As written for first EVE battery test

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Wed Sep 20 23:13:47 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Sep 20 23:18:03 2017 +0000
@@ -3,9 +3,13 @@
 Note: The design intent was to calibrate each board rather than designing 
     and assembling precision analog circuits for each shield-board.
-    This version 2 now uses a calibration file on the SD card for coefficients. 
-    this program will enter calibration mode if this file does not exist and 
-    the write the calibration file when complete. No longer need to compile twice.
+    Version 2 
+    1) can now withstand a power line loss and resume properly when restored.
+    2) now uses a calibration file on the SD card for storing coefficients.
+        Macro statements are no longer used. 
+    3) The program will enter calibration mode if the calibration file does not 
+        exist and when complete will write the calibration file to the SD card. 
+        No longer need to compile twice (once for cal, a 2nd for discharge test).
     Calibration ASSUMES the MOSFET gain temperature compensation process included in this 
     code is only good for temperatures near room temperatures. Keep this hardware away from