Modified version of the mbed library for use with the Nucleo boards.

Dependents:   EEPROMWrite Full-Project

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official



File content as of revision 584:7c5a5136e412:

 * Filename:    crc.c
 * Description: Slow and fast implementations of the CRC standards.
 * Notes:       The parameters for each supported CRC standard are
 *				defined in the header file crc.h.  The implementations
 *				here should stand up to further additions to that list.
 * Copyright (c) 2000 by Michael Barr.  This software is placed into
 * the public domain and may be used for any purpose.  However, this
 * notice must not be changed or removed and no warranty is either
 * expressed or implied by its publication or distribution.
#include "crc.h"

 * Derive parameters from the standard-specific parameters in crc.h.
#define WIDTH    (8 * sizeof(crc))
#define TOPBIT   (1 << (WIDTH - 1))

#define REFLECT_DATA(X)			((unsigned char) reflect((X), 8))
#define REFLECT_DATA(X)			(X)

#define REFLECT_REMAINDER(X)	((crc) reflect((X), WIDTH))

 * Function:    reflect()
 * Description: Reorder the bits of a binary sequence, by reflecting
 *				them about the middle position.
 * Notes:		No checking is done that nBits <= 32.
 * Returns:		The reflection of the original data.
static unsigned long
reflect(unsigned long data, unsigned char nBits)
	unsigned long  reflection = 0x00000000;
	unsigned char  bit;

	 * Reflect the data about the center bit.
	for (bit = 0; bit < nBits; ++bit)
		 * If the LSB bit is set, set the reflection of it.
		if (data & 0x01)
			reflection |= (1 << ((nBits - 1) - bit));

		data = (data >> 1);

	return (reflection);

}	/* reflect() */

 * Function:    crcSlow()
 * Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
 * Notes:		
 * Returns:		The CRC of the message.
crcSlow(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
    crc            remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
	int            byte;
	unsigned char  bit;

     * Perform modulo-2 division, a byte at a time.
    for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
         * Bring the next byte into the remainder.
        remainder ^= (REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) << (WIDTH - 8));

         * Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
        for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
             * Try to divide the current data bit.
            if (remainder & TOPBIT)
                remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
                remainder = (remainder << 1);

     * The final remainder is the CRC result.
    return (REFLECT_REMAINDER(remainder) ^ FINAL_XOR_VALUE);

}   /* crcSlow() */

crc  crcTable[256];

 * Function:    crcInit()
 * Description: Populate the partial CRC lookup table.
 * Notes:		This function must be rerun any time the CRC standard
 *				is changed.  If desired, it can be run "offline" and
 *				the table results stored in an embedded system's ROM.
 * Returns:		None defined.
    crc			   remainder;
	int			   dividend;
	unsigned char  bit;

     * Compute the remainder of each possible dividend.
    for (dividend = 0; dividend < 256; ++dividend)
         * Start with the dividend followed by zeros.
        remainder = dividend << (WIDTH - 8);

         * Perform modulo-2 division, a bit at a time.
        for (bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit)
             * Try to divide the current data bit.
            if (remainder & TOPBIT)
                remainder = (remainder << 1) ^ POLYNOMIAL;
                remainder = (remainder << 1);

         * Store the result into the table.
        crcTable[dividend] = remainder;

}   /* crcInit() */

 * Function:    crcFast()
 * Description: Compute the CRC of a given message.
 * Notes:		crcInit() must be called first.
 * Returns:		The CRC of the message.
crcFast(unsigned char const message[], int nBytes)
    crc	           remainder = INITIAL_REMAINDER;
    unsigned char  data;
	int            byte;

     * Divide the message by the polynomial, a byte at a time.
    for (byte = 0; byte < nBytes; ++byte)
        data = REFLECT_DATA(message[byte]) ^ (remainder >> (WIDTH - 8));
  		remainder = crcTable[data] ^ (remainder << 8);

     * The final remainder is the CRC.
    return (REFLECT_REMAINDER(remainder) ^ FINAL_XOR_VALUE);

}   /* crcFast() */