9 years, 1 month ago.

Images on mbed.org are not loading fully?

I noticed some pages on mbed.org have images that are not completely loaded and only the first half of the image is visible, sometimes the lower half is green.

Is anyone else seeing this issue? Who can fix this?

example: https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/FRDM-K22F/

The first time I loaded this page only the top half of the images were visible, and then after multiple page refreshes the images loaded fully: https://developer.mbed.org/questions/6796/How-to-use-light-sensor-on-FRDM-K22F/ . Sometimes the lower half is black or maroon.

I use IE and have tried Chrome and Firefox with the same results.

Same here btw.

posted by Erik - 04 May 2015

I noticed today also, was going to report. Thanks!

posted by Martin Kojtal 04 May 2015

I just sent an email to support@mbed.org

posted by -deleted- 04 May 2015


posted by Martin Kojtal 04 May 2015

Looks like the issue is resolved now :-)

posted by -deleted- 04 May 2015
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