10 years, 5 months ago.

Are there Ethernet code examples for the LPC4088QS ?

I'm looking for the basics, DHCP and fixed IP, NTP, Link up/down/speed detect, etc.



3 Answers

10 years, 5 months ago.

https://mbed.org/users/javidombla/code/DOMOTICA/ Hello I used the same code for this project I did earlier with LPC1768 and everything worked fine. But now as I discuss in a previous post does not work. I hope it is resolved. Now I'm running a bin to create a month or so ago. I hope you serve. a Greeting

10 years, 4 months ago.

Most of the Ethernet code which is available for the LPC1768 mbed should also work for LPC4088 QSB.

I haven't tested all libraries and examples that exist, but as long as standard interfaces (such as EthernetInterface) are used it should work.

Andreas @ Embedded Artists


posted by Javier Dominguez Blanco 07 Jan 2014

I'm having a very difficult time with the LPC4088 board and ethernet. I am using the TCPSocketHelloWorld example and the ethernet i/f can only send, not receive. When I examined the incoming packets they were being discarded because of these errors: EMAC_RINFO_SYM_ERR and EMAC_RINFO_CRC_ERR. I have set the i/f to use DHCP so I can see the DHCP Discover packet go out but it never is able to process the DHCP offer because it is dropped. I have come across one article that mentioned that you have to turn off some Analogue settings in the IOCON registers for pin P1.17. I have tried it and it had no effect. I can't see this as a problem anyways since according to the User Manual when you program for a function that function drives the pin and not the other capabilities of the pin.

I hope you are having more success.

posted by John Dowd 02 Jun 2014
Kevin Braun
10 years, 4 months ago.

Thanks Andreas,

I have port Ethernet to the LPC1768 many times.

The main issue still applies to EthernetInterface, mbed-rtos gets compiler errors. Until that is fixed, EthernetInterface and PicoTCP are useless. I don't want to go back to EthernetNetIf.



Looks like the issue above just got fixed with the latest mbed-src.lib released about 2 hours ago. mbed-rtos now compiles without errors and it appears to work.

Now, it appears that EthernetInterface does not try to get a DHCP address after initialization. Wireshark sees no Ethernet packets leaving the LPC4088.


posted by Kevin Braun 07 Jan 2014

This is most likely related to a problem reported about a month ago (see post below). I have described a workaround. We have also submitted a fix, but it seems as it hasn't been made available in the online compiler.

I just tested the Hello World - HTTPClient application and it worked. I updated all libraries in that application to the latest and then changed the mbed library to revision 70.

If you want to use the latest mbed library you can also modify MEM_SIZE in lwipopts.h as described in the post.


posted by EmbeddedArtists AB 08 Jan 2014

The mbed team just updated the EthernetInterface library with the fix. If you update to latest EthernetInterface library you can also use latest mbed library

posted by EmbeddedArtists AB 08 Jan 2014

Thanks again Andreas,

Peeling back the onion more further, now NTPClient freezes the first time a legitimate NTP server is found.

As can be seen in the capture below, there are 3 NTP requests. The first 2 NTP servers do not exist and thus, timeout. The 3rd NTP server is valid. After access to the valid NTP server, the LPC4088 freezes.



posted by Kevin Braun 08 Jan 2014