This demonstrates how to update the WiFi modules firmware using the WiConnect host library.

Dependencies:   WiConnect mbed



File content as of revision 0:3c12b186f186:

 * @example ota/example.cpp
 * This is an example of using the wiconnect API to update
 * the wifi module's internal firmware to the latest version.
 * It works as follows:
 * 1. Instantiate the WiConnect Library
 * 2. Initiate Communication with WiFi Module
 * 3. Set the network credentials
 * 4. Call the 'updateFirmware' wiconnect API and wait for the update to complete (takes ~60s)
 * 5. That's it!

 * Example Variables

// This is the name of your WiFi network
// Look for this name in your WiFi settings
// (e.g. your phone's list of WiFi networks in the WiFi settings menu)
// tip: add double-quotes around SSID to add spaces to name

// This is the password of your WiFi network
// Leave as empty string (e.g "") to connect to OPEN network

 * Includes

// include C library headers
#include <stdio.h> // needed for printf

// include target specific defines
#include "target_config.h"
// include the Wiconnect Host Library API header
#include "Wiconnect.h"

 * Global Defines

// Serial used for printfs to terminal (i.e. NOT used for WiConnect)
static Serial consoleSerial(STDIO_UART_TX, STDIO_UART_RX);

 * Starting point of application
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    WiconnectResult result;
    consoleSerial.baud(115200); // console terminal to 115200 baud

    // STEP 1: Instantiate WiConnect Library

    // Setup  wiconnect serial interface configuration
    // Here we only specify the rx buffer size and not rx buffer pointer, this means
    // The serial RX buffer will be dynamically allocated
    SerialConfig serialConfig(WICONNECT_RX_PIN, WICONNECT_TX_PIN, 256, NULL);

    // Instantiate the Wiconnect library
    // Here we only specify the buffer size and not buffer pointer, this means
    // The internal buffer will be dynamically allocated
    Wiconnect wiconnect(serialConfig, 256, NULL, WICONNECT_RESET_PIN);

    // STEP 2: Initiate Communication with WiFi Module

    printf("Initializing WiConnect Library...\r\n");

    // Initialize communication with WiFi module
    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.init(true)))
        // if the error is that the firmware is out-dated, then continue, else stop
            printf("Failed to initialize communication with WiFi module!\r\n"
                    "Make sure the wires are connected correctly\r\n");
            for(;;); // infinite loop

    // STEP 3: Set the network credentials
    // Note: We manually set the network parameters to ensure SDK backward compatibility

    printf("Setting network SSID: %s\r\n", NETWORK_SSID);
    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.setSetting("wlan.ssid", NETWORK_SSID)))
        printf("Failed to set wlan.ssid setting\r\n");
        for(;;); // infinite loop
    printf("Setting network password\r\n");
    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.setSetting("wlan.passkey", NETWORK_PASSWORD)))
        printf("Failed to set wlan.passkey setting\r\n");
        for(;;); // infinite loop

    printf("Saving settings to Non-volatile Memory\r\n");
    if(WICONNECT_FAILED(result, wiconnect.saveSettings()))
        printf("Failed save settings\r\n");
        for(;;); // infinite loop
    // STEP 4: Update the module's firmware, this takes about 60s

    printf("Updating WiFi module's internal firmware to latest (note this can take up to 60s)\r\n");

    if(wiconnect.updateFirmware() != WICONNECT_SUCCESS)
        printf("Failed to update the module's firmware\r\n");
        for(;;); // infinite loop

    // STEP 5: Done!

    printf("Version: %s\r\n", wiconnect.getResponseBuffer());

    while(true){} // infinite loop