ,result1.y,result1.z);
+    //pc.printf("Acceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",result1.aX,result1.aY,result1.aZ);
+#ifdef LSM303_on
+    //LSM303(&state);
+    //pc.printf("Orientation (deg):   Rot_X: %0.0f    Rot_Y: %0.0f     Rot_Z: %0.0f \n",state.roll*RadtoDeg,state.pitch*RadtoDeg,state.heading);
+    //pc.printf("Acceleration (mg):   X: %5hd         Y: %5hd          Z: %5hd \n",state.aX,state.aY,state.aZ);  
+    //pc.printf("\n");
\ No newline at end of file