7 years, 7 months ago.

Seeing RTC error: RTC initialization failed on new mDot modules

Can anyone tell me what the error RTC error: RTC initialization failed means and how to get rid of it. This occurs after flashing new firmware to a brand new mDot and has happened on at least 3 brand new mDots now. This is not version specific as it happens with the latest libmDot and previous release.

The exact same code runs correctly on an older mDot purchased at a different time.

Do I have a bad batch or is this fixable?



Question relating to:

The MultiConnect® mDot™ offers significantly longer range and improved radio performance compared to traditional wireless solutions—resulting in greater transmission range and reduced capital expense.


Do you still see the error if you completely remove power from the mDot after flashing?



posted by Mike Fiore 27 Sep 2016

Yes. mDots have been powered off, back on, still same message when it starts to access the mDot library. Repeated this on 3 mDots. I have another 11 to try but holding off in case there is some other issue.

I'll give them another try later to double check.


posted by Andrew Lindsay 27 Sep 2016

Retried all this with the same mDots which now worked and the rest of my mDots, giving a total of 15. All now work. Thanks for your help Mike.


posted by Andrew Lindsay 28 Sep 2016
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