Nordic nrf51 sdk sources. Mirrored from

Dependents:   nRF51822 nRF51822

Revisions of source/nordic_sdk/components/softdevice/common/softdevice_handler/softdevice_handler_appsh.c

Revision Date Message Actions
19:47192cb9def7 2016-04-07 Synchronized with git rev 9251259f File  Diff  Annotate
10:233fefd8162b 2016-04-07 Synchronized with git rev daa4809a File  Diff  Annotate
1:ebc0e0ef0a11 2016-04-07 Synchronized with git rev d1170b61 File  Diff  Annotate
0:f2542974c862 2016-04-07 Synchronized with git rev fea7c30 File  Diff  Annotate