Nordic nrf51 sdk sources. Mirrored from

Dependents:   nRF51822 nRF51822

--- a/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:48 2016 +0100
+++ b/source/nordic_sdk/components/drivers_nrf/pstorage/pstorage.h	Thu Apr 07 17:37:49 2016 +0100
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
  * @ingroup app_common
  * @brief Abstracted flash interface.
- * @details In order to ensure that the SDK and application be moved to alternate persistent storage
- *          options other than the default provided with NRF solution, an abstracted interface is provided
- *          by the module to ensure SDK modules and application can be ported to alternate option with ease.
+ * @details  An abstracted interface is provided by the module to easily port the application and 
+ *           SDK modules to an alternate option. This ensures that the SDK and application are moved 
+ *           to alternate persistent storage instead of the one provided by default.
 #ifndef PSTORAGE_H__
@@ -50,19 +50,16 @@
 /**@defgroup ps_opcode Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes
  * @{
- * @brief    Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes. These are used to report any error during
- *           a persistent storage access operation or any general error that may occur in the
- *           interface.
+ * @brief    Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes. 
- * @details  Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes used in error notification callback
- *           registered with the interface to report any error during an persistent storage access
- *           operation or any general error that may occur in the interface.
+ * @details  Persistent Storage Access Operation Codes are used by Persistent storage operation 
+ *           completion callback @ref pstorage_ntf_cb_t to identify the operation type requested by 
+ *           the application.
-#define PSTORAGE_ERROR_OP_CODE    0x01  /**< General Error Code */
-#define PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE    0x02  /**< Error when Store Operation was requested */
-#define PSTORAGE_LOAD_OP_CODE     0x03  /**< Error when Load Operation was requested */
-#define PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE    0x04  /**< Error when Clear Operation was requested */
-#define PSTORAGE_UPDATE_OP_CODE   0x05  /**< Update an already touched storage block */
+#define PSTORAGE_STORE_OP_CODE    0x01  /**< Store Operation type. */
+#define PSTORAGE_LOAD_OP_CODE     0x02  /**< Load Operation type. */
+#define PSTORAGE_CLEAR_OP_CODE    0x03  /**< Clear Operation type. */
+#define PSTORAGE_UPDATE_OP_CODE   0x04  /**< Update Operation type. */
 /**@} */
@@ -73,146 +70,148 @@
  * @details Data Types needed for interfacing with persistent memory.
-/**@brief Persistent Storage Error Reporting Callback
+/**@brief Persistent storage operation completion callback function type.
- * @details Persistent Storage Error Reporting Callback that is used by the interface to report
- *          success or failure of a flash operation. Therefore, for any operations, application 
- *          can know when the procedure was complete. For store operation, since no data copy 
- *          is made, receiving a success or failure notification, indicated by the reason 
- *          parameter of callback is an indication that the resident memory could now be reused 
- *          or freed, as the case may be.
+ * @details The persistent storage operation completion callback is used by the interface to report
+ *          success or failure of a flash operation. Since data is not copied for a store operation, 
+ *          a callback is an indication that the resident memory can now be reused or freed.
- * @param[in] handle   Identifies module and block for which callback is received.
- * @param[in] op_code  Identifies the operation for which the event is notified.
- * @param[in] result   Identifies the result of flash access operation.
- *                     NRF_SUCCESS implies, operation succeeded.
- * @param[in] p_data   Identifies the application data pointer. In case of store operation, this 
- *                     points to the resident source of application memory that application can now 
- *                     free or reuse. In case of clear, this is NULL as no application pointer is 
- *                     needed for this operation.
- * @param[in] data_len Length data application had provided for the operation.
- * 
+ * @param[in] handle   Identifies the module and block for the callback that is received.
+ * @param[in] op_code  Identifies the operation for the event that is notified.
+ * @param[in] result   Identifies the result of a flash access operation. NRF_SUCCESS implies 
+ *                     operation succeeded.
+ *
+ *                     @note Unmanaged (abnormal behaviour) error codes from the SoftDevice flash 
+ *                     access API are forwarded as is and are expected to be handled by the 
+ *                     application. For details refer to the implementation file and corresponding 
+ *                     SoftDevice flash API documentation.
+ *                     
+ * @param[in] p_data   Identifies the application data pointer. For a store operation, this points 
+ *                     to the resident source of application memory that the application can now 
+ *                     free or reuse. When there is a clear operation, this is NULL since no 
+ *                     application pointer is needed for this operation.
+ * @param[in] data_len Length data the application provided for the operation. 
-typedef void (*pstorage_ntf_cb_t)(pstorage_handle_t *  p_handle,
-                                  uint8_t              op_code,
-                                  uint32_t             result,
-                                  uint8_t *            p_data,
-                                  uint32_t             data_len);
+typedef void (*pstorage_ntf_cb_t)(pstorage_handle_t * p_handle,
+                                  uint8_t             op_code,
+                                  uint32_t            result,
+                                  uint8_t *           p_data,
+                                  uint32_t            data_len);
+/**@brief Struct containing module registration context. */
 typedef struct
-    pstorage_ntf_cb_t cb;             /**< Callback registered with the module to be notified of any error occurring in persistent memory management */
-    pstorage_size_t   block_size;     /**< Desired block size for persistent memory storage, for example, if a module has a table with 10 entries, each entry is size 64 bytes,
-                                       *   it can request 10 blocks with block size 64 bytes. On the other hand, the module can also request one block of size 640 based on
-                                       *   how it would like to access or alter memory in persistent memory.
-                                       *   First option is preferred when single entries that need to be updated often when having no impact on the other entries.
-                                       *   While second option is preferred when entries of table are not changed on individually but have common point of loading and storing
+    pstorage_ntf_cb_t cb;             /**< Persistent storage operation completion callback function @ref pstorage_ntf_cb_t.  */
+    pstorage_size_t   block_size;     /**< Desired block size for persistent memory storage. For example, if a module has a table with 10 entries, and each entry is 64 bytes in size,
+                                       *   it can request 10 blocks with a block size of 64 bytes. The module can also request one block that is 640 bytes depending 
+                                       *   on how it would like to access or alter the memory in persistent memory.
+                                       *   The first option is preferred when it is a single entry that needs to be updated often and doesn't impact the other entries.
+                                       *   The second option is preferred when table entries are not changed individually but have a common point of loading and storing
                                        *   data. */
-    pstorage_size_t   block_count;    /** Number of blocks requested by the module, minimum values is 1. */
+    pstorage_size_t   block_count;    /** Number of blocks requested by the module; minimum values is 1. */
 } pstorage_module_param_t;
 /**@} */
 /**@defgroup pstorage_routines Persistent Storage Access Routines
  * @{
- * @brief Functions/Interface SDK modules use to persistently store data.
+ * @brief Functions/Interface SDK modules used to persistently store data.
- * @details Interface for Application & SDK module to load/store information persistently.
- *          Note: that while implementation of each of the persistent storage access function
- *          depends on the system and can specific to system/solution, the signature of the
+ * @details Interface for the Application and SDK modules to load/store information persistently.
+ *          Note: While implementation of each of the persistent storage access functions
+ *          depends on the system and is specific to system/solution, the signature of the
  *          interface routines should not be altered.
-/**@brief Module Initialization Routine.
+/**@brief Function for initializing the module.
- * @details Initializes module. To be called once before any other APIs of the module are used.
+ * @details Function for initializing the module. This function is called once before any other APIs 
+ *          of the module are used.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success.
 uint32_t pstorage_init(void);
-/**@brief Register with persistent storage interface.
+/**@brief Function for registering with persistent storage interface.
- * @param[in]  p_module_param Module registration param.
- * @param[out] p_block_id     Block identifier to identify persistent memory blocks in case 
- *                            registration succeeds. Application is expected to use the block ids 
+ * @param[in]  p_module_param Module registration parameter.
+ * @param[out] p_block_id     Block identifier to identify persistent memory blocks when 
+ *                            registration succeeds. Application is expected to use the block IDs 
  *                            for subsequent operations on requested persistent memory. Maximum 
- *                            registrations permitted is determined by configuration parameter 
- *                            PSTORAGE_MAX_APPLICATIONS. 
- *             In case more than one memory blocks are requested, the identifier provided here is
- *             the base identifier for the first block and to identify subsequent block,
- *             application shall use \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with this base identifier
- *             and block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 64 are requested and application
- *             wishes to store memory in 6th block, it shall use
- *             \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with based id and provide a block number of 5.
- *             This way application is only expected to remember the base block identifier.
+ *                            registrations permitted is determined by the configuration of the 
+ *                            parameter PSTORAGE_NUM_OF_PAGES. If more than one memory block is 
+ *                            requested, the identifier provided here is the base identifier for the 
+ *                            first block and used to identify the subsequent block. The application 
+ *                            uses \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with this base identifier and 
+ *                            block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 64 are requested and the 
+ *                            application wishes to store memory in the 6th block, it shall use
+ *                            \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with the base ID and provide a 
+ *                            block number of 5. This way the application is only expected to 
+ *                            remember the base block identifier.
- * @note       To register an area with a total size (block count * block size) larger than the
- *             page size (usually 1024 bytes), the block size must be a divisor of the page size 
- *             (page size % block size == 0).
- *
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case no more registrations can be supported.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. Additional registrations can't be 
+ *                                     supported.
 uint32_t pstorage_register(pstorage_module_param_t * p_module_param,
                            pstorage_handle_t *       p_block_id);
- * @brief Function to get block id with reference to base block identifier provided at time of
- *        registration.
+/**@brief Function for getting block ID with reference to base block identifier provided at the time 
+ *        of registration.
- * @details Function to get block id with reference to base block identifier provided at time of
- *          registration.
- *          In case more than one memory blocks were requested when registering, the identifier
- *          provided here is the base identifier for the first block and to identify subsequent
- *          block, application shall use this routine to get block identifier providing input as
- *          base identifier and block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 64 are requested and
- *          application wishes to store memory in 6th block, it shall use
- *          \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with based id and provide a block number of 5.
- *          This way application is only expected to remember the base block identifier.
+ * @details Function to get the block ID with reference to base block identifier provided at the 
+ *          time of registration.
+ *          If more than one memory block was requested when registering, the identifier provided 
+ *          here is the base identifier for the first block which is used to identify subsequent
+ *          blocks. The application shall use this routine to get the block identifier, providing 
+ *          input as base identifier and block number. Therefore, if 10 blocks of size 64 are 
+ *          requested and the application wishes to store memory in the 6th block, it shall use
+ *          \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with the base ID and provide a block number of 5.
+ *          This way the application is only expected to remember the base block identifier.
- * @param[in]  p_base_id  Base block id received at the time of registration.
+ * @param[in]  p_base_id  Base block ID received at the time of registration.
  * @param[in]  block_num  Block Number, with first block numbered zero.
- * @param[out] p_block_id Block identifier for the block number requested in case the API succeeds.
+ * @param[out] p_block_id Block identifier for the block number requested when the API succeeds.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
 uint32_t pstorage_block_identifier_get(pstorage_handle_t * p_base_id,
                                        pstorage_size_t     block_num,
                                        pstorage_handle_t * p_block_id);
-/**@brief Routine to persistently store data of length 'size' contained in 'p_src' address
- *        in storage module at 'p_dest' address; Equivalent to Storage Write.
+/**@brief Function for persistently storing data of length 'size' contained in the 'p_src' address
+ *        in the storage module at 'p_dest' address. Equivalent to Storage Write.
  * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where data is to be stored persistently.
  * @param[in]  p_src  Source address containing data to be stored. API assumes this to be resident
- *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API.
- * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Should be word aligned.
+ *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API. Must be word 
+ *                    aligned.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Must be word aligned and size + 
+ *                    offset must be <= block size.                      
  * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when writing to the block.
- *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, application wishes to
- *                    write 20 bytes at offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
- *                    Should be word aligned.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    write 20 bytes at an offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
+ *                    Must be word aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_src' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
- * @warning    No copy of the data is made, and hence memory provided for data source to be written
- *             to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
- *             is complete. End of this procedure is notified to the application using the
+ * @warning    No copy of the data is made, meaning memory provided for the data source that is to 
+ *             be written to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
+ *             is complete. The application is notified when the procedure is finished using the
  *             notification callback registered by the application.
 uint32_t pstorage_store(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest,
@@ -220,28 +219,30 @@
                         pstorage_size_t     size,
                         pstorage_size_t     offset);
-/**@brief Routine to update persistently stored data of length 'size' contained in 'p_src' address
- *        in storage module at 'p_dest' address.
+/**@brief Function for updating persistently stored data of length 'size' contained in the 'p_src' 
+ *        address in the storage module at 'p_dest' address.
  * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where data is to be updated.
  * @param[in]  p_src  Source address containing data to be stored. API assumes this to be resident
  *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API.
- * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Should be word aligned.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Must be word aligned and size + 
+ *                    offset must be <= block size.
  * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when writing to the block.
- *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, application wishes to
- *                    write 20 bytes at offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
- *                    Should be word aligned.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    write 20 bytes at an offset of 12 bytes, then this field should be set to 12.
+ *                    Must be word aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_src' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
- * @warning    No copy of the data is made, and hence memory provided for data source to be written
- *             to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
- *             is complete. End of this procedure is notified to the application using the
+ * @warning    No copy of the data is made, meaning memory provided for the data source that is to 
+ *             be written to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
+ *             is complete. The application is notified when the procedure is finished using the
  *             notification callback registered by the application.
 uint32_t pstorage_update(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest,
@@ -249,68 +250,150 @@
                          pstorage_size_t     size,
                          pstorage_size_t     offset);
-/**@brief Routine to load persistently stored data of length 'size' from 'p_src' address
- *        to 'p_dest' address; Equivalent to Storage Read.
+/**@brief Function for loading persistently stored data of length 'size' from 'p_src' address
+ *        to 'p_dest' address. Equivalent to Storage Read.
  * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where persistently stored data is to be loaded.
- * @param[in]  p_src  Source from where data is to be loaded from persistent memory.
+ * @param[in]  p_src  Source where data is loaded from persistent memory.
  * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be loaded from persistent memory expressed in bytes.
  *                    Should be word aligned.
- * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when loading from the block.
- *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, application wishes to
- *                    load 20 bytes from offset of 12, then this field should be set to 12.
+ * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes, to be applied when loading from the block.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    load 20 bytes from offset of 12 bytes, then this field should be set to 12.
  *                    Should be word aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_dst' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
 uint32_t pstorage_load(uint8_t *           p_dest,
                        pstorage_handle_t * p_src,
                        pstorage_size_t     size,
                        pstorage_size_t     offset);
-/**@brief Routine to clear data in persistent memory.
+/**@brief Function for clearing data in persistent memory.
- * @param[in]  p_base_id Base block identifier in persistent memory that needs to cleared;
- *                       Equivalent to an Erase Operation.
- *
+ * @param[in]  p_base_id Base block identifier in persistent memory that needs to be cleared;
+ *                       equivalent to an Erase Operation.
  * @param[in]  size      Size of data to be cleared from persistent memory expressed in bytes.
  *                       This parameter is to provision for clearing of certain blocks
  *                       of memory, or all memory blocks in a registered module. If the total size 
  *                       of the application module is used (blocks * block size) in combination with
  *                       the identifier for the first block in the module, all blocks in the 
- *                       module will be erased.
+ *                       module will be erased. Must be multiple of block size.
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM if invalid parameters are passed to the API.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  in case data address 'p_dst' is not aligned.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        in case request cannot be processed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
  * @note       Clear operations may take time. This API however, does not block until the clear
- *             procedure is complete. Application is notified of procedure completion using
- *             notification callback registered by the application. 'result' parameter of the
- *             callback suggests if the procedure was successful or not.
+ *             procedure is complete. The application is notified of procedure completion using
+ *             a notification callback registered by the application. The 'result' parameter of the
+ *             callback indicates if the procedure was successful or not.
 uint32_t pstorage_clear(pstorage_handle_t * p_base_id, pstorage_size_t size);
- * @brief API to get status of number of pending operations with the module.
+/**@brief Function for getting the number of pending operations with the module.
+ *
+ * @param[out] p_count Number of storage operations pending with the module. If 0, there are no 
+ *                     outstanding requests.
- * @param[out] p_count Number of storage operations pending with the module, if 0,
- *                     there are no outstanding requests.
- *
- * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             on success, else an error code indicating reason for failure.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE is returned is API is called without module initialization.
- * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          if NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
 uint32_t pstorage_access_status_get(uint32_t * p_count);
+/**@brief Function for registering with the persistent storage interface.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  p_module_param Module registration parameter.
+ * @param[out] p_block_id     Block identifier used to identify persistent memory blocks upon 
+ *                            successful registration. The application is expected to use the block 
+ *                            IDs for subsequent operations on requested persistent memory. When 
+ *                            more than one memory block is requested, this identifier is the base 
+ *                            identifier for the first block and used to identify subsequent blocks. 
+ *                            The application shall use \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with 
+ *                            this base identifier and block number. Therefore if 10 blocks of size 
+ *                            64 are requested and the application wishes to store memory in the 6th 
+ *                            block, it shall use \@ref pstorage_block_identifier_get with the base 
+ *                            ID and provide a block number of 5. Therefore, the application is only 
+ *                            expected to remember the base block identifier.
+ *
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
+ */
+uint32_t pstorage_raw_register(pstorage_module_param_t * p_module_param,
+                               pstorage_handle_t *       p_block_id);
+/**@brief Function for persistently storing data of length 'size' contained in 'p_src' address in 
+ *        storage module at 'p_dest' address. Equivalent to Storage Write.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  p_dest Destination address where data is to be stored persistently.
+ * @param[in]  p_src  Source address containing data to be stored. The API assumes this is resident
+ *                    memory and no intermediate copy of data is made by the API. Must be word 
+ *                    aligned.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be stored expressed in bytes. Must be word aligned.
+ * @param[in]  offset Offset in bytes to be applied when writing to the block.
+ *                    For example, if within a block of 100 bytes, the application wishes to
+ *                    write 20 bytes at an offset of 12 bytes, this field should be set to 12.
+ *                    Must be word aligned.
+ *
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_ADDR  Operation failure. Parameter is not aligned.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
+ *
+ * @warning    No copy of the data is made, meaning memory provided for data source that is to be 
+ *             written to flash cannot be freed or reused by the application until this procedure
+ *             is complete. The application is notified when the procedure is finished using the
+ *             notification callback registered by the application.
+ */
+uint32_t pstorage_raw_store(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest,
+                            uint8_t *           p_src,
+                            pstorage_size_t     size,
+                            pstorage_size_t     offset);
+/**@brief Function for clearing data in persistent memory in raw mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]  p_dest Base block identifier in persistent memory that needs to be cleared.
+ *                    Equivalent to an Erase Operation.
+ * @param[in]  size   Size of data to be cleared from persistent memory expressed in bytes. 
+ *                    Not used.
+ *
+ * @retval     NRF_SUCCESS             Operation success. 
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_STATE Operation failure. API is called without module 
+ *                                     initialization.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NULL          Operation failure. NULL parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_INVALID_PARAM Operation failure. Invalid parameter has been passed.
+ * @retval     NRF_ERROR_NO_MEM        Operation failure. No storage space available.
+ *
+ * @note       Clear operations may take time. This API, however, does not block until the clear
+ *             procedure is complete. The application is notified of procedure completion using
+ *             a notification callback registered by the application. The 'result' parameter of the
+ *             callback indicates if the procedure was successful or not.
+ */
+uint32_t pstorage_raw_clear(pstorage_handle_t * p_dest, pstorage_size_t size);
 /**@} */
 /**@} */