
Dependents of rohm-sensor-hal

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Hello world for bm1383glv on mbed classic. Sets up treshold interrupts and makes measurements. Depends on rohm-sensor-hal and rohm-bm1383-glv. bm1383, hello world
Hello world for Rohm BH1726 ALS dual channel sensor. Uses Rohm sensor hal and bh1726 driver. ALS, bh1726, hello world, I2C, ROHM
Rohm RPR0521 proximity-als-ir -sensor hello world application. Uses rpr0521-driver and rohm-sensor-hal -libraries. ALS, hello world, I2C, IR, proximity, rpr0521
Rohm BH1745 red-green-blue-clear -color sensor hello world. Uses Rohm sensor hal for i2c commands and rohm-bh1745 -driver for sensor specific commands. bh1745, Color Sensor, hello world, I2C
Demo application of reading 6 different sensors and outputting values on UART. This demo can be used with Rohm tileshield using tiles for BH1726, BD1020, RPR0521, BH1745, ML8511 and BD7411. … bd1020, bd7411, bh1726, bh1745, I2C, ML8511, multisensor, ROHM, rpr0521
Sample program for communicating with Fujitsuu IoT Platform using HTTP
An example program for Rohm SensorShield-EVK-001 running with Mbed OS 5. ROHM, sensor, shield