LoRaWAN MAC layer implementation

Dependents:   LoRaWAN-demo-72_tjm LoRaWAN-demo-72_jlc LoRaWAN-demo-elmo frdm_LoRa_Connect_Woodstream_Demo_tjm ... more

LoRAWAN-lib is a port of the GitHub LoRaMac-node LoRaWAN MAC layer implementation.

This library depends on the SX1276Lib or SX1272Lib radio drivers depending on the used mbed component shield.

This library depends also on some cryptographic helper functions as well as helper functions for the timers management. These can be found on the example projects under the system directory.

The example projects are:

  1. LoRaWAN-demo-72
  2. LoRaWAN-demo-76
  3. LoRaWAN-demo-NAMote72

The LoRaWAN specification specifies different ISM bands operating parameters. These are all implemented under the LoRaMac-board.h file.

In order to select which band to use, please change line 24 of board.h file provided on the examples projects as follows:



#define USE_BAND_868



#define USE_BAND_915

US915 - Hybrid


#define USE_BAND_915_HYBRID



#define USE_BAND_780



#define USE_BAND_433
diff -r 000000000000 -r 91d1a7783bb9 LoRaMac-board.h
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LoRaMac-board.h	Tue Oct 20 13:21:26 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+ / _____)             _              | |
+( (____  _____ ____ _| |_ _____  ____| |__
+ \____ \| ___ |    (_   _) ___ |/ ___)  _ \
+ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | |
+(______/|_____)_|_|_| \__)_____)\____)_| |_|
+    (C)2013 Semtech
+Description: LoRa MAC layer board dependent definitions
+License: Revised BSD License, see LICENSE.TXT file include in the project
+Maintainer: Miguel Luis and Gregory Cristian
+#ifndef __LORAMAC_BOARD_H__
+#define __LORAMAC_BOARD_H__
+#define USE_BAND_868
+ * Returns individual channel mask
+ *
+ * \param[IN] channelIndex Channel index 1 based
+ * \retval channelMask
+ */
+#define LC( channelIndex )            ( uint16_t )( 1 << ( channelIndex - 1 ) )
+#if defined( USE_BAND_433 )
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of channels
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS                        16
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_DATARATE                        DR_0
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_DATARATE                        DR_7
+ * Default datarate used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_DATARATE                    DR_0
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_M5_DBM
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_10_DBM
+ * Default Tx output power used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_TX_POWER                    TX_POWER_10_DBM
+ * LoRaMac TxPower definition
+ */
+#define TX_POWER_10_DBM                             0
+#define TX_POWER_07_DBM                             1
+#define TX_POWER_04_DBM                             2
+#define TX_POWER_01_DBM                             3
+#define TX_POWER_M2_DBM                             4
+#define TX_POWER_M5_DBM                             5
+ * LoRaMac datarates definition
+ */
+#define DR_0                                        0  // SF12 - BW125
+#define DR_1                                        1  // SF11 - BW125
+#define DR_2                                        2  // SF10 - BW125
+#define DR_3                                        3  // SF9  - BW125
+#define DR_4                                        4  // SF8  - BW125
+#define DR_5                                        5  // SF7  - BW125
+#define DR_6                                        6  // SF7  - BW250
+#define DR_7                                        7  // FSK
+ * Second reception window channel definition.
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], Datarate }
+#define RX_WND_2_CHANNEL                                  { 434665000, DR_0 }
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of bands
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_BANDS                           1
+// Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff }
+#define BAND0              { 100, TX_POWER_10_DBM, 0,  0 } //  1.0 %
+ * LoRaMac default channels
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band }
+#define LC1                { 433175000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC2                { 433375000, { ( ( DR_7 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC3                { 433575000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#elif defined( USE_BAND_780 )
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of channels
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS                        16
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_DATARATE                        DR_0
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_DATARATE                        DR_7
+ * Default datarate used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_DATARATE                    DR_0
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_M5_DBM
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_10_DBM
+ * Default Tx output power used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_TX_POWER                    TX_POWER_10_DBM
+ * LoRaMac TxPower definition
+ */
+#define TX_POWER_10_DBM                             0
+#define TX_POWER_07_DBM                             1
+#define TX_POWER_04_DBM                             2
+#define TX_POWER_01_DBM                             3
+#define TX_POWER_M2_DBM                             4
+#define TX_POWER_M5_DBM                             5
+ * LoRaMac datarates definition
+ */
+#define DR_0                                        0  // SF12 - BW125
+#define DR_1                                        1  // SF11 - BW125
+#define DR_2                                        2  // SF10 - BW125
+#define DR_3                                        3  // SF9  - BW125
+#define DR_4                                        4  // SF8  - BW125
+#define DR_5                                        5  // SF7  - BW125
+#define DR_6                                        6  // SF7  - BW250
+#define DR_7                                        7  // FSK
+ * Second reception window channel definition.
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], Datarate }
+#define RX_WND_2_CHANNEL                                  { 786000000, DR_0 }
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of bands
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_BANDS                           1
+// Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff }
+#define BAND0              { 100, TX_POWER_10_DBM, 0,  0 } //  1.0 %
+ * LoRaMac default channels
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band }
+#define LC1                { 779500000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC2                { 779700000, { ( ( DR_7 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC3                { 779900000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#elif defined( USE_BAND_868 )
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of channels
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS                        16
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_DATARATE                        DR_0
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_DATARATE                        DR_7
+ * Default datarate used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_DATARATE                    DR_0
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_02_DBM
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_20_DBM
+ * Default Tx output power used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_TX_POWER                    TX_POWER_14_DBM
+ * LoRaMac TxPower definition
+ */
+#define TX_POWER_20_DBM                             0
+#define TX_POWER_14_DBM                             1
+#define TX_POWER_11_DBM                             2
+#define TX_POWER_08_DBM                             3
+#define TX_POWER_05_DBM                             4
+#define TX_POWER_02_DBM                             5
+ * LoRaMac datarates definition
+ */
+#define DR_0                                        0  // SF12 - BW125
+#define DR_1                                        1  // SF11 - BW125
+#define DR_2                                        2  // SF10 - BW125
+#define DR_3                                        3  // SF9  - BW125
+#define DR_4                                        4  // SF8  - BW125
+#define DR_5                                        5  // SF7  - BW125
+#define DR_6                                        6  // SF7  - BW250
+#define DR_7                                        7  // FSK
+ * Second reception window channel definition.
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], Datarate }
+#define RX_WND_2_CHANNEL                                  { 869525000, DR_0 }
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of bands
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_BANDS                           5
+ * LoRaMac EU868 default bands
+ */
+typedef enum
+    BAND_G1_0,
+    BAND_G1_1,
+    BAND_G1_2,
+    BAND_G1_3,
+    BAND_G1_4,
+// Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff }
+#define BAND0              { 100 , TX_POWER_14_DBM, 0,  0 } //  1.0 %
+#define BAND1              { 100 , TX_POWER_14_DBM, 0,  0 } //  1.0 %
+#define BAND2              { 1000, TX_POWER_14_DBM, 0,  0 } //  0.1 %
+#define BAND3              { 10  , TX_POWER_14_DBM, 0,  0 } // 10.0 %
+#define BAND4              { 100 , TX_POWER_14_DBM, 0,  0 } //  1.0 %
+ * LoRaMac default channels
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band }
+#define LC1                { 868100000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 1 }
+#define LC2                { 868300000, { ( ( DR_6 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 1 }
+#define LC3                { 868500000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 1 }
+#define LC4                { 867100000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC5                { 867300000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC6                { 867500000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC7                { 867700000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC8                { 867900000, { ( ( DR_5 << 4 ) | DR_0 ) }, 0 }
+#define LC9                { 868800000, { ( ( DR_7 << 4 ) | DR_7 ) }, 2 }
+#elif defined( USE_BAND_915 ) || defined( USE_BAND_915_HYBRID )
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of channels
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS                        72
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_DATARATE                        DR_0
+ * Minimal datarate that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_DATARATE                        DR_4
+ * Default datarate used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_DATARATE                    DR_0
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MIN_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_10_DBM
+ * Minimal Tx output power that can be used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_MAX_TX_POWER                        TX_POWER_30_DBM
+ * Default Tx output power used by the node
+ */
+#define LORAMAC_DEFAULT_TX_POWER                    TX_POWER_20_DBM
+ * LoRaMac TxPower definition
+ */
+#define TX_POWER_30_DBM                             0
+#define TX_POWER_28_DBM                             1
+#define TX_POWER_26_DBM                             2
+#define TX_POWER_24_DBM                             3
+#define TX_POWER_22_DBM                             4
+#define TX_POWER_20_DBM                             5
+#define TX_POWER_18_DBM                             6
+#define TX_POWER_16_DBM                             7
+#define TX_POWER_14_DBM                             8
+#define TX_POWER_12_DBM                             9
+#define TX_POWER_10_DBM                             10
+ * LoRaMac datarates definition
+ */
+#define DR_0                                        0  // SF10 - BW125 |
+#define DR_1                                        1  // SF9  - BW125 |
+#define DR_2                                        2  // SF8  - BW125 +-> Up link
+#define DR_3                                        3  // SF7  - BW125 |
+#define DR_4                                        4  // SF8  - BW500 |
+#define DR_5                                        5  // RFU
+#define DR_6                                        6  // RFU
+#define DR_7                                        7  // RFU
+#define DR_8                                        8  // SF12 - BW500 |
+#define DR_9                                        9  // SF11 - BW500 |
+#define DR_10                                       10 // SF10 - BW500 |
+#define DR_11                                       11 // SF9  - BW500 |
+#define DR_12                                       12 // SF8  - BW500 +-> Down link
+#define DR_13                                       13 // SF7  - BW500 |
+#define DR_14                                       14 // RFU          |
+#define DR_15                                       15 // RFU          |
+ * Second reception window channel definition.
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], Datarate }
+#define RX_WND_2_CHANNEL                                  { 923300000, DR_8 }
+ * LoRaMac maximum number of bands
+ */
+#define LORA_MAX_NB_BANDS                           1
+// Band = { DutyCycle, TxMaxPower, LastTxDoneTime, TimeOff }
+#define BAND0              { 1, TX_POWER_20_DBM, 0,  0 } //  100.0 %
+ * LoRaMac default channels
+ */
+// Channel = { Frequency [Hz], { ( ( DrMax << 4 ) | DrMin ) }, Band }
+ * US band channels are initialized using a loop in LoRaMacInit function
+ * \code
+ * // 125 kHz channels
+ * for( uint8_t i = 0; i < LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS - 8; i++ )
+ * {
+ *     Channels[i].Frequency = 902.3e6 + i * 200e3;
+ *     Channels[i].DrRange.Value = ( DR_3 << 4 ) | DR_0;
+ *     Channels[i].Band = 0;
+ * }
+ * // 500 kHz channels 
+ * for( uint8_t i = LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS - 8; i < LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS; i++ )
+ * {
+ *     Channels[i].Frequency = 903.0e6 + ( i - ( LORA_MAX_NB_CHANNELS - 8 ) ) * 1.6e6;
+ *     Channels[i].DrRange.Value = ( DR_4 << 4 ) | DR_4;
+ *     Channels[i].Band = 0;
+ * }
+ * \endcode
+ */
+    #error "Please define a frequency band in the compiler options."
+#endif // __LORAMAC_BOARD_H__