9 years, 2 months ago.

How much is our cost to develop products by mbed

Dear All, Im a new at mbed., we want to develop a product by mbed lpc1768 board ; but Im not sure that for designing final product we need the Mbed Interface IC or not, or how much we should pay for any product to can use mbed library (USB and Ethernet) on it. thank you

1 Answer

9 years, 2 months ago.

The mbed interface IC of the LPC1768 isn't sold, partially because it is not used anymore for new designs. Code for an alternative is available, I believe it runs on a LPC11u35 standard, so that would need to be added to your LPC1768 design if you want drag and drop programming.

Mbed libraries are free to use, also for commercial use.

Accepted Answer