Host library for controlling a WiConnect enabled Wi-Fi module.

Dependents:   wiconnect-ota_example wiconnect-web_setup_example wiconnect-test-console wiconnect-tcp_server_example ... more



File content as of revision 11:ea484e1b7fc4:

 * Copyright 2014, ACKme Networks
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * the contents of this file may not be disclosed to third parties, copied
 * or duplicated in any form, in whole or in part, without the prior
 * written permission of ACKme Networks.

#pragma once

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdarg.h>

#include "sdk.h"

 * @namespace wiconnect
 * @brief The entire Wiconnect Library is contained within the 'wiconnect' namespace
namespace wiconnect {

#ifndef MIN
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def MIN(x,y)
 * @brief Computes the minimum of \a x and \a y.
#define MIN(x,y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#ifndef MAX
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def MAX(x,y)
 * @brief Computes the maximum of \a x and \a y.
#define MAX(x,y)  ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def ALIGN_n(x, n)
 * @brief Align \a x to \a n bytes (\a n must be power of 2)
#define ALIGN_n(x, n) ((((uint32_t)x) + ((n)-1)) & ~((n)-1))
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def ALIGN_8(x)
 * @brief Align \a x to 8 bytes
#define ALIGN_8(x) ALIGN_n(x, 8)
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def ALIGN_4(x)
 * @brief Align \a x to 4 bytes
#define ALIGN_4(x) ALIGN_n(x, 4)
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def ARRAY_COUNT(x)
 * @brief Return number of elements in static array \a x
#define ARRAY_COUNT(x) (sizeof (x) / sizeof *(x))

 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def WICONNECT_FAILED(result, func)
 * @brief Populates \a result with return value from \a func, returns TRUE if return value contains error.
#define WICONNECT_FAILED(result, func) ((int)(result = (func)) < (int)wiconnect::WICONNECT_SUCCESS)

 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @def WICONNECT_SUCCEEDED(result, func)
 * @brief Populates \a result with return value from \a func, returns TRUE if return value is WICONNECT_SUCCESS.
#define WICONNECT_SUCCEEDED(result, func) ((result = (func)) == wiconnect::WICONNECT_SUCCESS)

 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @brief The maximum command size that may be sent to the WiConnect WiFi module
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @brief The maximum WiConnect WiFi module version string size
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @brief The maximum number of simulanteous opened sockets
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @brief The maximum server string length
 * @ingroup api_core_macro
 * @brief The maximum Wiconnect Module flash filesystem filename length

 * @ingroup api_socket_macro
 * @brief Default which indicates to use the most optimal port
#define SOCKET_ANY_PORT (uint16_t)0
 * @ingroup api_socket_macro
 * @brief Default which indicates to use the most optimal port
#define SOCKET_INVALID_HANDLE ((uint8_t)0xFF)

 * @ingroup types_core
 * @brief API Result code
typedef enum
    // Status Codes
    WICONNECT_ABORTED               = 3,    ///< Command was aborted
    WICONNECT_IDLE                  = 2,    ///< Library not processing any commands
    WICONNECT_PROCESSING            = 1,    ///< Library processing current command
    WICONNECT_SUCCESS               = 0,    ///< Command successfully completed

    // Error codes
    WICONNECT_ERROR                 = -1,   ///< Generic error
    WICONNECT_CMD_RESPONSE_ERROR    = -2,   ///< Module returned error code
    WICONNECT_NULL_BUFFER           = -3,   ///< Null buffer supplied
    WICONNECT_NOT_INITIALIZED       = -4,   ///< Library not initialed
    WICONNECT_OVERFLOW              = -5,   ///< Buffer overflowed
    WICONNECT_TIMEOUT               = -6,   ///< Command timed out
    WICONNECT_RESPONSE_PARSE_ERROR  = -8,   ///< Failed to parse module response
    WICONNECT_ANOTHER_CMD_EXECUTING = -9,   ///< Currently executing another command
    WICONNECT_BAD_ARG               = -10,  ///< Bad argument supplied
    WICONNECT_UNSUPPORTED           = -11,  ///< Command / parameter not supported
    WICONNECT_PINNAME_TO_GPIO_MAPPER_NULL = -12,    ///< The pinToGpioMapper hasn't been set
    WICONNECT_DUPLICATE             = -13,  ///< Duplicate value
    WICONNECT_NOT_FOUND             = -14,  ///< Not found
    WICONNECT_PINNAME_TO_GPIO_NO_MAPPING = -15, ///< No mapping found for given pin
    WICONNECT_NOT_CONNECTED         = -16,  ///< Not connected
    WICONNECT_UNDERFLOW             = -17,  ///< Data underflow
    WICONNECT_MONITOR_NOT_AVAILABLE = -18,  ///< Background processing monitor is not available (i.e in use)
    WICONNECT_NOT_OPENED_FOR_READING = -19, ///< The file is not open for reading
} WiconnectResult;

 * @ingroup types_core
 * @brief Function pointer for mapping from a host pin to a WiConnect Module GPIO.
 * @param[in] pin A host pin
 * @return The corresponding WiConnect Module GPIO (which the given pin is physically connected).
 *         Return -1 if no mapping is available.
typedef int8_t (*PinToGpioMapper)(Pin pin);

 * @ingroup types_core
 * @brief Generic buffer type
typedef struct
    int size;
    uint8_t *buffer;
    uint8_t *ptr;
    int bytesPending;
    bool allocated;
} Buffer;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Network connection status
typedef enum
    NETWORK_STATUS_DOWN,            ///< Not connected to network
    NETWORK_STATUS_WIFI_ONLY,       ///< Connected to network but don't have IP address
    NETWORK_STATUS_UP               ///< Conntected to network and have IP address
} NetworkStatus;

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Network RSSI signal level
typedef enum
    NETWORK_RSSI_EXCELLENT              = 0,    ///< \> -20 dBm
    NETWORK_RSSI_VERY_GOOD              = 1,    ///< \> -35 dBm
    NETWORK_RSSI_GOOD                   = 2,    ///< \> -50 dBm
    NETWORK_RSSI_POOR                   = 3,    ///< \> -70 dBm
    NETWORK_RSSI_VERY_POOR              = 4,    ///< < -71 dBm
    NETWORK_RSSI_UNKNOWN                = 5     ///< Not available
} NetworkSignalStrength;

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Network security type
typedef enum
} NetworkSecurity;

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Network SSID type
typedef struct
    uint8_t val[32];        ///< The raw data of the SSID (not necessarily a string)
    uint8_t len;            ///< The length in bytes of the SSID raw data
} Ssid;

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Network MAC Address type
typedef struct
    uint8_t octet[6];
} MacAddress;

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Buffer to hold a MAC address string
typedef char MacAddressStrBuffer[18];

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Buffer to hold a SSID string
typedef char SsidStrBuffer[129];

 * @ingroup types_network
 * @brief Buffer to hold an IP address string
typedef char IpStrBuffer[18];

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @ingroup types_socket
 * @brief Socket type
typedef enum
    SOCKET_TYPE_UNKNOWN,    ///< Socket type not known
    SOCKET_TYPE_TCP,        ///< TCP Socket type
    SOCKET_TYPE_TLS,        ///< TLS Socket type
    SOCKET_TYPE_UDP,        ///< UDP Socket type
    SOCKET_TYPE_HTTP,       ///< HTTP Socket type
} SocketType;

 * @ingroup types_socket
 * @brief HTTP Socket sub-type
typedef enum
    SOCKET_HTTP_GET,        ///< HTTP GET Request socket type
    SOCKET_HTTP_POST,       ///< HTTP POST Request socket type
    SOCKET_HTTP_HEAD,       ///< HTTP HEAD Request socket type
} HttpSocketType;

 * @ingroup types_socket
 * @brief Struct for hold HTTP socket configuration
typedef struct
    const char *contextType;    ///< A POST Request 'context-type' value
    const char *certName;       ///< TLS certificate filename on module flash file system
    bool openOnly;              ///< Only open the connection, don't issue the request yet
    HttpSocketType type;        ///< The type of HTTP connection
} HttpSocketArgs;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * @ingroup types_file
 * @brief File flags type
typedef enum
    FILE_FLAG_NONE          = 0,            ///< No flags

    FILE_FLAG_VALID         = (1 << 0),     ///< File valid
    FILE_FLAG_EXECUTABLE    = (1 << 1),     ///< File executable
    FILE_FLAG_ENCRYPTED     = (1 << 2),     ///< File encrypted
    FILE_FLAG_INTERNAL      = (1 << 3),     ///< File on internal module flash
    FILE_FLAG_BOOTABLE      = (1 << 4),     ///< File bootable
    FILE_FLAG_USER          = (1 << 5),     ///< File created by user
    FILE_FLAG_ESSENTIAL     = (1 << 6),     ///< File is essential

    FILE_FLAG_INVALID       = 0xFFFF        ///< File flags invalid
} FileFlags;

 * @ingroup types_file
 * @brief File type type
typedef enum
    FILE_TYPE_UPGRADE_APP   = 0x00,         ///< Internal upgrade application
    FILE_TYPE_WIFI_FW       = 0x01,         ///< Wifi firmware binary

    FILE_TYPE_REGULAR_APP   = 0x81,         ///< Regular application

    FILE_TYPE_USER_RANGE_START = 150,       ///< User type start index
    FILE_TYPE_USER_RANGE_END = 199,         ///< User type end index

    FILE_TYPE_TEMPORY       = 0xF9,         ///< Temporary file
    FILE_TYPE_GPIO_CONFIG   = 0xFA,         ///< GPIO configuration file
    FILE_TYPE_COMMAND_HELP  = 0xFB,         ///< WiConnect command help file
    FILE_TYPE_SDC_CAPS      = 0xFC,         ///< SDC / file
    FILE_TYPE_SETUP_SCRIPT  = 0xFD,         ///< Setup script file
    FILE_TYPE_MISC_FIX_LEN  = 0xFE,         ///< Miscellaneous fixed length file
    FILE_TYPE_UNKNOWN       = 0xFF,         ///< Unknown file type
} FileType;

// Forward declarations

class Wiconnect;
class TimeoutTimer;
class PeriodicTimer;
class QueuedCommand;
class CommandQueue;
class LogFunc;
class ReaderFunc;
class Callback;
class ScanResult;
class ScanResultList;
class Socket;
class WiconnectSerial;
class File;
class FileList;
class Gpio;
class SocketIrqHandlerMap;
