Library to handle SpaceBall, SpaceMouse and SpaceOrb on serial port. Gets access to 3D rotation and translation vector as well as button status. (USB is not supported)

Dependents:   SpaceBall_Example

Serial Connection

Table of Contents

    To connect any serial SpaceBall or SpaceMouse or SpaceOrb to a mbed device a RS232-driver is used like the MAX3232.

    The SpaceBall gets its power from the D-Sub connector at pin 4 and/or 7. The Driver is used to produce about 9 volt. If you have a power supply with 9 to 12 volt, you can connect directly to pins 4 and 7. The spaceball needs about 5 mA.

    Adapter to connect a spceball to mbed


    Connect the TXD and RXD pins to any serial port on the mbed. Use a male D-Sub connector to plug the spaceball in. The capacitors depends on the used RS232-driver (see datasheet)

    Example: SpaceBall 4000


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