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Table of Contents

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Lab

This wiki page is dedicated to FTF 2014 mbed Hands-On Workshop.


1. Registration - Sign up on mbed or login. Use html file on MSD drive in your computer once board enumerates. Or visit mbed login link here
2. Add board to your supported platform. board platform page
3. Get familiar with the online compiler,


All Labs completed exercises will be shared upon request or after the class. Import will be carried out in the same window!

Lab 1 - Hello world (20 minutes)

  • Input/Output and Serial
    • Import : Lab1
    • Challenge 1: Change a text on the console based on the button pressed (SW2 and SW3).
    • Challenge 2 : Change the LED color (use 2 separate objects) depending on the button pressed.
    • Challenge 3: Change baudrate to 115200. Echo 5 characters which are typed on the terminal application as soon as SW3 is pressed.
  • Useful links

Link to the completed Lab 1:

Lab 2 - Interrupts and timer (25 minutes)

  • Interrupts and timer
    • Import : Lab2
    • Challenge 1: Add timer to toogle LED1 every 2 seconds. By pressing SW2 button, invoke a function which changes timers frequency as follows: each button press should lower the frequency by 100ms, starting from 2000ms down to 500ms and wraps again to 2000ms - interal <0.5, 2.0>.
  • Useful links

Link to the completed Lab 2:

Lab 3 - USB functionality (30 minutes)

  • USB Keyboard/Mouse
    • Import : Lab3
    • Challenge 1: Draw a simple house in a paint program using USBMouse.
    • Challenge 2 (optional): Firstly, open two notepads (split screen or just next to each other) on PC. Using USBMouseKeyboard, insert a different text to each notepad window. Every second line should use only capital letters in the notepad on the right side. A hint (to go to the end of file - CTRL+End on windows machines).
  • Useful links

Link to the completed Lab 3:

Lab 4 - SD card (40 minutes)

  • SD card with the file system.
    • Import : Lab4
    • Challenge 1: Create 2 folders with names test1 and test2. In each folder, create one file (1.txt in test1, 2.txt in test2). List all directories. Then move 2.txt from test2 to test1 folder, remove test2 and list directories on sd card.
  • Useful links

Link to the completed Lab 4:

Lab 5 - mbed RTOS (30 minutes)

  • The introduction to mbed RTOS.
    • Import : Lab5
    • Challenge 1: Add new thread which will wait for a signal. The signal will be set from the SW2 interrupt (pressed button = fall). In the main thread, print how many times was sw2 pressed in the last 5 seconds.
  • Useful links

Link to the completed Lab 5:

Feeling for more? Ask us for more labs.

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