
A recording thermometer
Some random libraries I've found on the web and might be useful. Most of them care about memory usage and calculation time. ini, JSON, slre, xml
Serial interfacing to the uCam camera camera, imaging, Serial, ucam
Want to make your mbed aware of where a twitter user is? This Yahoo Pipe will drastically reduce the amount of work your mbed has to do to get the … geotag, twitter, yahoo pipes
A simple hex viewer for printf debugging of binary data. debug, hexview, stdout
A dedicated application for your mbed compiler, with tweaks to make everything a little simpler. compiler, mac os, ssb
A serial class with interrupt-driven read buffering and read timeouts, for more reliable high-speed reading. buffering, Serial
How to set up the lwip HTTPClient and HTTPServer class. Some useful informations and some small examples. Furthermore the progress, known bugs and known workarounds. ethernet, http, HTTPClient, HTTPServer, lwip
Programming practices
7 segement LED pin assignment
This is an experiment to make a software input debouncer class that is a drop-in replacement for DigitalIn DebouncedIn, debouncing, Input, switch
This is my final project for my digital virtual environments class. guitar, playstation, second life, SPI