
Simple communications with any of Sparkfun's SerLCD devices LCD, Serial
Where to find and how to add mbed-related events dates, events, shows
A simple library for controlling the cursor position and colour on a serial terminal emulator. ANSI, escape, Serial, Terminal, VT100
OLED Driver for the Densitron DD-160128FC-1A using the Syncoam SEPS525F driver chip
Supports DS18B20 and DS18S20 Maxim/Dallas one-wire thermometer devices, plus general 1-wire library port. DS18B20, DS18S20, One Wire
Quick way to set-up parasitic power for your DS18B20 or DS18S20 1-wire thermometer. One Wire, Parasitic
Table driven Finite State Machine library based on the Harel state machine, supporting actions on transitions, state entry and state exit. Finite State Machine, State Machine
Handy way to add debug trace to serial or file, with the option to easily turn it off. debug log, debug trace
Code to interface mbed to a Nokia 3310 LCD using the Nokia 3310 LCD shield from nuelectronics. Includes joystick interface and demo. LCD, Nokia, SPI
How to use WiiNunchuckReader and its hardware setup. I2C, nunchuck, Wii
Simple implementation of pong using the mbed, lcd and two analog inputs mpong, pong
Small program to flash the 4 LEDs in a sequence similar to a Cylon robot. battlestar, Cylon, LEDS, sequence